Thomas Hochstein 13c5a175ef Add handling of incompatible command line options.
-t/-l/-b are incompatible. Print warning, let -l take precedence
over -t and -b over both.

-q/-d are incompatible with -l and -b. Print warning, ignore

For -l, only -o 'pretty' makes sense. Force that.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2010-09-18 20:45:33 +02:00

174 lines
7 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl -W
# This script will get statistical data on newgroup usage
# form a database.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein <>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
push(@INC, dirname($0));
use strict;
use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT :TimePeriods :Output :SQLHelper);
use DBI;
################################# Definitions ##################################
# ...
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my %Options = &ReadOptions('m:p:n:o:t:l:b:iscqdg:');
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig('newsstats.conf')};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableGrps'} = $Options{'g'} if $Options{'g'};
### check for incompatible command line options
# you can't mix '-t', '-b' and '-l'
# -b/-l take preference over -t, and -b takes preference over -l
if ($Options{'b'} or $Options{'l'}) {
if ($Options{'t'}) {
# drop -t
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine thresholds (-t) and top lists (-b) or levels (-l). Threshold '-t $Options{'t'}' was ignored.\n");
if ($Options{'b'} and $Options{'l'}) {
# drop -l
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine top lists (-b) and levels (-l). Level '-l $Options{'l'}' was ignored.\n");
# -q/-d don't work with -b or -l
warn ("$MySelf: W: Sorting by number of postings (-q) ignored due to top list mode (-b) / levels (-l).\n") if $Options{'q'};
warn ("$MySelf: W: Reverse sorting (-d) ignored due to top list mode (-b) / levels (-l).\n") if $Options{'d'};
### check output type
# default output type to 'dump'
$Options{'o'} = 'dump' if !$Options{'o'};
# fail if more than one newsgroup is combined with 'dumpgroup' type
die ("$MySelf: E: You cannot combine newsgroup lists (-n) with more than one group with '-o dumpgroup'!\n") if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dumpgroup' and defined($Options{'n'}) and $Options{'n'} =~ /:|\*/);
# accept 'dumpgroup' only with -n
if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dumpgroup' and !defined($Options{'n'})) {
$Options{'o'} = 'dump';
warn ("$MySelf: W: You must submit exactly one newsgroup ('-n') for '-o dumpgroup'. Output type was set to 'dump'.\n");
# set output type to 'pretty' for -l
if ($Options{'l'}) {
$Options{'o'} = 'pretty';
warn ("$MySelf: W: Output type forced to '-o pretty' due to usage of '-l'.\n");
### get query type, default to 'postings'
#die "$MySelf: E: Unknown query type -q $Options{'q'}!\n" if ($Options{'q'} and !exists($LegalTypes{$Options{'q'}}));
#die "$MySelf: E: You must submit a threshold ('-t') for query type '-q $Options{'q'}'!\n" if ($Options{'q'} and !$Options{'t'});
### get time period
my ($StartMonth,$EndMonth) = &GetTimePeriod($Options{'m'},$Options{'p'});
# reset to one month for 'dump' type
if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dump' and $Options{'p'}) {
$StartMonth = $EndMonth;
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine time periods (-p) with '-o dump'. Month was set to $StartMonth.\n");
### init database
my $DBHandle = InitDB(\%Conf,1);
### get data
# get list of newsgroups (-n)
my ($QueryPart,@GroupList);
my $Newsgroups = $Options{'n'};
if ($Newsgroups) {
($QueryPart,@GroupList) = &SQLGroupList($Newsgroups);
} else {
$QueryPart = 1;
# manage thresholds
if (defined($Options{'t'})) {
if ($Options{'i'}) {
$QueryPart .= ' AND postings < ?';
} else {
$QueryPart .= ' AND postings > ?';
push @GroupList,$Options{'t'};
# construct WHERE clause
my $WhereClause = sprintf('month BETWEEN ? AND ? AND %s %s',$QueryPart,&SQLHierarchies($Options{'s'}));
# get lenght of longest newsgroup delivered by query for formatting purposes
my $MaxLength = &GetMaxLenght($DBHandle,$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},'newsgroup',$WhereClause,$StartMonth,$EndMonth,@GroupList);
my ($OrderClause,$DBQuery);
# -b (best of) defined?
if (!defined($Options{'b'}) and !defined($Options{'l'})) {
$OrderClause = 'newsgroup';
$OrderClause = 'postings' if $Options{'q'};
$OrderClause .= ' DESC' if $Options{'d'};
# do query: get number of postings per group from groups table for given months and newsgroups
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT month,newsgroup,postings FROM %s.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY month,%s",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$OrderClause));
} elsif ($Options{'b'}) {
# set sorting order (-i)
if ($Options{'i'}) {
$OrderClause = 'postings';
} else {
$OrderClause = 'postings DESC';
# push LIMIT to GroupList to match number of binding vars
push @GroupList,$Options{'b'};
# do query: get sum of postings per group from groups table for given months and newsgroups with LIMIT
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT newsgroup,SUM(postings) AS postings FROM %s.%s WHERE %s GROUP BY newsgroup ORDER BY %s,newsgroup LIMIT ?",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$OrderClause));
} else { # -l
# set sorting order (-i)
if ($Options{'i'}) {
$OrderClause = '<';
} else {
$OrderClause = '>';
# push level and $StartMonth,$EndMonth - again - to GroupList to match number of binding vars
push @GroupList,$Options{'l'};
push @GroupList,$StartMonth,$EndMonth;
# do query: get number of postings per group from groups table for given months and
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT month,newsgroup,postings FROM %s.%s WHERE newsgroup IN (SELECT newsgroup FROM %s.%s WHERE %s GROUP BY newsgroup HAVING MAX(postings) %s ?) AND %s ORDER BY newsgroup,month",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$OrderClause,$WhereClause));
# execute query
$DBQuery->execute($StartMonth,$EndMonth,@GroupList) or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't get groups data for %s to %s from %s.%s: %s\n",$StartMonth,$EndMonth,$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$DBI::errstr);
# output result
printf ("----- Report from %s to %s\n",$StartMonth,$EndMonth) if $Options{'c'} and ($Options{'m'} or $Options{'p'});
printf ("----- Newsgroups: %s\n",join(',',split(/:/,$Newsgroups))) if $Options{'c'} and $Options{'n'};
printf ("----- Threshold: %s %u\n",$Options{'i'} ? '<' : '>',$Options{'t'}) if $Options{'c'} and $Options{'t'};
if (!defined($Options{'b'}) and !defined($Options{'l'})) {
} elsif ($Options{'b'}) {
while (my ($Newsgroup,$Postings) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
print &FormatOutput($Options{'o'}, ($Options{'i'} ? 'Bottom ' : 'Top ').$Options{'b'}, $Newsgroup, $Postings, $MaxLength);
} else { # -l
while (my ($Month,$Newsgroup,$Postings) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
print &FormatOutput($Options{'o'}, $Newsgroup, $Month, $Postings, 7);
### close handles