Compare commits


No commits in common. "pu" and "master" have entirely different histories.
pu ... master

10 changed files with 162 additions and 721 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

View file

@ -49,24 +49,20 @@ require Exporter;
Output => [qw(OutputData FormatOutput)],
SQLHelper => [qw(SQLHierarchies SQLSortOrder SQLGroupList
SQLSetBounds SQLBuildClause GetMaxLength)]);
$VERSION = '0.02';
our $PackageVersion = '0.02';
$VERSION = '0.01';
our $PackageVersion = '0.01';
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use Config::Auto;
use DBI;
#####-------------------------------- Vars --------------------------------#####
# save $0 in $FullPath
# trim the path
our $FullPath = $0;
# strip filename and /bin or /install directory to create the $HomePath
our $HomePath = dirname(realpath($0));
$HomePath =~ s/\/(bin|install)//;
# trim $0
our $HomePath = dirname($0);
$0 =~ s%.*/%%;
# set version string
our $MyVersion = "$0 $::VERSION ( $VERSION)";
@ -80,7 +76,7 @@ sub ShowVersion {
### display version and exit
print "NewsStats v$PackageVersion\n$MyVersion\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <thh\>\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <thh\>\n";
print "This program is free software; you may redistribute it ".
"and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.\n";
@ -103,11 +99,9 @@ sub ReadConfig {
### IN : $ConfFile: config filename
### OUT: reference to a hash containing the configuration
my ($ConfFile) = @_;
# set default
$ConfFile = $HomePath . '/etc/newsstats.conf' if !$ConfFile;
# mandatory configuration options
my @Mandatory = ('DBDriver','DBHost','DBUser','DBPw','DBDatabase',
# read config via Config::Auto
my $ConfR = Config::Auto::parse($ConfFile, format => 'equal');
my %Conf = %{$ConfR};
@ -244,7 +238,7 @@ sub ReadGroupList {
### ignoring everything after the first whitespace and so accepting files
### in checkgroups format as well as (parts of) an INN active file)
### IN : $Filename : file to read
### OUT: \%ValidGroups: reference to a hash containing all valid newsgroups
### OUT: \%ValidGroups: hash containing all valid newsgroups
my ($Filename) = @_;
my %ValidGroups;
open (my $LIST,"<$Filename") or &Bleat(2,"Cannot read $Filename: $!");
@ -265,39 +259,33 @@ sub ReadGroupList {
sub GetTimePeriod {
### get a time period to act on from --month / --day option;
### if empty, default to last month / day
### IN : $Period: may be empty, 'YYYY-MM(-DD)', 'YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD)'
### or 'all'
### $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### get a time period to act on from --month option;
### if empty, default to last month
### IN : $Month: may be empty, 'YYYY-MM', 'YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM' or 'all'
### OUT: $Verbal,$SQL: verbal description and WHERE-clause
### of the chosen time period
my ($Period,$Type) = @_;
my ($Month) = @_;
# define result variables
my ($Verbal, $SQL);
# check $Type
$Type = 'month' if (!$Type or ($Type ne 'month' and $Type ne 'day'));
# define a regular expressions for a month or day
my $REPeriod = '\d{4}-\d{2}';
$REPeriod .= '-\d{2}' if ($Type eq 'day');
# define a regular expression for a month
my $REMonth = '\d{4}-\d{2}';
# default to last month / day if option is not set
if(!$Period) {
$Period = &LastMonthDay($Type);
# default to last month if option is not set
if(!$Month) {
$Month = &LastMonth;
# check for valid input
if ($Period =~ /^$REPeriod$/) {
# single month/day [YYYY-MM(-DD)]
($Period) = &CheckPeriod($Type,$Period);
$Verbal = $Period;
$SQL = sprintf("%s = '%s'",$Type,$Period);
} elsif ($Period =~ /^$REPeriod:$REPeriod$/) {
# time period [YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD)]
$Verbal = sprintf('%s to %s',&SplitPeriod($Period,$Type));
$SQL = sprintf("%s BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'",$Type,
} elsif ($Period =~ /^all$/i) {
if ($Month =~ /^$REMonth$/) {
# single month (YYYY-MM)
($Month) = &CheckMonth($Month);
$Verbal = $Month;
