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#! /usr/bin/perl
# This script will get statistical data on newgroup usage
# from a database.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
use strict;
use warnings;
use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT :TimePeriods :Output :SQLHelper ReadGroupList);
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my ($OptBoundType,$OptCaptions,$OptCheckgroupsFile,$OptComments,
GetOptions ('b|boundary=s' => \$OptBoundType,
'c|captions!' => \$OptCaptions,
'checkgroups=s' => \$OptCheckgroupsFile,
'comments!' => \$OptComments,
'filetemplate=s' => \$OptFileTemplate,
'f|format=s' => \$OptFormat,
'g|group-by=s' => \$OptGroupBy,
'groupsdb=s' => \$OptGroupsDB,
'l|lower=i' => \$LowBound,
'm|month=s' => \$OptMonth,
'n|newsgroups=s' => \$OptNewsgroups,
'o|order-by=s' => \$OptOrderBy,
'r|report=s' => \$OptReportType,
's|sums!' => \$OptSums,
'u|upper=i' => \$UppBound,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
# parse parameters
# $OptComments defaults to TRUE
$OptComments = 1 if (!defined($OptComments));
# force --nocomments when --filetemplate is used
$OptComments = 0 if ($OptFileTemplate);
# parse $OptBoundType
if ($OptBoundType) {
if ($OptBoundType =~ /level/i) {
$OptBoundType = 'level';
} elsif ($OptBoundType =~ /av(era)?ge?/i) {
$OptBoundType = 'average';
} elsif ($OptBoundType =~ /sums?/i) {
$OptBoundType = 'sum';
} else {
$OptBoundType = 'default';
# parse $OptReportType
if ($OptReportType) {
if ($OptReportType =~ /av(era)?ge?/i) {
$OptReportType = 'average';
} elsif ($OptReportType =~ /sums?/i) {
$OptReportType = 'sum';
} else {
$OptReportType = 'default';
# honor $OptCheckgroupsFile,
# warn for $OptSums if set concurrently
my $ValidGroups;
if ($OptCheckgroupsFile) {
# read list of newsgroups from --checkgroups
# into a hash reference
$ValidGroups = &ReadGroupList($OptCheckgroupsFile);
&Bleat(1,"--sums option can't possibly work with --checkgroups option set")
if $OptSums;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableGrps'} = $OptGroupsDB if $OptGroupsDB;
### init database
my $DBHandle = InitDB(\%Conf,1);
### get time period and newsgroups, prepare SQL 'WHERE' clause
# get time period
# and set caption for output and expression for SQL 'WHERE' clause
my ($CaptionPeriod,$SQLWherePeriod) = &GetTimePeriod($OptMonth);
# bail out if --month is invalid
&Bleat(2,"--month option has an invalid format - ".
"please use 'YYYY-MM', 'YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM' or 'ALL'!") if !$CaptionPeriod;
# get list of newsgroups and set expression for SQL 'WHERE' clause
# with placeholders as well as a list of newsgroup to bind to them
my ($SQLWhereNewsgroups,@SQLBindNewsgroups);
if ($OptNewsgroups) {
($SQLWhereNewsgroups,@SQLBindNewsgroups) = &SQLGroupList($OptNewsgroups);
# bail out if --newsgroups is invalid
&Bleat(2,"--newsgroups option has an invalid format!")
