# NewsStats.pm # # Library functions for the NewsStats package. # # Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein # # This module can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under # which Perl itself is published. package NewsStats; use strict; use warnings; our ($VERSION, @ISA, @EXPORT, @EXPORT_OK, %EXPORT_TAGS); require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT = qw( $MySelf $MyVersion $PackageVersion ReadOptions ReadConfig OverrideConfig InitDB ); @EXPORT_OK = qw( GetTimePeriod LastMonth CheckMonth SplitPeriod ListMonth ListNewsgroups ReadGroupList OutputData FormatOutput SQLHierarchies SQLGroupList GetMaxLenght ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( TimePeriods => [qw(GetTimePeriod LastMonth CheckMonth SplitPeriod ListMonth)], Output => [qw(OutputData FormatOutput)], SQLHelper => [qw(SQLHierarchies SQLGroupList GetMaxLenght)]); $VERSION = '0.01'; our $PackageVersion = '0.01'; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; use Getopt::Std; use Config::Auto; use DBI; #####-------------------------------- Vars --------------------------------##### our $MySelf = fileparse($0, '.pl'); our $MyVersion = "$MySelf $::VERSION (NewsStats.pm $VERSION)"; #####------------------------------- Basics -------------------------------##### ################################################################################ sub ReadOptions { ################################################################################ ### read commandline options and act on standard options -h and -V ### IN : $Params: list of legal commandline paramaters (without -h and -V) ### OUT: a hash containing the commandline options $Getopt::Std::STANDARD_HELP_VERSION = 1; my ($Params) = @_; my %Options; getopts('Vh'.$Params, \%Options); # -V: display version &ShowVersion if ($Options{'V'}); # -h: feed myself to perldoc &ShowPOD if ($Options{'h'}); return %Options; }; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ sub ShowVersion { ################################################################################ ### display version and exit print "NewsStats v$PackageVersion\n$MyVersion\nCopyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein \n"; print "This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.\n"; exit(100); }; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ sub ShowPOD { ################################################################################ ### feed myself to perldoc and exit exec('perldoc', $0); exit(100); }; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ sub ReadConfig { ################################################################################ ### read config via Config::Auto ### IN : $ConfFile: config filename ### OUT: reference to a hash containing the configuration my ($ConfFile) = @_; return Config::Auto::parse($ConfFile, format => 'equal'); }; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ sub OverrideConfig { ################################################################################ ### override configuration values ### IN : $ConfigR : reference to configuration hash ### $OverrideR: reference to a hash containing overrides my ($ConfigR,$OverrideR) = @_; my %Override = %$OverrideR; # Config hash empty? warn "$MySelf W: Empty configuration hash passed to OverrideConfig().\n" if ( keys %$ConfigR < 1); # return if no overrides return if (keys %Override < 1 or keys %$ConfigR < 1); foreach my $Key (keys %Override) { $$ConfigR{$Key} = $Override{$Key}; }; }; ################################################################################ ################################################################################ sub InitDB { ################################################################################ ### initialise database connection ### IN : $ConfigR: reference to configuration hash ### $Die : if TRUE, die if connection fails ### OUT: DBHandle my ($ConfigR,$Die) = @_; my %Conf = %$ConfigR; my $DBHandle = DBI->connect(sprintf('DBI:%s:database=%s;host=%s',$Conf{'DBDriver'},$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBHost'}), $Conf{'DBUser'}, $Conf{'DBPw'}, { PrintError => 0 }); if (!$DBHandle) { die ("$MySelf: E: $DBI::errstr\n") if (defined($Die) and $Die); warn("$MySelf: W: $DBI::errstr\n"); }; return $DBHandle; }; ################################################################################ #####------------------------------ GetStats ------------------------------##### ################################################################################ sub ListNewsgroups { ################################################################################ ### explode a (scalar) list of newsgroup names to a list of newsgroup and ### hierarchy names where every newsgroup and hierarchy appears only once: ### de.alt.test,de.alt.admin -> de.ALL, de.alt.ALL, de.alt.test, de.alt.admin ### IN : $Newsgroups : a list of newsgroups (content of Newsgroups: header) ### $TLH : top level hierarchy (all other newsgroups are ignored) ### $ValidGroupsR: reference to a hash containing all valid newsgroups ### as keys ### OUT: %Newsgroups : hash containing all newsgroup and hierarchy names as keys my ($Newsgroups,$TLH,$ValidGroupsR) = @_; my %ValidGroups = %{$ValidGroupsR} if $ValidGroupsR; my %Newsgroups; chomp($Newsgroups); # remove whitespace from contents of Newsgroups: $Newsgroups =~ s/\s//; # call &HierarchyCount for each newsgroup in $Newsgroups: for (split /,/, $Newsgroups) { # don't count newsgroup/hierarchy in wrong TLH next if($TLH and !