$SQL = sprintf("month = '%s'",$Month);
} elsif ($Month =~ /^$REMonth:$REMonth$/) {
# time period (YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM)
$Verbal = sprintf('%s to %s',&SplitPeriod($Month));
$SQL = sprintf("month BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'",&SplitPeriod($Month));
} elsif ($Month =~ /^all$/i) {
# special case: ALL
$Verbal = 'all time';
$SQL = '';
@ -310,82 +298,58 @@ sub GetTimePeriod {
sub LastMonthDay {
sub LastMonth {
### get last month/day from todays date in YYYY-MM format
### IN : $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### OUT: last month/day as YYYY-MM(-DD)
my ($Type) = @_;
my ($Day,$Month,$Year);
if ($Type eq 'day') {
# get yesterdays's date
(undef,undef,undef,$Day,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time-86400);
# $Month is defined from 0 to 11, so add 1
} else {
# get today's date (month and year)
(undef,undef,undef,undef,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time);
# $Month is already defined from 0 to 11, so no need to decrease it by 1
if ($Month < 1) {
$Month = 12;
### get last month from todays date in YYYY-MM format
### OUT: last month as YYYY-MM
# get today's date
my (undef,undef,undef,undef,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time);
# $Month is already defined from 0 to 11, so no need to decrease it by 1
$Year += 1900;
# return last month / day
if ($Type eq 'day') {
return sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02d',$Year,$Month,$Day);
} else {
return sprintf('%4d-%02d',$Year,$Month);
if ($Month < 1) {
$Month = 12;
# return last month
return sprintf('%4d-%02d',$Year,$Month);
sub CheckPeriod {
sub CheckMonth {
### check if input (in YYYY-MM(-DD) form) is a valid month / day;
### check if input (in YYYY-MM form) is valid with MM between 01 and 12;
### otherwise, fix it
### IN : $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### @Period: array of month/day
### OUT: @Period: a valid month/day
my ($Type,@Period) = @_;
foreach my $Period (@Period) {
my ($OldPeriod) = $Period;
my ($CalMonth,$CalDay);
$Period .= '-01' if ($Type eq 'month');
$CalDay = substr ($Period, -2);
$CalMonth = substr ($Period, 5, 2);
if ($CalMonth < 1 or $CalMonth > 12 or $CalDay < 1 or $CalDay > 31) {
### IN : @Month: array of month
### OUT: @Month: a valid month
my (@Month) = @_;
foreach my $Month (@Month) {
my ($OldMonth) = $Month;
my ($CalMonth) = substr ($Month, -2);
if ($CalMonth < 1 or $CalMonth > 12) {
$CalMonth = '12' if $CalMonth > 12;
$CalMonth = '01' if $CalMonth < 1;
substr($Period, 5, 2) = $CalMonth;
$CalDay = '01' if $CalDay < 1;
$CalDay = '31' if $CalDay > 31;
# FIXME! - month with less than 31 days ...
substr($Period, -2) = $CalDay;
&Bleat(1,sprintf("'%s' is an invalid date, set to '%s'.",
substr($Month, -2) = $CalMonth;
&Bleat(1,sprintf("'%s' is an invalid date (MM must be between '01' ".
"and '12'), set to '%s'.",$OldMonth,$Month));
$Period = substr($Period,0,7) if ($Type eq 'month');
return @Period;
return @Month;
sub SplitPeriod {
### split a time period denoted by YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD) into start and end
### split a time period denoted by YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM into start and end month
### IN : $Period: time period
### $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### OUT: $StartTime, $EndTime
my ($Period,$Type) = @_;
my ($StartTime, $EndTime) = split /:/, $Period;
($StartTime,$EndTime) = CheckPeriod($Type,$StartTime,$EndTime);
### OUT: $StartMonth, $EndMonth
my ($Period) = @_;
my ($StartMonth, $EndMonth) = split /:/, $Period;
($StartMonth,$EndMonth) = CheckMonth($StartMonth,$EndMonth);
# switch parameters as necessary
if ($EndTime gt $StartTime) {
return ($StartTime, $EndTime);
if ($EndMonth gt $StartMonth) {
return ($StartMonth, $EndMonth);
} else {
return ($EndTime, $StartTime);
return ($EndMonth, $StartMonth);
@ -806,3 +770,5 @@ sub CheckValidNewsgroups {
#####------------------------------- done ---------------------------------#####