if !$SQLWhereNewsgroups;
### build SQL WHERE clause (and HAVING clause, if needed)
my ($SQLWhereClause,$SQLHavingClause);
# $OptBoundType 'level'
if ($OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default') {
$SQLWhereClause = SQLBuildClause('where',$SQLWherePeriod,
$SQLHavingClause = SQLBuildClause('having',&SQLSetBounds($OptBoundType,
# $OptBoundType 'threshold' / 'default' or none
} else {
$SQLWhereClause = SQLBuildClause('where',$SQLWherePeriod,
### get sort order and build SQL 'ORDER BY' clause
# default to 'newsgroup' for $OptBoundType 'level' or 'average'
$OptGroupBy = 'newsgroup' if (!$OptGroupBy and
$OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default');
# force to 'month' for $OptReportType 'average' or 'sum'
$OptGroupBy = 'month' if ($OptReportType and $OptReportType ne 'default');
# parse $OptGroupBy to $GroupBy, create ORDER BY clause $SQLOrderClause
my ($GroupBy,$SQLOrderClause) = SQLSortOrder($OptGroupBy, $OptOrderBy);
# $GroupBy will contain 'month' or 'newsgroup' (parsed result of $OptGroupBy)
# set it to 'month' or 'key' for OutputData()
$GroupBy = ($GroupBy eq 'month') ? 'month' : 'key';
### get report type and build SQL 'SELECT' query
my $SQLSelect;
my $SQLGroupClause = '';
my $Precision = 0; # number of digits right of decimal point for output
if ($OptReportType and $OptReportType ne 'default') {
$SQLGroupClause = 'GROUP BY newsgroup';
# change $SQLOrderClause: replace everything before 'postings'
$SQLOrderClause =~ s/BY.+postings/BY postings/;
if ($OptReportType eq 'average') {
$SQLSelect = "'All months',newsgroup,AVG(postings)";
$Precision = 2;
# change $SQLOrderClause: replace 'postings' with 'AVG(postings)'
$SQLOrderClause =~ s/postings/AVG(postings)/;
} elsif ($OptReportType eq 'sum') {
$SQLSelect = "'All months',newsgroup,SUM(postings)";
# change $SQLOrderClause: replace 'postings' with 'SUM(postings)'
$SQLOrderClause =~ s/postings/SUM(postings)/;
} else {
$SQLSelect = 'month,newsgroup,postings';
### get length of longest newsgroup name delivered by query
### for formatting purposes
my $Field = ($GroupBy eq 'month') ? 'newsgroup' : 'month';
my ($MaxLength,$MaxValLength) = &GetMaxLength($DBHandle,$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},
### build and execute SQL query
my ($DBQuery);
# special query preparation for $OptBoundType 'level', 'average' or 'sums'
if ($OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default') {
# prepare and execute first query:
# get list of newsgroups meeting level conditions
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf('SELECT newsgroup FROM %s.%s %s '.
'GROUP BY newsgroup %s',
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't get groups data for %s from %s.%s: %s\n",
# add newsgroups to a comma-seperated list ready for IN(...) query
my $GroupList;
while (my ($Newsgroup) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
$GroupList .= ',' if $GroupList;
$GroupList .= "'$Newsgroup'";
# enhance $WhereClause
if ($GroupList) {
$SQLWhereClause = SQLBuildClause('where',$SQLWhereClause,
sprintf('newsgroup IN (%s)',$GroupList));
} else {
# condition cannot be satisfied;
# force query to fail by adding '0=1'
$SQLWhereClause = SQLBuildClause('where',$SQLWhereClause,'0=1');
# prepare query
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf('SELECT %s FROM %s.%s %s %s %s',
# execute query
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't get groups data for %s from %s.%s: %s\n",
### output results
# set default to 'pretty'
$OptFormat = 'pretty' if !$OptFormat;
# print captions if --caption is set
if ($OptCaptions && $OptComments) {
# print time period with report type
my $CaptionReportType= '(number of postings for each month)';
if ($OptReportType and $OptReportType ne 'default') {
$CaptionReportType= '(average number of postings for each month)'
if $OptReportType eq 'average';
$CaptionReportType= '(number of all postings for that time period)'
if $OptReportType eq 'sum';
printf("# ----- Report for %s %s\n",$CaptionPeriod,$CaptionReportType);
# print newsgroup list if --newsgroups is set
printf("# ----- Newsgroups: %s\n",join(',',split(/:/,$OptNewsgroups)))
if $OptNewsgroups;
# print boundaries, if set
my $CaptionBoundary= '(counting only month fulfilling this condition)';
