# Copyright Jean-Samuel Reynaud <js.reynaud@free.fr>
# Licenced under GPL v2
# We use this script to produce graph with munin for dns requests
# Thanks for Benjamin Pineau for perl cleaning and correction in non root
# running
# modified for bind 9.5 by -thh 2009-04-15
# Magic markers
#%# family=auto
#%# capabilities=autoconf

use strict;
use warnings;

# change those to reflect your bind configuration
# stat file
my $stat_file = "/var/log/named/stats";
# rndc path
my $rndc = "/usr/sbin/rndc";

my $lst = { "success" => 1,
            "referral" => 1,
            "nxrrset" => 1,
            "nxdomain" => 1,
            "recursion" => 1,
            "failure" => 1};

#my $domain = $0;
#$domain =~ s/^.*bind_([\w\d\._\-]*)$/$1/;
my $domain = '';

# Parse the statistic file
sub parseFile {
    my $dom = shift @_;
    open(IN,"<$stat_file") or die "Can't open $stat_file : $!";

    while (<IN>) {
        s/^ *//; 
        my ($count,@type) = split(/ /,$_);
        my $type = join(' ',@type);
        #$zone = defined($zone) ? $zone : "";
        #if ($zone eq $dom) {
        #    if (defined $lst->{$type}) {
        #        # only keep the latest occurence for each value
        #        $lst->{$type} = $count;
        #    }
        if ($type=~/successful answer/) {
            $lst->{'success'} = $count;
        } elsif ($type=~/FIXME/) {
            $lst->{'referral'} = $count;
        } elsif ($type=~/nxrrset/) {
            $lst->{'nxrrset'} = $count;
        } elsif ($type=~/resulted in NXDOMAIN/i) {
            $lst->{'nxdomain'} = $count;
        } elsif ($type=~/recursion/) {
            $lst->{'recursion'} = $count;
        } elsif ($type=~/failures/) {
            $lst->{'failure'} = $count;

    printf "%s.value %u\n", $_, $lst->{$_} foreach (keys %$lst);

# Config mode
if ( defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
    printf "graph_title Dns requests %s\n",($domain eq "" ? "all domains":$domain);
    printf "graph_vlabel requests/s\n";
    printf "graph_category network\n";
    printf "graph_info This graph display dns requests for   %s\n",($domain eq "" ? "all domains":$domain);
    printf "success.label Success\n";
    printf "success.type COUNTER\n";

    printf "referral.label Referral\n";
    printf "referral.type COUNTER\n";

    printf "nxrrset.label Nx RR set\n";
    printf "nxrrset.type COUNTER\n";

    printf "nxdomain.label NX domain\n";
    printf "nxdomain.type COUNTER\n";

    printf "recursion.label Recursion\n";
    printf "recursion.type COUNTER\n";

    printf "failure.label Failure\n";
    printf "failure.type COUNTER\n";

    exit 0;

if ( defined($ARGV[0]) && $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
    if (! -f $stat_file) {
        printf "Unable to file bind stat file on %s",$stat_file;
        exit 1;
    if (! -f $rndc) {
        printf "Unable to file rndc tool (configured : %s)",$rndc;
        exit 1;
    exit 0;

# Remove old stat file
unlink ($stat_file);
# Ask to bind to build new one
`$rndc stats`;
# Parse the stat file and return result