View file

@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/perl
# This script will parse a database with raw header information
# from a INN feed to a structured database.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
use strict;
use warnings;
use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT :TimePeriods :SQLHelper);
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
use Encode qw/decode/;
use Mail::Address;
################################# Definitions ##################################
# define header names with separate database fields
my %DBFields = ('date' => 'date',
'references' => 'refs',
'followup-to' => 'fupto',
'from' => 'from_',
'sender' => 'sender',
'reply-to' => 'replyto',
'subject' => 'subject',
'organization' => 'organization',
'lines' => 'linecount',
'approved' => 'approved',
'supersedes' => 'supersedes',
'expires' => 'expires',
'user-agent' => 'useragent',
'x-newsreader' => 'xnewsreader',
'x-mailer' => 'xmailer',
'x-no-archive' => 'xnoarchive',
'content-type' => 'contenttype',
'content-transfer-encoding' => 'contentencoding',
'cancel-lock' => 'cancellock',
'injection-info' => 'injectioninfo',
'x-trace' => 'xtrace',
'nntp-posting-host' => 'postinghost');
# define field list for database
my @DBFields = qw/day mid refs date path newsgroups fupto from_ from_parsed
from_name from_address sender sender_parsed sender_name
sender_address replyto replyto_parsed replyto_name
replyto_address subject subject_parsed organization linecount
approved supersedes expires useragent xnewsreader xmailer
xnoarchive contenttype contentencoding cancellock injectioninfo
xtrace postinghost headers disregard/;
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my ($OptDay,$OptDebug,$OptParseDB,$OptRawDB,$OptTest,$OptConfFile);
GetOptions ('d|day=s' => \$OptDay,
'debug!' => \$OptDebug,
'parsedb=s' => \$OptParseDB,
'rawdb=s' => \$OptRawDB,
't|test!' => \$OptTest,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableRaw'} = $OptRawDB if $OptRawDB;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableParse'} = $OptParseDB if $OptParseDB;
### get time period
### and set $Period for output and expression for SQL 'WHERE' clause
my ($Period,$SQLWherePeriod) = &GetTimePeriod($OptDay,'day');
# bail out if --month is invalid or "all"
&Bleat(2,"--day option has an invalid format - please use 'YYYY-MM-DD' or ".
"'YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD'!") if (!$Period or $Period eq 'all time');
### init database
my $DBHandle = InitDB(\%Conf,1);
### get & write data
&Bleat(1,'Test mode. Database is not updated.') if $OptTest;
# create $SQLWhereClause
my $SQLWhereClause = SQLBuildClause('where',$SQLWherePeriod,'NOT disregard');
# delete old data for current period
if (!$OptTest) {
print "----------- Deleting old data ... -----------\n" if $OptDebug;
my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->do(sprintf("DELETE FROM %s.%s %s",
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't delete old parsed data for %s from %s.%s: ".
# read from DBTableRaw
print "-------------- Reading data ... -------------\n" if $OptDebug;
my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT id, day, mid, peer, path, ".
"newsgroups, headers, disregard ".
"FROM %s.%s %s", $Conf{'DBDatabase'},
$Conf{'DBTableRaw'}, $SQLWhereClause));
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't get data for %s from %s.%s: ".
# set output and database connection to UTF-8
# as we're going to write decoded header contents containing UTF-8 chars
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
$DBHandle->do("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
# create a list of supported encondings
my %LegalEncodings;
foreach (Encode->encodings()) {
$LegalEncodings{$_} = 1;
# parse data in a loop and write it out
print "-------------- Parsing data ... -------------\n" if $OptDebug;
while (my $HeadersR = $DBQuery->fetchrow_hashref) {
my %Headers = %{$HeadersR};
# parse $Headers{'headers'} ('headers' from DBTableRaw)
# remove empty lines (that should not even exist in a header!)
$Headers{'headers'} =~ s/\n\s*\n/\n/g;
# merge continuation lines
# from Perl Cookbook, 1st German ed. 1999, pg. 91
$Headers{'headers'} =~ s/\n\s+/ /g;
# split headers in single lines
my $OtherHeaders;
for (split(/\n/,$Headers{'headers'})) {
# split header lines in header name and header content
my ($key,$value);
if ($_ =~ /:/) {
($key,$value) = split(/:/,$_,2);
$key =~ s/\s*//;
$value =~ s/^\s*(.+)\s*$/$1/;
} else {
&Bleat(1,sprintf("Illegal header line in %s.%s id %s: %s",
$Conf{'DBDatabase'}, $Conf{'DBTableRaw'},
# check for empty (mandatory) fields from DBTableRaw
# and set them from $Headers{'headers', if necessary
if (lc($key) =~ /^(message-id|path|newsgroups)$/) {
my $HeaderName = lc($key);
$HeaderName = 'mid' if ($HeaderName eq 'message-id');
if (!defined($Headers{$HeaderName}) or $Headers{$HeaderName} eq '') {
$Headers{$HeaderName} = $value;
&Bleat(1,sprintf("Taking missing %s from 'headers' in %s.%s id %s.",
$HeaderName, $Conf{'DBDatabase'}, $Conf{'DBTableRaw'},
# save each header, separate database fields in %Headers,
# the rest in $OtherHeaders (but not Message-ID, Path, Peer
# and Newsgroups as those do already exist)
if (defined($DBFields{lc($key)})) {
$Headers{$DBFields{lc($key)}} = $value;
} else {
$OtherHeaders .= sprintf("%s: %s\n",$key,$value)
if lc($key) !~ /^(message-id|path|peer|newsgroups)$/;
# replace old (now parsed) $Headers{'headers'} with remanining $OtherHeaders
$Headers{'headers'} = $OtherHeaders;
