#! /usr/bin/perl -W # # gatherstats.pl # # This script will gather statistical information from a database # containing headers and other information from a INN feed. # # It is part of the NewsStats package. # # Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein # # It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under # which Perl itself is published. BEGIN { our $VERSION = "0.01"; use File::Basename; push(@INC, dirname($0)); } use strict; use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT :TimePeriods ListNewsgroups); use DBI; ################################# Definitions ################################## # define types of information that can be gathered # all / groups (/ clients / hosts) my %LegalTypes; @LegalTypes{('all','groups')} = (); ################################# Main program ################################# ### read commandline options my %Options = &ReadOptions('dom:p:t:n:r:g:c:s:'); ### read configuration my %Conf = %{ReadConfig('newsstats.conf')}; ### override configuration via commandline options my %ConfOverride; $ConfOverride{'DBTableRaw'} = $Options{'r'} if $Options{'r'}; $ConfOverride{'DBTableGrps'} = $Options{'g'} if $Options{'g'}; $ConfOverride{'DBTableClnts'} = $Options{'c'} if $Options{'c'}; $ConfOverride{'DBTableHosts'} = $Options{'s'} if $Options{'s'}; $ConfOverride{'TLH'} = $Options{'n'} if $Options{'n'}; &OverrideConfig(\%Conf,\%ConfOverride); ### get type of information to gather, default to 'all' $Options{'t'} = 'all' if !$Options{'t'}; die "$MySelf: E: Unknown type '-t $Options{'t'}'!\n" if !exists($LegalTypes{$Options{'t'}}); ### get time period my ($StartMonth,$EndMonth) = &GetTimePeriod($Options{'m'},$Options{'p'}); ### init database my $DBHandle = InitDB(\%Conf,1); ### get data for each month warn "$MySelf: W: Output only mode. Database is not updated.\n" if $Options{'o'}; foreach my $Month (&ListMonth($StartMonth,$EndMonth)) { print "---------- $Month ----------\n" if $Options{'d'}; if ($Options{'t'} eq 'all' or $Options{'t'} eq 'groups') { ### ---------------------------------------------- ### get groups data (number of postings per group) # get groups data from raw table for given month my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT newsgroups FROM %s.%s WHERE day LIKE ? AND NOT disregard",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableRaw'})); $DBQuery->execute($Month.'-%') or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't get groups data for %s from %s.%s: $DBI::errstr\n",$Month,$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableRaw'}); # count postings per group my %Postings; while (($_) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) { # get list oft newsgroups and hierarchies from Newsgroups: my %Newsgroups = ListNewsgroups($_); # count each newsgroup and hierarchy once foreach (sort keys %Newsgroups) { # don't count newsgroup/hierarchy in wrong TLH next if(defined($Conf{'TLH'}) and !/^$Conf{'TLH'}/); $Postings{$_}++; }; }; print "----- GroupStats -----\n" if $Options{'d'}; foreach my $Newsgroup (sort keys %Postings) { print "$Newsgroup => $Postings{$Newsgroup}\n" if $Options{'d'}; if (!$Options{'o'}) { # write to database $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("REPLACE INTO %s.%s (month,newsgroup,postings) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'})); $DBQuery->execute($Month, $Newsgroup, $Postings{$Newsgroup}) or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't write groups data for %s/%s to %s.%s: $DBI::errstr\n",$Month,$Newsgroup,$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'}); $DBQuery->finish; }; }; }; }; ### close handles $DBHandle->disconnect;