if ($OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default') {
$CaptionBoundary= '(every single month)' if $OptBoundType eq 'level';
$CaptionBoundary= '(on average)' if $OptBoundType eq 'average';
$CaptionBoundary= '(all month summed up)' if $OptBoundType eq 'sum';
printf("# ----- Threshold: %s %s x %s %s %s\n",
$LowBound ? $LowBound : '',$LowBound ? '=>' : '',
$UppBound ? '<=' : '',$UppBound ? $UppBound : '',$CaptionBoundary)
if ($LowBound or $UppBound);
# print primary and secondary sort order
printf("# ----- Grouped by %s (%s), sorted %s%s\n",
($GroupBy eq 'month') ? 'Months' : 'Newsgroups',
($OptGroupBy and $OptGroupBy =~ /-?desc$/i) ? 'descending' : 'ascending',
($OptOrderBy and $OptOrderBy =~ /posting/i) ? 'by number of postings ' : '',
($OptOrderBy and $OptOrderBy =~ /-?desc$/i) ? 'descending' : 'ascending');
# output data
$OptCheckgroupsFile ? $ValidGroups : '',
### close handles
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
groupstats - create reports on newsgroup usage
B<groupstats> [B<-Vhcs> B<--comments>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM>[:I<YYYY-MM>] | I<all>] [B<-n> I<newsgroup(s)>] [B<--checkgroups> I<checkgroups file>] [B<-r> I<report type>] [B<-l> I<lower boundary>] [B<-u> I<upper boundary>] [B<-b> I<boundary type>] [B<-g> I<group by>] [B<-o> I<order by>] [B<-f> I<output format>] [B<--filetemplate> I<filename template>] [B<--groupsdb> I<database table>] [--conffile I<filename>]
See L<doc/README>.
This script create reports on newsgroup usage (number of postings per
group per month) taken from result tables created by
=head2 Features and options
=head3 Time period and newsgroups
The time period to act on defaults to last month; you can assign another
time period or a single month (or drop all time constraints) via the
B<--month> option (see below).
B<groupstats> will process all newsgroups by default; you can limit
processing to only some newsgroups by supplying a list of those groups via
B<--newsgroups> option (see below). You can include hierarchy levels in
the output by adding the B<--sums> switch (see below). Optionally
newsgroups not present in a checkgroups file can be excluded from output,
sse B<--checkgroups> below.
=head3 Report type
You can choose between different B<--report> types: postings per month,
average postings per month or all postings summed up; for details, see
=head3 Upper and lower boundaries
Furthermore you can set an upper and/or lower boundary to exclude some
results from output via the B<--lower> and B<--upper> options,
respectively. By default, all newsgroups with more and/or less postings
per month will be excluded from the result set (i.e. not shown and not
considered for average and sum reports). You can change the meaning of
those boundaries with the B<--boundary> option. For details, please see
=head3 Sorting and formatting the output
By default, all results are grouped by month; you can group results by
newsgroup instead via the B<--groupy-by> option. Within those groups, the
list of newsgroups (or months) is sorted alphabetically (or
chronologically, respectively) ascending. You can change that order (and
sort by number of postings) with the B<--order-by> option. For details and
exceptions, please see below.
The results will be formatted as a kind of table; you can change the
output format to a simple list or just a list of newsgroups and number of
postings with the B<--format> option. Captions will be added by means of
the B<--caption> option; all comments (and captions) can be supressed by
using B<--nocomments>.
Last but not least you can redirect all output to a number of files, e.g.
one for each month, by submitting the B<--filetemplate> option, see below.
Captions and comments are automatically disabled in this case.
=head2 Configuration
B<groupstats> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf>
which should be present in the same directory via Config::Auto.
See doc/INSTALL for an overview of possible configuration options.
You can override some configuration options via the B<--groupsdb> option.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-V>, B<--version>
Print out version and copyright information and exit.