foreach ('from_','sender', 'replyto', 'subject') {
if ($Headers{$_}) {
my $HeaderName = $_;
$HeaderName =~ s/_$//;
# decode From: / Sender: / Reply-To: / Subject:
if ($Headers{$_} =~ /\?(B|Q)\?/) {
# check for legal encoding and decode
(my $Encoding) = $Headers{$_} =~ /\?([^?]+)\?(B|Q)\?/;
$Headers{$HeaderName.'_parsed'} = decode('MIME-Header',$Headers{$_})
if (exists($LegalEncodings{$Encoding}));
# forcibly modify headers with un-encoded 8bit data assuming utf-8
# TODO: try to guess correct enconding
elsif ($Headers{$_} =~ /[^\x00-\x7F]/) {
$Headers{$_} = decode('utf-8',$Headers{$_});
# extract name(s) and mail(s) from From: / Sender: / Reply-To:
# in parsed form, if available
if ($_ ne 'subject') {
my @Address;
# start parser on header or parsed header
# @Address will have an array of Mail::Address objects, one for
# each name/mail (you can have more than one person in From:!)
if (defined($Headers{$HeaderName.'_parsed'})) {
@Address = Mail::Address->parse($Headers{$HeaderName.'_parsed'});
} else {
@Address = Mail::Address->parse($Headers{$_});
# split each Mail::Address object to @Names and @Adresses
my (@Names,@Adresses);
foreach (@Address) {
# take address part in @Addresses
push (@Adresses, $_->address());
# take name part form "phrase", if there is one:
# From: My Name <addr@ess> (Comment)
# otherwise, take it from "comment":
# From: addr@ess (Comment)
# and push it in @Names
my ($Name);
$Name = $_->comment() unless $Name = $_->phrase;
$Name =~ s/^\((.+)\)$/$1/;
push (@Names, $Name);
# put all @Adresses and all @Names in %Headers as comma separated lists
$Headers{$HeaderName.'_address'} = join(', ',@Adresses);
$Headers{$HeaderName.'_name'} = join(', ',@Names);
# order output for database entry: fill @SQLBindVars
print "-------------- Next entry:\n" if $OptDebug;
my @SQLBindVars;
foreach (@DBFields) {
if (defined($Headers{$_}) and $Headers{$_} ne '') {
push (@SQLBindVars,$Headers{$_});
printf ("FOUND: %s -> %s\n",$_,$Headers{$_}) if $OptDebug;
} else {
push (@SQLBindVars,undef);
# write data to DBTableParse
if (!$OptTest) {
print "-------------- Writing data ... -------------\n" if $OptDebug;
my $DBWrite =
$DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.%s (%s) VALUES (%s)",
# get field names from @DBFields
join(', ',@DBFields),
# create a list of '?' for each DBField
join(', ',
split(/ /,'? ' x scalar(@DBFields)))
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't write parsed data for %s to %s.%s for %s: ".
$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableParse'}, $Headers{'mid'}));
### close handles
print "------------------- DONE! -------------------\n" if $OptDebug;
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
parsedb - parse raw data and save it to a database
B<parsedb> [B<-Vht>] [B<--day> I<YYYY-MM-DD> | I<YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD>] [B<--rawdb> I<database table>] [B<--parsedb> I<database table>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>] [B<--debug>]
See L<doc/README>.
This script will parse raw, unstructured headers from a database table which is
fed from F<> for a given time period and write its results to
nother database table with separate fields (columns) for most (or even all)
relevant headers.
I<Subject:>, I<From:>, I<Sender:> and I<Reply-To:> will be parsed from MIME
encoded words to UTF-8 as needed while the unparsed copy is kept. From that
parsed copy, I<From:>, I<Sender:> and I<Reply-To:> will also be split into
separate name(s) and address(es) fields while the un-splitted copy is kept,
B<parsedb> should be run nightly from cron for yesterdays data so all
other scripts get current information. The time period to act on defaults to
yesterday, accordingly; you can assign another time period or a single day via
the B<--day> option (see below).
=head2 Configuration
B<parsedb> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf>
should be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file
submitted by the B<--conffile> option.
See L<doc/INSTALL> for an overview of possible configuration options.
You can override configuration options via the B<--rawdb> and
B<--parsedb> options, respectively.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-V>, B<--version>
Print out version and copyright information and exit.
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Print this man page and exit.
=item B<--debug>
Output (rather much) debugging information to STDOUT while processing.
=item B<-t>, B<--test>
Do not write results to database. You should use B<--debug> in
conjunction with B<--test> ... everything else seems a bit pointless.
=item B<-d>, B<--day> I<YYYY-MM-DD[:YYYY-MM-DD]>
Set processing period to a single day in YYYY-MM-DD format or to a time
period between two days in YYYY-MM-DD:YYYY-MM-DD format (two days, separated
by a colon).
Defaults to yesterday.
=item B<--rawdb> I<table> (raw data table)
Override I<DBTableRaw> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--parsedb> I<table> (parsed data table)
Override I<DBTableParse> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
See L<doc/INSTALL>.
An example crontab entry:
0 1 * * * /path/to/bin/
Do a dry run for yesterday's data, showing results of processing:
parsedb --debug --test | less
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author or use the
bug tracker at L<>!
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item -
=item -
This script is part of the B<NewsStats> package.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

