Thomas Hochstein 3634010808 Make GetTimePeriod() and others accept days.
GetTimePeriod() was written to take a month
('YYYY-MM') and work with that. Make it accept
not only a month, but also a day ('YYYY-MM-DD')
by adding a $TYpe modifier.

Rename LastMonth() to LastMonthDay() and rewrite
it accordingly.

Rename CheckMonth() to CheckPeriod() and rewrite
it accordingly.

As GetTimePeriod() defaults to 'month' if no
modifier is passed this change should be backwards

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2013-09-03 22:44:36 +02:00

809 lines
30 KiB

# Library functions for the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
# This module can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
package NewsStats;
use strict;
use warnings;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
%EXPORT_TAGS = ( TimePeriods => [qw(GetTimePeriod LastMonth SplitPeriod
Output => [qw(OutputData FormatOutput)],
SQLHelper => [qw(SQLHierarchies SQLSortOrder SQLGroupList
SQLSetBounds SQLBuildClause GetMaxLength)]);
$VERSION = '0.01';
our $PackageVersion = '0.01';
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(realpath);
use Config::Auto;
use DBI;
#####-------------------------------- Vars --------------------------------#####
# save $0 in $FullPath
our $FullPath = $0;
# strip filename and /bin or /install directory to create the $HomePath
our $HomePath = dirname(realpath($0));
$HomePath =~ s/\/(bin|install)//;
# trim $0
$0 =~ s%.*/%%;
# set version string
our $MyVersion = "$0 $::VERSION ( $VERSION)";
#####------------------------------- Basics -------------------------------#####
sub ShowVersion {
### display version and exit
print "NewsStats v$PackageVersion\n$MyVersion\n";
print "Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Thomas Hochstein <thh\>\n";
print "This program is free software; you may redistribute it ".
"and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.\n";
sub ShowPOD {
### feed myself to perldoc and exit
exec('perldoc', $FullPath);
sub ReadConfig {
### read config via Config::Auto
### IN : $ConfFile: config filename
### OUT: reference to a hash containing the configuration
my ($ConfFile) = @_;
# set default
$ConfFile = $HomePath . '/etc/newsstats.conf' if !$ConfFile;
# mandatory configuration options
my @Mandatory = ('DBDriver','DBHost','DBUser','DBPw','DBDatabase',
# read config via Config::Auto
my $ConfR = Config::Auto::parse($ConfFile, format => 'equal');
my %Conf = %{$ConfR};
# check for mandatory options
foreach (@Mandatory) {
&Bleat(2,sprintf("Mandatory configuration option %s is not set!",$_))
if (!defined($Conf{$_}));
# $Conf{'TLH'} is checked in
return $ConfR;
sub OverrideConfig {
### override configuration values
### IN : $ConfigR : reference to configuration hash
### $OverrideR: reference to a hash containing overrides
my ($ConfigR,$OverrideR) = @_;
my %Override = %$OverrideR;
# Config hash empty?
&Bleat(1,"Empty configuration hash passed to OverrideConfig()")
if ( keys %$ConfigR < 1);
# return if no overrides
return if (keys %Override < 1 or keys %$ConfigR < 1);
foreach my $Key (keys %Override) {
$$ConfigR{$Key} = $Override{$Key};
sub InitDB {
### initialise database connection
### IN : $ConfigR: reference to configuration hash
### $Die : if TRUE, die if connection fails
### OUT: DBHandle
my ($ConfigR,$Die) = @_;
my %Conf = %$ConfigR;
my $DBHandle = DBI->connect(sprintf('DBI:%s:database=%s;host=%s',
$Conf{'DBHost'}), $Conf{'DBUser'},
$Conf{'DBPw'}, { PrintError => 0 });
if (!$DBHandle) {
&Bleat(2,$DBI::errstr) if (defined($Die) and $Die);
return $DBHandle;
sub Bleat {
### print warning or error messages and terminate in case of error
### IN : $Level : 1 = warning, 2 = error
### $Message: warning or error message
my ($Level,$Message) = @_;
if ($Level == 1) {
warn "$0 W: $Message\n"
} elsif ($Level == 2) {
die "$0 E: $Message\n"
} else {
print "$0: $Message\n"
#####------------------------------ GetStats ------------------------------#####
sub ListNewsgroups {
### explode a (scalar) list of newsgroup names to a list of newsgroup and
### hierarchy names where every newsgroup and hierarchy appears only once:
### de.alt.test,de.alt.admin -> de.ALL, de.alt.ALL, de.alt.test, de.alt.admin
### IN : $Newsgroups : a list of newsgroups (content of Newsgroups: header)
### $TLH : top level hierarchy (all other newsgroups are ignored)
### $ValidGroupsR: reference to a hash containing all valid newsgroups
### as keys
### OUT: %Newsgroups : hash containing all newsgroup and hierarchy names as keys
my ($Newsgroups,$TLH,$ValidGroupsR) = @_;
my %ValidGroups = %{$ValidGroupsR} if $ValidGroupsR;
my %Newsgroups;
# remove whitespace from contents of Newsgroups:
$Newsgroups =~ s/\s//;
# call &HierarchyCount for each newsgroup in $Newsgroups:
for (split /,/, $Newsgroups) {
