Thomas Hochstein d3b6810d3d Fix some typos. Fix typo in lead-in comment. Fix typo concerning
GetMaxLength - it isn't 'GetMaxLenght' ...

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2010-11-01 20:28:31 +01:00

551 lines
18 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl -W
# This script will get statistical data on newgroup usage
# from a database.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein <>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.01";
use File::Basename;
push(@INC, dirname($0));
use strict;
use NewsStats qw(:DEFAULT :TimePeriods :Output :SQLHelper);
use DBI;
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my %Options = &ReadOptions('m:p:an:o:t:l:b:iscqdf:g:');
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig('newsstats.conf')};
### override configuration via commandline options
my %ConfOverride;
$ConfOverride{'DBTableGrps'} = $Options{'g'} if $Options{'g'};
### check for incompatible command line options
# you can't mix '-t', '-b' and '-l'
# -b/-l take preference over -t, and -b takes preference over -l
# you can't use '-f' with '-b' or '-l'
if ($Options{'b'} or $Options{'l'}) {
if ($Options{'f'}) {
# drop -f
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot save the report to monthly files when using top lists (-b) or levels (-l). Filename template '-f $Options{'f'}' was ignored.\n");
if ($Options{'t'}) {
# drop -t
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine thresholds (-t) and top lists (-b) or levels (-l). Threshold '-t $Options{'t'}' was ignored.\n");
if ($Options{'b'} and $Options{'l'}) {
# drop -l
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine top lists (-b) and levels (-l). Level '-l $Options{'l'}' was ignored.\n");
# -q/-d don't work with -b or -l
warn ("$MySelf: W: Sorting by number of postings (-q) ignored due to top list mode (-b) / levels (-l).\n") if $Options{'q'};
warn ("$MySelf: W: Reverse sorting (-d) ignored due to top list mode (-b) / levels (-l).\n") if $Options{'d'};
### check output type
# default output type to 'pretty'
$Options{'o'} = 'pretty' if !$Options{'o'};
# fail if more than one newsgroup is combined with 'dumpgroup' type
die ("$MySelf: E: You cannot combine newsgroup lists (-n) with more than one group with '-o dumpgroup'!\n") if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dumpgroup' and defined($Options{'n'}) and $Options{'n'} =~ /:|\*/);
# accept 'dumpgroup' only with -n
if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dumpgroup' and !defined($Options{'n'})) {
$Options{'o'} = 'dump';
warn ("$MySelf: W: You must submit exactly one newsgroup ('-n') for '-o dumpgroup'. Output type was set to 'dump'.\n");
# set output type to 'pretty' for -l
if ($Options{'l'} and $Options{'o'} ne 'pretty') {
$Options{'o'} = 'pretty';
warn ("$MySelf: W: Output type forced to '-o pretty' due to usage of '-l'.\n");
# set output type to 'dump' for -f
if ($Options{'f'} and $Options{'o'} ne 'dump') {
$Options{'o'} = 'dump';
warn ("$MySelf: W: Output type forced to '-o dump' due to usage of '-f'.\n");
### init database
my $DBHandle = InitDB(\%Conf,1);
### get time period
my ($StartMonth,$EndMonth);