View file

1) Install the scripts
* Get INN, mysql, Perl, and the necessary modules installed (see README).
* Download the current version of NewsStats from
* Copy the sample configuration file newsstats.conf.sample to
newsstats.conf and modify it for your purposes:
# cp etc/newsstats.conf.sample etc/newsstats.conf
# vim etc/newsstats.conf
# cp newsstats.conf.sample newsstats.conf
# vim newsstats.conf
a) Mandatory configuration options

View file

@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ Prerequisites
- Config::Auto
- Date::Format
- Mail::Address
* mysql 5.0.x

View file

@ -13,10 +13,9 @@
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.02";
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
push(@INC, dirname($0));
use strict;
use warnings;
@ -69,15 +68,14 @@ sub PrepareDB {
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my ($OptDebug,$OptQuiet,$OptConfFile);
my ($OptDebug,$OptQuiet);
GetOptions ('d|debug!' => \$OptDebug,
'q|test!' => \$OptQuiet,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($HomePath.'/newsstats.conf')};
### init syslog
openlog($0, 'nofatal,pid', LOG_NEWS);
@ -153,7 +151,7 @@ feedlog - log data from an INN feed to a database
B<feedlog> [B<-Vhdq>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>]
B<feedlog> [B<-Vhdq>]
@ -174,8 +172,7 @@ terminating would only result in a rapid respawn.
=head2 Configuration
B<feedlog> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf> which
should be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file
submitted by the B<--conffile> option.
should be present in the same directory via Config::Auto.
See L<doc/INSTALL> for an overview of possible configuration options.
@ -200,10 +197,6 @@ find that information most probably in your B<INN> F<errlog> file.
Suppress logging to syslog.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
@ -225,15 +218,15 @@ See L<doc/INSTALL> for further information.
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
=item F<>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
=item F<newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
@ -266,7 +259,7 @@ Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