/^$TLH/); # don't count invalid newsgroups if(%ValidGroups and !defined($ValidGroups{$_})) { warn (sprintf("DROPPED: %s\n",$_)); next; } # add original newsgroup to %Newsgroups $Newsgroups{$_} = 1; # add all hierarchy elements to %Newsgroups, amended by '.ALL', # i.e. de.alt.ALL and de.ALL foreach (ParseHierarchies($_)) { $Newsgroups{$_.'.ALL'} = 1; } }; return %Newsgroups; }; ################################################################################ sub ParseHierarchies { ################################################################################ ### return a list of all hierarchy levels a newsgroup belongs to ### (for de.alt.test.moderated that would be de/de.alt/de.alt.test) ### IN : $Newsgroup : a newsgroup name ### OUT: @Hierarchies: array containing all hierarchies the newsgroup belongs to my ($Newsgroup) = @_; my @Hierarchies; # strip trailing dots $Newsgroup =~ s/(.+)\.+$/$1/; # butcher newsgroup name by "." and add each hierarchy to @Hierarchies # i.e. de.alt.test: "de.alt" and "de" while ($Newsgroup =~ /\./) { $Newsgroup =~ s/^((?:\.?[^.]+)*)\.[^.]+$/$1/; push @Hierarchies, $Newsgroup; }; return @Hierarchies; }; ################################################################################ sub ReadGroupList { ################################################################################ ### read a list of valid newsgroups from file (each group on one line, ### ignoring everything after the first whitespace and so accepting files ### in checkgroups format as well as (parts of) an INN active file) ### IN : $Filename : file to read ### OUT: \%ValidGroups: hash containing all valid newsgroups my ($Filename) = @_; my %ValidGroups; open (my $LIST,"<$Filename") or die "$MySelf: E: Cannot read $Filename: $!\n"; while (<$LIST>) { s/^(\S+).*$/$1/; chomp; $ValidGroups{$_} = '1'; }; close $LIST; return \%ValidGroups; }; ################################################################################ #####----------------------------- TimePeriods ----------------------------##### ################################################################################ sub GetTimePeriod { ################################################################################ ### get a time period to act on, in order of preference: by default the ### last month; or a month submitted by -m YYYY-MM; or a time period submitted ### by -p YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM ### IN : $Month,$Period: contents of -m and -p ### OUT: $StartMonth, $EndMonth (identical if period is just one month) my ($Month,$Period) = @_; # exit if -m is set and not like YYYY-MM die "$MySelf: E: Wrong date format - use '$MySelf -m YYYY-MM'!\n" if not &CheckMonth($Month); # warn if -m and -p is set warn "$MySelf: W: Time period assigned by '-p' takes precendece over month assigned by '-m'.\n" if ($Month && $Period); # default: set -m to last month $Month = &LastMonth if (!defined($Month) and !defined($Period)); # set $StartMonth, $EndMonth my ($StartMonth, $EndMonth); if ($Period) { # -p: get date range ($StartMonth, $EndMonth) = &SplitPeriod($Period); die "$MySelf: E: Wrong format for time period - use '$MySelf -p YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM'!\n" if !defined($StartMonth); } else { # set $StartMonth = $EndMonth = $Month if -p is not set $StartMonth = $EndMonth = $Month; }; return ($StartMonth, $EndMonth); }; ################################################################################ sub LastMonth { ################################################################################ ### get last month from todays date in YYYY-MM format ### OUT: last month as YYYY-MM # get today's date my (undef,undef,undef,undef,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time); # $Month is already defined from 0 to 11, so no need to decrease it by 1 $Year += 1900; if ($Month < 1) { $Month = 12; $Year--; }; # return last month return sprintf('%4d-%02d',$Year,$Month); }; ################################################################################ sub CheckMonth { ################################################################################ ### check if input is a valid month in YYYY-MM form ### IN : $Month: month ### OUT: TRUE / FALSE my ($Month) = @_; return 0 if (defined($Month) and $Month !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/); return 1; }; ################################################################################ sub SplitPeriod { ################################################################################ ### split a time period denoted by YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM into start and end month ### IN : $Period: time period ### OUT: $StartMonth, Â$EndMonth my ($Period) = @_; return (undef,undef) if $Period !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}:\d{4}-\d{2}$/; my ($StartMonth, $EndMonth) = split /:/, $Period; # switch parameters as necessary if ($EndMonth gt $StartMonth) { return ($StartMonth, $EndMonth); } else { return ($EndMonth, $StartMonth); }; }; ################################################################################ sub ListMonth { ################################################################################ ### return a list of months (YYYY-MM) between start and end month ### IN : $StartMonth, $EndMonth ### OUT: @Months: array containing all months from $StartMonth to $EndMonth my ($StartMonth, $EndMonth) = @_; return (undef,undef) if ($StartMonth !