# if '-a' is set, set start/end month from database
# FIXME - it doesn't make that much sense to get first/last month from database to query it
# with a time period that equals no time period ...
if ($Options{'a'}) {
my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT MIN(month),MAX(month) FROM %s.%s",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'}));
$DBQuery->execute or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't get MIN/MAX month from %s.%s: %s\n",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$DBI::errstr);
($StartMonth,$EndMonth) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array;
} else {
($StartMonth,$EndMonth) = &GetTimePeriod($Options{'m'},$Options{'p'});
# if -p or -a are set: drop -m
undef $Options{'m'} if ($Options{'p'} or $Options{'a'});
# if time period is more than one month: force output type to '-o pretty' or '-o dumpgroup'
if ($Options{'o'} eq 'dump' and ($Options{'p'} or $Options{'a'})) {
if (defined($Options{'n'}) and $Options{'n'} !~ /:|\*/) {
# just one newsgroup is defined
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine time periods (-p) with '-o dump', changing output type to '-o dumpgroup'.\n");
$Options{'o'} = 'dumpgroup';
} elsif (!defined($Options{'f'})) {
# more than one newsgroup - and no file output
warn ("$MySelf: W: You cannot combine time periods (-p) with '-o dump', changing output type to '-o pretty'.\n");
$Options{'o'} = 'pretty';
### create report
# get list of newsgroups (-n)
my ($QueryGroupList,$QueryThreshold,@GroupList,@Params);
my $Newsgroups = $Options{'n'};
if ($Newsgroups) {
# explode list of newsgroups for WHERE clause
($QueryGroupList,@GroupList) = &SQLGroupList($Newsgroups);
} else {
# set to dummy value (always true)
$QueryGroupList = 1;
# manage thresholds
if (defined($Options{'t'})) {
if ($Options{'i'}) {
# -i: list groups below threshold
$QueryThreshold .= ' postings < ?';
} else {
# default: list groups above threshold
$QueryThreshold .= ' postings > ?';
# push threshold to Params
push @Params,$Options{'t'};
} else {
# set to dummy value (always true)
$QueryThreshold = 1;
# construct WHERE clause
# $QueryGroupList is "list of newsgroup" (or 1),
# $QueryThreshold is threshold definition (or 1),
# &SQLHierarchies() takes care of the exclusion of hierarchy levels (.ALL)
# according to setting of -s
my $WhereClause = sprintf('month BETWEEN ? AND ? AND %s AND %s %s',$QueryGroupList,$QueryThreshold,&SQLHierarchies($Options{'s'}));
# get length of longest newsgroup delivered by query for formatting purposes
my $MaxLength = &GetMaxLength($DBHandle,$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},'newsgroup',$WhereClause,$StartMonth,$EndMonth,(@GroupList,@Params));
my ($OrderClause,$DBQuery);
# -b (best of / top list) defined?
if (!defined($Options{'b'}) and !defined($Options{'l'})) {
# default: neither -b nor -l
# set ordering (ORDER BY) to "newsgroups" or "postings", "ASC" or "DESC"
# according to -q and -d
$OrderClause = 'newsgroup';
$OrderClause = 'postings' if $Options{'q'};
$OrderClause .= ' DESC' if $Options{'d'};
# prepare query: get number of postings per group from groups table for given months and newsgroups
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT month,newsgroup,postings FROM %s.%s WHERE %s ORDER BY month,%s",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$OrderClause));
} elsif ($Options{'b'}) {
# -b is set (then -l can't be!)
# set sorting order (-i): top or flop list?
if ($Options{'i'}) {
$OrderClause = 'postings';
} else {
$OrderClause = 'postings DESC';
# set -b to 10 if < 1 (Top 10)
$Options{'b'} = 10 if $Options{'b'} !~ /^\d*$/ or $Options{'b'} < 1;
# push LIMIT to Params
push @Params,$Options{'b'};
# prepare query: get sum of postings per group from groups table for given months and newsgroups with LIMIT
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT newsgroup,SUM(postings) AS postings FROM %s.%s WHERE %s GROUP BY newsgroup ORDER BY %s,newsgroup LIMIT ?",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$OrderClause));
} else {
# -l must be set now, as all other cases have been taken care of
# which kind of level (-i): more than -l x or less than -l x?
my ($Level);
if ($Options{'i'}) {
$Level = '<';
} else {
$Level = '>';
# prepare and execute query: get list of newsgroups meeting level condition
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT newsgroup FROM %s.%s WHERE %s GROUP BY newsgroup HAVING MAX(postings) %s ?",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$WhereClause,$Level));
or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't get groups data for %s to %s from %s.%s: %s\n",$StartMonth,$EndMonth,$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$DBI::errstr);
# add newsgroups to a comma-seperated list ready for IN(...) query
my $GroupList;
while (my ($Newsgroup) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
$GroupList .= ',' if (defined($GroupList) and $GroupList ne '');
$GroupList .= "'$Newsgroup'";
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT month,newsgroup,postings FROM %s.%s WHERE newsgroup IN (%s) AND %s ORDER BY newsgroup,month",$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$GroupList,$WhereClause));
# execute query
or die sprintf("$MySelf: E: Can't get groups data for %s to %s from %s.%s: %s\n",$StartMonth,$EndMonth,$Conf{'DBDatabase'},$Conf{'DBTableGrps'},$DBI::errstr);
# output results
# reset caption (-c) if -f is set
undef($Options{'c'}) if $Options{'f'};
# print caption (-c) with time period if -m or -p is set
if ($Options{'c'}) {
if ($Options{'m'}) {
printf ("----- Report for %s\n",$StartMonth);
} else {
printf ("----- Report from %s to %s %s\n",$StartMonth,$EndMonth,$Options{'a'} ? '(all months)' : '');
# print caption (-c) with newsgroup list if -n is set
printf ("----- Newsgroups: %s\n",join(',',split(/:/,$Newsgroups))) if $Options{'c'} and $Options{'n'};
# print caption (-c) with threshold if -t is set, taking -i in account
printf ("----- Threshold: %s %u\n",$Options{'i'} ? '<' : '>',$Options{'t'}) if $Options{'c'} and $Options{'t'};