bin/ → Normal file → Executable file
View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# This script will gather statistical information from a database
# containing headers and other information from an INN feed.
# containing headers and other information from a INN feed.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
@ -13,10 +13,9 @@
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.02";
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
push(@INC, dirname($0));
use strict;
use warnings;
@ -38,7 +37,7 @@ my %LegalStats;
### read commandline options
my ($OptCheckgroupsFile,$OptClientsDB,$OptDebug,$OptGroupsDB,$OptTLH,
GetOptions ('c|checkgroups=s' => \$OptCheckgroupsFile,
'clientsdb=s' => \$OptClientsDB,
'd|debug!' => \$OptDebug,
@ -46,19 +45,18 @@ GetOptions ('c|checkgroups=s' => \$OptCheckgroupsFile,
'hierarchy=s' => \$OptTLH,
'hostsdb=s' => \$OptHostsDB,
'm|month=s' => \$OptMonth,
'parsedb=s' => \$OptParseDB,
'rawdb=s' => \$OptRawDB,
's|stats=s' => \$OptStatsType,
't|test!' => \$OptTest,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($HomePath.'/newsstats.conf')};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableParse'} = $OptParseDB if $OptParseDB;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableRaw'} = $OptRawDB if $OptRawDB;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableGrps'} = $OptGroupsDB if $OptGroupsDB;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableClnts'} = $OptClientsDB if $OptClientsDB;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableHosts'} = $OptHostsDB if $OptHostsDB;
@ -73,8 +71,6 @@ $OptStatsType = 'all' if !$OptStatsType;
### get time period from --month
# get verbal description of time period, drop SQL code
my ($Period) = &GetTimePeriod($OptMonth);
# bail out if --month is invalid or set to 'ALL';
# we don't support the latter
&Bleat(2,"--month option has an invalid format - please use 'YYYY-MM' or ".
"'YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM'!") if (!$Period or $Period eq 'all time');
@ -124,15 +120,15 @@ foreach my $Month (&ListMonth($Period)) {
### ----------------------------------------------
### get groups data (number of postings per group)
# get groups data from parsed table for given month
# get groups data from raw table for given month
my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT newsgroups FROM %s.%s ".
"WHERE day LIKE ? AND NOT disregard",
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Can't get groups data for %s from %s.%s: ".
# count postings per group
my %Postings;
@ -206,11 +202,11 @@ __END__
=head1 NAME
gatherstats - process statistical data from a parsed source
gatherstats - process statistical data from a raw source
B<gatherstats> [B<-Vhdt>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM> | I<YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM>] [B<-s> I<stats>] [B<-c> I<filename template>]] [B<--hierarchy> I<TLH>] [B<--parsedb> I<database table>] [B<-groupsdb> I<database table>] [B<--clientsdb> I<database table>] [B<--hostsdb> I<database table>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>]
B<gatherstats> [B<-Vhdt>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM> | I<YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM>] [B<-s> I<stats>] [B<-c> I<filename template>]] [B<--hierarchy> I<TLH>] [B<--rawdb> I<database table>] [B<-groupsdb> I<database table>] [B<--clientsdb> I<database table>] [B<--hostsdb> I<database table>]
@ -219,7 +215,7 @@ See L<doc/README>.
This script will extract and process statistical information from a
database table which is filled from F<> for a given time period
database table which is fed from F<> for a given time period
and write its results to (an)other database table(s). Entries marked
with I<'disregard'> in the database will be ignored; currently, you
have to set this flag yourself, using your database management tools.
@ -261,13 +257,12 @@ override that default through the B<--groupsdb> option.
=head2 Configuration
B<gatherstats> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf>
which should be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file
submitted by the B<--conffile> option.
which should be present in the same directory via Config::Auto.
See L<doc/INSTALL> for an overview of possible configuration options.
You can override configuration options via the B<--hierarchy>,
B<--parsedb>, B<--groupsdb>, B<--clientsdb> and B<--hostsdb> options,
B<--rawdb>, B<--groupsdb>, B<--clientsdb> and B<--hostsdb> options,
=head1 OPTIONS
@ -328,9 +323,9 @@ will be added with a count of 0 (and logged to STDERR).
Override I<TLH> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--parsedb> I<table> (parsed data table)
=item B<--rawdb> I<table> (raw data table)
Override I<DBTableParse> from F<newsstats.conf>.
Override I<DBTableRaw> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--groupsdb> I<table> (postings per group table)
@ -344,10 +339,6 @@ Override I<DBTableClnts> from F<newsstats.conf>.
Override I<DBTableHosts> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
@ -377,15 +368,15 @@ checking against checkgroups-*:
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
=item F<>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
=item F<newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
@ -418,7 +409,7 @@ Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