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Print this man page and exit.
=item B<-m>, B<--month> I<YYYY-MM[:YYYY-MM]|all>
Set processing period to a single month in YYYY-MM format or to a time
period between two month in YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM format (two month, separated
by a colon). By using the keyword I<all> instead, you can set no
processing period to process the whole database.
=item B<-n>, B<--newsgroups> I<newsgroup(s)>
Limit processing to a certain set of newsgroups. I<newsgroup(s)> can
be a single newsgroup name (de.alt.test), a newsgroup hierarchy
(de.alt.*) or a list of either of these, separated by colons, for
=item B<-s>, B<--sums|--nosums> (sum per hierarchy level)
Include "virtual" groups for every hierarchy level in output, for
de.alt.ALL 10
de.alt.test 5
de.alt.admin 7
See the B<gatherstats> man page for details.
This option does not work together with the B<--checkgroups> option as
all "virtual" groups will not be present in the checkgroups file.
=item B<--checkgroups> I<filename>
Restrict output to those newgroups present in a file in checkgroups format
(one newgroup name per line; everything after the first whitespace on each
line is ignored). All other newsgroups will be removed from output.
Contrary to B<gatherstats>, I<filename> is not a template, but refers to
a single file in checkgroups format.
The B<--sums> option will not work together with this option as "virtual"
groups will not be present in the checkgroups file.
=item B<-r>, B<--report> I<default|average|sums>
Choose the report type: I<default>, I<average> or I<sums>
By default, B<groupstats> will report the number of postings for each
newsgroup in each month. But it can also report the average number of
postings per group for all months or the total sum of postings per group
for all months.
For report types I<average> and I<sums>, the B<group-by> option has no
meaning and will be silently ignored (see below).
=item B<-l>, B<--lower> I<lower boundary>
Set the lower boundary. See B<--boundary> below.
=item B<-l>, B<--upper> I<upper boundary>
Set the upper boundary. See B<--boundary> below.
=item B<-b>, B<--boundary> I<boundary type>
Set the boundary type to one of I<default>, I<level>, I<average> or
By default, all newsgroups with more postings per month than the upper
boundary and/or less postings per month than the lower boundary will be
excluded from further processing. For the default report that means each
month only newsgroups with a number of postings between the boundaries
will be displayed. For the other report types, newsgroups with a number of
postings exceeding the boundaries in all (!) months will not be
For example, lets take a list of newsgroups like this:
----- 2012-01:
de.comp.datenbanken.misc 6 84
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
----- 2012-02:
de.comp.datenbanken.misc 8 126
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
----- 2012-03:
de.comp.datenbanken.misc 24 83
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 36
With C<groupstats --month 2012-01:2012-03 --lower 25 --report sums>,
you'll get the following result:
----- All months: 293
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 124
de.comp.datenbanken.misc has not been considered even though it has 38
postings in total, because it has less than 25 postings in every single
month. If you want to list all newsgroups with more than 25 postings
I<in total>, you'll have to set the boundary type to I<sum>, see below.
A boundary type of I<level> will show only those newsgroups - at all -
that satisfy the boundaries in each and every single month. With the above
list of newsgroups and
C<groupstats --month 2012-01:2012-03 --lower 25 --boundary level --report sums>,
you'll get this result:
----- All months: 293
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql has not been considered because it had less than
25 postings in 2012-02 (only).
You can use that to get a list of newsgroups that have more (or less) then
x postings in every month during the whole reporting period.