if (!defined($Options{'b'}) and !defined($Options{'l'})) {
# default: neither -b nor -l
} elsif ($Options{'b'}) {
# -b is set (then -l can't be!)
# we have to read in the query results ourselves, as they do not have standard layout
while (my ($Newsgroup,$Postings) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
# we just assign "top x" or "bottom x" instead of a month for the caption and force an output type of pretty
print &FormatOutput('pretty', ($Options{'i'} ? 'Bottom ' : 'Top ').$Options{'b'}, $Newsgroup, $Postings, $MaxLength);
} else {
# -l must be set now, as all other cases have been taken care of
# print caption (-c) with level, taking -i in account
printf ("----- Newsgroups with %s than %u postings over the whole time period\n",$Options{'i'} ? 'less' : 'more',$Options{'l'}) if $Options{'c'};
# we have to read in the query results ourselves, as they do not have standard layout
while (my ($Month,$Newsgroup,$Postings) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
# we just switch $Newsgroups and $Month for output generation
print &FormatOutput($Options{'o'}, $Newsgroup, $Month, $Postings, 7);
### close handles
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
groupstats - create reports on newsgroup usage
B<groupstats> [B<-Vhiscqd>] [B<-m> I<YYYY-MM> | B<-p> I<YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM> | B<-a>] [B<-n> I<newsgroup(s)>] [B<-t> I<threshold>] [B<-l> I<level>] [B<-b> I<number>] [B<-o> I<output type>] [B<-f> I<filename template>] [B<-g> I<database table>]
See doc/README: Perl 5.8.x itself and the following modules from CPAN:
=over 2
=item -
=item -
This script create reports on newsgroup usage (number of postings per
group per month) taken from result tables created by
The time period to act on defaults to last month; you can assign
another month via the B<-m> switch or a time period via the B<-p>
switch; the latter takes preference.
B<groupstats> will process all newsgroups by default; you can limit
that to only some newsgroups by supplying a list of those groups via
B<-n> (see below). You can include hierarchy levels in the output by
adding the B<-s> switch (see below).
Furthermore you can set a threshold via B<-t> so that only newsgroups
with more postings per month will be included in the report. You can
invert that by the B<-i> switch so only newsgroups with less than
I<threshold> postings per month will be included.
You can sort the output by number of postings per month instead of the
default (alphabetical list of newsgroups) by using B<-q>; you can
reverse the sorting order (from highest to lowest or in reversed
alphabetical order) by using B<-d>.
Furthermore, you can create a list of newsgroups that had consistently
more (or less) than x postings per month during the whole report
period by using B<-l> (together with B<i> as needed).
Last but not least you can create a "best of" list of the top x
newsgroups via B<-b> (or a "worst of" list by adding B<i>).
By default, B<groupstats> will dump an alphabetical list of newsgroups,
one per line, followed by the number of postings in that group, for
every month. You can change the output format by using B<-o> (see
below). Captions can be added by setting the B<-c> switch.
=head2 Configuration
B<groupstats> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf>
which should be present in the same directory via Config::Auto.
See doc/INSTALL for an overview of possible configuration options.
You can override configuration options via the B<-g> switch.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-V> (version)
Print out version and copyright information on B<yapfaq> and exit.
=item B<-h> (help)
Print this man page and exit.
=item B<-m> I<YYYY-MM> (month)
Set processing period to a month in YYYY-MM format. Ignored if B<-p>
or B<-a> is set.
=item B<-p> I<YYYY-MM:YYYY-MM> (period)
Set processing period to a time period between two month, each in
YYYY-MM format, separated by a colon. Overrides B<-m>. Ignored if
B<-a> is set.
=item B<-a> (all)
Set no processing period (process whole database). Overrides B<-m>
and B<-p>.