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/ or $EndMonth !~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/); # return if $StartMonth = $EndMonth return ($StartMonth) if ($StartMonth eq $EndMonth); # set $Year, $Month from $StartMonth my ($Year, $Month) = split /-/, $StartMonth; # define @Months my (@Months); until ("$Year-$Month" gt $EndMonth) { push @Months, "$Year-$Month"; $Month = "$Month"; # force string context $Month++; if ($Month > 12) { $Month = '01'; $Year++; }; }; return @Months; }; #####---------------------------- OutputFormats ---------------------------##### ################################################################################ sub OutputData { ################################################################################ ### read database query results from DBHandle and print results with formatting ### IN : $Format : format specifier ### $FileName: file name template (-f): filename-YYYY-MM ### $DBQuery : database query handle with executed query, ### containing $Month, $Key, $Value ### $PadGroup: padding length for newsgroups field (optional) for 'pretty' my ($Format, $FileName, $DBQuery, $PadGroup) = @_; my ($Handle, $OUT); our $LastIteration; while (my ($Month, $Key, $Value) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) { # set output file handle if (!$FileName) { $Handle = *STDOUT{IO}; # set $Handle to a reference to STDOUT } elsif (!defined($LastIteration) or $LastIteration ne $Month) { close $OUT if ($LastIteration); open ($OUT,sprintf('>%s-%s',$FileName,$Month)) or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Cannot open output file '%s-%s': $!\n",$FileName,$Month); $Handle = $OUT; }; print $Handle &FormatOutput($Format, $Month, $Key, $Value, $PadGroup); $LastIteration = $Month; }; close $OUT if ($FileName); }; ################################################################################ sub FormatOutput { ################################################################################ ### format information for output according to format specifier ### IN : $Format : format specifier ### $Month : month (as YYYY-MM) ### $Key : newsgroup, client, ... ### $Value : number of postings with that attribute ### $PadGroup: padding length for key field (optional) for 'pretty' ### OUT: $Output: formatted output my ($Format, $Month, $Key, $Value, $PadGroup) = @_; # define output types my %LegalOutput; @LegalOutput{('dump','dumpgroup','list','pretty')} = (); # bail out if format is unknown die "$MySelf: E: Unknown output type '$Format'!\n" if !exists($LegalOutput{$Format}); my ($Output); # keep last month in mind our ($LastIteration); if ($Format eq 'dump') { # output as dump (ng nnnnn) $Output = sprintf ("%s %u\n",$Key,$Value); } elsif ($Format eq 'dumpgroup') { # output as dump (YYYY-NN: nnnnn) $Output = sprintf ("%s: %5u\n",$Month,$Value); } elsif ($Format eq 'list') { # output as list (YYYY-NN: ng nnnnn) $Output = sprintf ("%s: %s %u\n",$Month,$Key,$Value); } elsif ($Format eq 'pretty') { # output as table $Output = sprintf ("----- %s:\n",$Month) if (!defined($LastIteration) or $Month ne $LastIteration); $LastIteration = $Month; $Output .= sprintf ($PadGroup ? sprintf("%%-%us %%5u\n",$PadGroup) : "%s %u\n",$Key,$Value); }; return $Output; }; #####------------------------- QueryModifications -------------------------##### ################################################################################ sub SQLHierarchies { ################################################################################ ### add exclusion of hierarchy levels (de.alt.ALL) from SQL query by ### amending the WHERE clause if $ShowHierarchies is false (or don't, if it is ### true, accordingly) ### IN : $ShowHierarchies: boolean value ### OUT: SQL code my ($ShowHierarchies) = @_; return $ShowHierarchies ? '' : "AND newsgroup NOT LIKE '%.ALL'"; }; ################################################################################ sub GetMaxLenght { ################################################################################ ### get length of longest field in future query result ### IN : $DBHandle : database handel ### $Table : table to query ### $Field : field to check ### $WhereClause: WHERE clause ### @BindVars : bind variables for WHERE clause ### OUT: $Length: length of longest instnace of $Field my ($DBHandle,$Table,$Field,$WhereClause,@BindVars) = @_; my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT MAX(LENGTH(%s)) FROM %s WHERE %s",$Field,$Table,$WhereClause)); $DBQuery->execute(@BindVars) or warn sprintf("$MySelf: W: Can't get field length for %s from table %s: $DBI::errstr\n",$Field,$Table); my ($Length) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array; return $Length; }; ################################################################################ sub SQLGroupList { ################################################################################ ### explode list of newsgroups separated by : (with wildcards) to a SQL WHERE ### clause ### IN : $Newsgroups: list of newsgroups (group.one.*:group.two:group.three.*) ### OUT: SQL code, list of newsgroups my ($Newsgroups) = @_; $Newsgroups =~ s/\*/%/g; return ('newsgroup LIKE ?', $Newsgroups) if $Newsgroups !~ /:/; my $SQL = '('; my @GroupList = split /:/, $Newsgroups; foreach (@GroupList) { $SQL .= ' OR ' if $SQL gt '('; $SQL .= 'newsgroup LIKE ?'; }; $SQL .= ')'; return ($SQL,@GroupList); }; #####------------------------------- done ---------------------------------##### 1;