A boundary type of I<average> will show only those newsgroups - at all -that
satisfy the boundaries on average. With the above list of newsgroups and
C<groupstats --month 2012-01:2012-03 --lower 25 --boundary avg --report sums>,
you'll get this result:
----- All months: 293
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 145
The average number of postings in the three groups is:
de.comp.datenbanken.misc 12.67 97.67
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 48.33
Last but not least, a boundary type of I<sums> will show only those
newsgroups - at all - that satisfy the boundaries with the total sum of
all postings during the reporting period. With the above list of
newsgroups and
C<groupstats --month 2012-01:2012-03 --lower 25 --boundary sum --report sums>,
you'll finally get this result:
----- All months:
de.comp.datenbanken.misc 38 293
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 145
=item B<-g>, B<--group-by> I<month[-desc]|newsgroups[-desc]>
By default, all results are grouped by month, sorted chronologically in
ascending order, like this:
----- 2012-01: 84
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
----- 2012-02: 126
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
The results can be grouped by newsgroups instead via
B<--group-by> I<newsgroup>:
2012-01 84
2012-02 126
----- de.comp.datenbanken.mysql:
2012-01 88
2012-02 21
By appending I<-desc> to the group-by option parameter, you can reverse
the sort order - e.g. B<--group-by> I<month-desc> will give:
----- 2012-02: 126
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
----- 2012-01: 84
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
Average and sums reports (see above) will always be grouped by months;
this option will therefore be ignored.
=item B<-o>, B<--order-by> I<default[-desc]|postings[-desc]>
Within each group (a single month or single newsgroup, see above), the
report will be sorted by newsgroup names in ascending alphabetical order
by default. You can change the sort order to descending or sort by number
of postings instead.
=item B<-f>, B<--format> I<pretty|list|dump>
Select the output format, I<pretty> being the default:
----- 2012-01: 84
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
----- 2012-02: 126
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
I<list> format looks like this:
2012-01 84
2012-01 de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
2012-02 126
2012-02 de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
And I<dump> format looks like this:
# 2012-01: 84
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 88
# 2012-02: 126
de.comp.datenbanken.mysql 21
You can remove the comments by using B<--nocomments>, see below.
=item B<-c>, B<--captions|--nocaptions>
Add captions to output, like this:
----- Report for 2012-01 to 2012-02 (number of postings for each month)
----- Newsgroups: de.comp.datenbanken.*
----- Threshold: 10 => x <= 20 (on average)
----- Grouped by Newsgroups (ascending), sorted by number of postings descending
False by default.
=item B<--comments|--nocomments>
Add comments (group headers) to I<dump> and I<pretty> output. True by default.
Use I<--nocomments> to suppress anything except newsgroup names/months and
numbers of postings. This is enforced when using B<--filetemplate>, see below.
=item B<--filetemplate> I<filename template>
Save output to file(s) instead of dumping it to STDOUT. B<groupstats> will
create one file for each month (or each newsgroup, accordant to the
setting of B<--group-by>, see above), with filenames composed by adding
year and month (or newsgroup names) to the I<filename template>, for
example with B<--filetemplate> I<stats>:
... and so on
B<--nocomments> is enforced, see above.
=item B<--groupsdb> I<database table>
Override I<DBTableGrps> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
See L<doc/INSTALL>.
Show number of postings per group for lasth month in I<pretty> format:
Show that report for January of 2010 and de.alt.* plus de.test,
including display of hierarchy levels:
groupstats --month 2010-01 --newsgroups de.alt.*:de.test --sums
Only show newsgroups with 30 postings or less last month, ordered
by number of postings, descending, in I<pretty> format:
groupstats --upper 30 --order-by postings-desc
Show the total of all postings for the year of 2010 for all groups that
had 30 postings or less in every single month in that year, ordered by
number of postings in descending order:
groupstats -m 2010-01:2010-12 -u 30 -b level -r sums -o postings-desc
The same for the average number of postings in the year of 2010:
groupstats -m 2010-01:2010-12 -u 30 -b level -r avg -o postings-desc
List number of postings per group for eacht month of 2010 and redirect
output to one file for each month, namend stats-2010-01 and so on, in
machine-readable form (without formatting):
groupstats -m 2010-01:2010-12 -f dump --filetemplate stats
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author or use the
bug tracker at L<>!
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item -
=item -
=item -
gatherstats -h
This script is part of the B<NewsStats> package.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.