View file

@ -13,10 +13,9 @@
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.02";
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
push(@INC, dirname($0));
use strict;
use warnings;
@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
### read commandline options
my ($OptBoundType,$OptCaptions,$OptCheckgroupsFile,$OptComments,
GetOptions ('b|boundary=s' => \$OptBoundType,
'c|captions!' => \$OptCaptions,
'checkgroups=s' => \$OptCheckgroupsFile,
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ GetOptions ('b|boundary=s' => \$OptBoundType,
'r|report=s' => \$OptReportType,
's|sums!' => \$OptSums,
'u|upper=i' => \$UppBound,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
# parse parameters
@ -78,19 +76,12 @@ if ($OptReportType) {
$OptReportType = 'default';
# honor $OptCheckgroupsFile,
# warn for $OptSums if set concurrently
my $ValidGroups;
if ($OptCheckgroupsFile) {
# read list of newsgroups from --checkgroups
# into a hash reference
$ValidGroups = &ReadGroupList($OptCheckgroupsFile);
&Bleat(1,"--sums option can't possibly work with --checkgroups option set")
if $OptSums;
# read list of newsgroups from --checkgroups
# into a hash reference
my $ValidGroups = &ReadGroupList($OptCheckgroupsFile) if $OptCheckgroupsFile;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($HomePath.'/newsstats.conf')};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
@ -133,17 +124,12 @@ if ($OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default') {
### get sort order and build SQL 'ORDER BY' clause
# force to 'month' for $OptReportType 'average' or 'sum'
$OptGroupBy = 'month' if ($OptReportType and $OptReportType ne 'default');
# default to 'newsgroup' for $OptBoundType 'level' or 'average'
$OptGroupBy = 'newsgroup' if (!$OptGroupBy and
$OptBoundType and $OptBoundType ne 'default');
# default to 'newsgroup' if $OptGroupBy is not set and
# just one newsgroup is requested, but more than one month
$OptGroupBy = 'newsgroup' if (!$OptGroupBy and $OptMonth and $OptMonth =~ /:/
and $OptNewsgroups and $OptNewsgroups !~ /[:*%]/);
# force to 'month' for $OptReportType 'average' or 'sum'
$OptGroupBy = 'month' if ($OptReportType and $OptReportType ne 'default');
# parse $OptGroupBy to $GroupBy, create ORDER BY clause $SQLOrderClause
# if $OptGroupBy is still not set, SQLSortOrder() will default to 'month'
my ($GroupBy,$SQLOrderClause) = SQLSortOrder($OptGroupBy, $OptOrderBy);
# $GroupBy will contain 'month' or 'newsgroup' (parsed result of $OptGroupBy)
# set it to 'month' or 'key' for OutputData()
@ -277,7 +263,7 @@ groupstats - create reports on newsgroup usage
B<groupstats> [B<-Vhcs> B<--comments>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM>[:I<YYYY-MM>] | I<all>] [B<-n> I<newsgroup(s)>] [B<--checkgroups> I<checkgroups file>] [B<-r> I<report type>] [B<-l> I<lower boundary>] [B<-u> I<upper boundary>] [B<-b> I<boundary type>] [B<-g> I<group by>] [B<-o> I<order by>] [B<-f> I<output format>] [B<--filetemplate> I<filename template>] [B<--groupsdb> I<database table>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>]
B<groupstats> [B<-Vhcs> B<--comments>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM>[:I<YYYY-MM>] | I<all>] [B<-n> I<newsgroup(s)>] [B<--checkgroups> I<checkgroups file>] [B<-r> I<report type>] [B<-l> I<lower boundary>] [B<-u> I<upper boundary>] [B<-b> I<boundary type>] [B<-g> I<group by>] [B<-o> I<order by>] [B<-f> I<output format>] [B<--filetemplate> I<filename template>] [B<--groupsdb> I<database table>]
@ -342,8 +328,7 @@ Captions and comments are automatically disabled in this case.
=head2 Configuration
B<groupstats> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf>
which should be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file
submitted by the B<--conffile> option.
which should be present in the same directory via Config::Auto.
See doc/INSTALL for an overview of possible configuration options.
@ -388,9 +373,6 @@ example:
See the B<gatherstats> man page for details.
This option does not work together with the B<--checkgroups> option as
all "virtual" groups will not be present in the checkgroups file.
=item B<--checkgroups> I<filename>
Restrict output to those newgroups present in a file in checkgroups format
@ -400,9 +382,6 @@ line is ignored). All other newsgroups will be removed from output.
Contrary to B<gatherstats>, I<filename> is not a template, but refers to
a single file in checkgroups format.
The B<--sums> option will not work together with this option as "virtual"
groups will not be present in the checkgroups file.
=item B<-r>, B<--report> I<default|average|sums>
Choose the report type: I<default>, I<average> or I<sums>
@ -613,10 +592,6 @@ B<--nocomments> is enforced, see above.
Override I<DBTableGrps> from F<newsstats.conf>.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
@ -660,15 +635,15 @@ machine-readable form (without formatting):
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
=item F<>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
=item F<newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
@ -705,7 +680,7 @@ Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

