dnq-faq 2.0.0 (unreleased) thh@thh.name: * More HTTPS URLs, add default URLs for FAQs in d.n.i/d.a.i dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre8 (2024-05-26) thh@thh.name: * Some more URLs point to the Wayback Machine. * Git repository has changed. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre7 (2023-08-09) thh@thh.name: * Change all piology.org URLs to Wayback Machine. * More HTTPS URLs. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre6 (2021-06-18) thh@thh.name: * Update URLs (test FAQ). * Update maintainer of de-usenet/server-list. * Remove albasani.net, fix typo. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre5 (2020-08-23) thh@thh.name: * Change maintainer address. thh@inter.net: * More HTTPS URLs. * New maintainer, new URL for newsreader FAQ. * Fix some URLs. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre4 (2018-07-27) thh@inter.net: * HTTPS fuer code.th-h.de * More HTTPS URLs. * URLs und FAQ-Maintainer aktualisiert. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre3 (2017-05-01) thh@inter.net: * URLs aktualisiert. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre2 (2011-12-06) thh@inter.net: * Überarbeitung Fragen 1-4, 17-18, 20. * Überarbeitung Fragen 5-16, 19. dnq-faq 2.0.0-pre1 (2011-10-07) thh@inter.net: * Anpassung URL, Maintainer. 25.8@bluemail.ch: * Kleinere Aktualisierungen. - Tote URLs entfernt / ersetzt. - Mentoren entfernt. - DE-Regio hinzugefuegt. - 'Reply' und 'followup' erlaeutert.