=item B<-n> I<newsgroup(s)> (newsgroups)
Limit processing to a certain set of newsgroups. I<newsgroup(s)> can
be a single newsgroup name (de.alt.test), a newsgroup hierarchy
(de.alt.*) or a list of either of these, separated by colons, for
=item B<-t> I<threshold> (threshold)
Only include newsgroups with more than I<threshold> postings per
month. Can be inverted by the B<-i> switch so that only newsgroups
with less than I<threshold> postings will be included.
This setting will be ignored if B<-l> or B<-b> is set.
=item B<-l> I<level> (level)
Only include newsgroups with more than I<level> postings per
month, every month during the whole reporting period. Can be inverted
by the B<-i> switch so that only newsgroups with less than I<level>
postings every single month will be included. Output will be ordered
by newsgroup name, followed by month.
This setting will be ignored if B<-b> is set. Overrides B<-t> and
can't be used together with B<-q>, B<-d> or B<-f>.
=item B<-b> I<n> (best of)
Create a list of the I<n> newsgroups with the most postings over the
whole reporting period. Can be inverted by the B<-i> switch so that a
list of the I<n> newsgroups with the least postings over the whole
period is generated. Output will be ordered by sum of postings.
Overrides B<-t> and B<-l> and can't be used together with B<-q>, B<-d>
or B<-f>. Output format is set to I<pretty> (see below).
=item B<-i> (invert)
Used in conjunction with B<-t>, B<-l> or B<-b> to set a lower
threshold or level or generate a "bottom list" instead of a top list.
=item B<-s> (sum per hierarchy level)
Include "virtual" groups for every hierarchy level in output, for
de.alt.ALL 10
de.alt.test 5
de.alt.admin 7
See the B<gatherstats> man page for details.
=item B<-o> I<output type> (output format)
Set output format. Default is I<pretty>, which will print a header for
each new month, followed by an alphabetical list of newsgroups, each
on a new line, followed by the number of postings in that month.
B<groupstats> will try to align newsgroup names and posting counts.
Usage of B<-b> will force this format; it cannot be used together with
I<dump> format is used to create an easily parsable output consisting
of an alphabetical list of newsgroups, each on a new line, followed by
the number of postings in that month, without any alignment. This
default format can't be used with time periods of more than one month.
Usage of B<-f> will force this format.
I<list> format is like I<dump>, but will print the month in front of
the newsgroup name.
I<dumpgroup> format can only be use with a group list (see B<-n>) of
exactly one newsgroup and is like I<dump>, but will output months,
followed by the number of postings.
=item B<-c> (captions)
Add captions to output (reporting period, newsgroups list, threshold
and so on).
This setting will be ignored if B<-f> is set.
=item B<-q> (quantity of postings)
Sort by number of postings instead of by newsgroup names.
Cannot be used with B<-l> or B<-b>.
=item B<-d> (descending)
Change sort order to descending.
Cannot be used with B<-l> or B<-b>.
=item B<-f> I<filename template> (output file)
Save output to file instead of dumping it to STDOUT. B<groupstats>
will create one file for each month, with filenames composed by
adding year and month to the I<filename template>, for example
with B<-f> I<stats>:
... and so on
This setting will be ignored if B<-l> or B<-b> is set. Output format
is set to I<dump> (see above).
=item B<-g> I<table> (postings per group table)
Override I<DBTableGrps> from F<newsstats.conf>.
See doc/INSTALL.
Show number of postings per group for lasth month in I<dump> format:
Show that report for January of 2010 and de.alt.* plus de.test,
including display of hierarchy levels:
groupstats -m 2010-01 -n de.alt.*:de.test -s
Show that report for the year of 2010 in I<pretty> format:
groupstats -p 2010-01:2010-12 -o pretty
Only show newsgroups with less than 30 postings last month, ordered
by number of postings, descending, in I<pretty> format:
groupstats -iqdt 30 -o pretty
Show top 10 for the first half-year of of 2010 in I<pretty> format:
groupstats -p 2010-01:2010-06 -b 10 -o pretty
Report all groups that had less than 30 postings every singele month
in the year of 2010 (I<pretty> format is forced)
groupstats -p 2010-01:2010-12 -il 30
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file for B<yapfaq>.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author or use the
bug tracker at L<>!
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item -
=item -
=item -
gatherstats -h
This script is part of the B<NewsStats> package.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.