View file

@ -12,16 +12,18 @@
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.02";
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../install, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
# we're in .../install, so our module is in ..
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/..');
use strict;
use warnings;
use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT);
use Cwd;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
@ -29,15 +31,18 @@ Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my ($OptUpdate,$OptConfFile);
my ($OptUpdate);
GetOptions ('u|update=s' => \$OptUpdate,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
### change working directory to .. (as we're in .../install)
chdir dirname($FullPath).'/..';
my $Path = cwd();
### read configuration
print("Reading configuration.\n");
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($Path.'/newsstats.conf')};
##### --------------------------------------------------------------------------
##### Database table definitions
@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ my $DBCreate = <<SQLDB;
my %DBCreate = ('DBTableRaw' => <<RAW, 'DBTableParse' => <<PARSE, 'DBTableGrps' => <<GRPS);
my %DBCreate = ('DBTableRaw' => <<RAW, 'DBTableGrps' => <<GRPS);
-- Table structure for table DBTableRaw
@ -72,56 +77,6 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `$Conf{'DBTableRaw'}` (
-- Table structure for table DBTableParse
`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`day` date NOT NULL,
`mid` varchar(250) character set ascii NOT NULL,
`refs` varchar(1000) character set ascii,
`date` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`path` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
`newsgroups` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
`fupto` varchar(200),
`from_` varchar(500),
`from_parsed` varchar(200),
`from_name` varchar(200),
`from_address` varchar(200),
`sender` varchar(500),
`sender_parsed` varchar(200),
`sender_name` varchar(200),
`sender_address` varchar(200),
`replyto` varchar(500),
`replyto_parsed` varchar(200),
`replyto_name` varchar(200),
`replyto_address` varchar(200),
`subject` varchar(1000) NOT NULL,
`subject_parsed` varchar(1000),
`organization` varchar(1000),
`linecount` int(4) unsigned,
`approved` varchar(250),
`supersedes` varchar(250),
`expires` varchar(100),
`useragent` varchar(500),
`xnewsreader` varchar(500),
`xmailer` varchar(500),
`xnoarchive` varchar(100),
`contenttype` varchar(500),
`contentencoding` varchar(500),
`cancellock` varchar(500),
`injectioninfo` varchar(500),
`xtrace` varchar(500),
`postinghost` varchar(1000),
`headers` longtext,
`disregard` tinyint(1) default '0',
KEY `day` (`day`),
KEY `mid` (`mid`),
KEY `newsgroups` (`newsgroups`)
-- Table structure for table DBTableGrps
@ -153,7 +108,7 @@ Things left to do:
## gather statistics for NewsStats
@ -300,7 +255,7 @@ install - installation script
B<install> [B<-Vh> [--update I<version>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>]
B<install> [B<-Vh> [--update I<version>]
@ -312,9 +267,8 @@ This script will create database tables as necessary and configured.
=head2 Configuration
B<install> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf> which should
be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file submitted
by the B<--conffile> option.
B<install> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf> via
See L<doc/INSTALL> for an overview of possible configuration options.
@ -334,25 +288,21 @@ Print this man page and exit.
Don't do a fresh install, but update from I<version>.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<install/>
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
=item F<>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
=item F<newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
@ -385,7 +335,7 @@ Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ DBDatabase = newsstats
# tables
DBTableRaw = raw_de
DBTableParse = parsed_de
DBTableGrps = groups_de
#DBTableClnts =
#DBTableHosts =