# don't count newsgroup/hierarchy in wrong TLH
next if($TLH and !/^$TLH/);
# don't count invalid newsgroups
if(%ValidGroups and !defined($ValidGroups{$_})) {
warn (sprintf("DROPPED: %s\n",$_));
# add original newsgroup to %Newsgroups
$Newsgroups{$_} = 1;
# add all hierarchy elements to %Newsgroups, amended by '.ALL',
# i.e. de.alt.ALL and de.ALL
foreach (ParseHierarchies($_)) {
$Newsgroups{$_.'.ALL'} = 1;
return %Newsgroups;
sub ParseHierarchies {
### return a list of all hierarchy levels a newsgroup belongs to
### (for de.alt.test.moderated that would be de/de.alt/de.alt.test)
### IN : $Newsgroup : a newsgroup name
### OUT: @Hierarchies: array containing all hierarchies the newsgroup belongs to
my ($Newsgroup) = @_;
my @Hierarchies;
# strip trailing dots
$Newsgroup =~ s/(.+)\.+$/$1/;
# butcher newsgroup name by "." and add each hierarchy to @Hierarchies
# i.e. de.alt.test: "de.alt" and "de"
while ($Newsgroup =~ /\./) {
$Newsgroup =~ s/^((?:\.?[^.]+)*)\.[^.]+$/$1/;
push @Hierarchies, $Newsgroup;
return @Hierarchies;
sub ReadGroupList {
### read a list of valid newsgroups from file (each group on one line,
### ignoring everything after the first whitespace and so accepting files
### in checkgroups format as well as (parts of) an INN active file)
### IN : $Filename : file to read
### OUT: \%ValidGroups: reference to a hash containing all valid newsgroups
my ($Filename) = @_;
my %ValidGroups;
open (my $LIST,"<$Filename") or &Bleat(2,"Cannot read $Filename: $!");
while (<$LIST>) {
next if /^$/;
$ValidGroups{$_} = '1';
close $LIST;
return \%ValidGroups;
#####----------------------------- TimePeriods ----------------------------#####
sub GetTimePeriod {
### get a time period to act on from --month / --day option;
### if empty, default to last month / day
### IN : $Period: may be empty, 'YYYY-MM(-DD)', 'YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD)'
### or 'all'
### $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### OUT: $Verbal,$SQL: verbal description and WHERE-clause
### of the chosen time period
my ($Period,$Type) = @_;
# define result variables
my ($Verbal, $SQL);
# check $Type
$Type = 'month' if (!$Type or ($Type ne 'month' and $Type ne 'day'));
# define a regular expressions for a month or day
my $REPeriod = '\d{4}-\d{2}';
$REPeriod .= '-\d{2}' if ($Type eq 'day');
# default to last month / day if option is not set
if(!$Period) {
$Period = &LastMonthDay($Type);
# check for valid input
if ($Period =~ /^$REPeriod$/) {
# single month/day [YYYY-MM(-DD)]
($Period) = &CheckPeriod($Type,$Period);
$Verbal = $Period;
$SQL = sprintf("%s = '%s'",$Type,$Period);
} elsif ($Period =~ /^$REPeriod:$REPeriod$/) {
# time period [YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD)]
$Verbal = sprintf('%s to %s',&SplitPeriod($Period,$Type));
$SQL = sprintf("%s BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s'",$Type,
} elsif ($Period =~ /^all$/i) {
# special case: ALL
$Verbal = 'all time';
$SQL = '';
} else {
# invalid input
return (undef,undef);
return ($Verbal,$SQL);
sub LastMonthDay {
### get last month/day from todays date in YYYY-MM format
### IN : $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### OUT: last month/day as YYYY-MM(-DD)
my ($Type) = @_;
my ($Day,$Month,$Year);
if ($Type eq 'day') {
# get yesterdays's date
(undef,undef,undef,$Day,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time-86400);
# $Month is defined from 0 to 11, so add 1
} else {
# get today's date (month and year)
(undef,undef,undef,undef,$Month,$Year,undef,undef,undef) = localtime(time);
# $Month is already defined from 0 to 11, so no need to decrease it by 1
if ($Month < 1) {
$Month = 12;
$Year += 1900;
# return last month / day
if ($Type eq 'day') {
return sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02d',$Year,$Month,$Day);
} else {
return sprintf('%4d-%02d',$Year,$Month);
sub CheckPeriod {
### check if input (in YYYY-MM(-DD) form) is a valid month / day;
### otherwise, fix it
### IN : $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### @Period: array of month/day
### OUT: @Period: a valid month/day
my ($Type,@Period) = @_;
foreach my $Period (@Period) {
my ($OldPeriod) = $Period;
my ($CalMonth,$CalDay);
$Period .= '-01' if ($Type eq 'month');
$CalDay = substr ($Period, -2);
$CalMonth = substr ($Period, 5, 2);
if ($CalMonth < 1 or $CalMonth > 12 or $CalDay < 1 or $CalDay > 31) {
$CalMonth = '12' if $CalMonth > 12;
$CalMonth = '01' if $CalMonth < 1;
substr($Period, 5, 2) = $CalMonth;
$CalDay = '01' if $CalDay < 1;
$CalDay = '31' if $CalDay > 31;
# FIXME! - month with less than 31 days ...
substr($Period, -2) = $CalDay;
&Bleat(1,sprintf("'%s' is an invalid date, set to '%s'.",
$Period = substr($Period,0,7) if ($Type eq 'month');
return @Period;
sub SplitPeriod {
### split a time period denoted by YYYY-MM(-DD):YYYY-MM(-DD) into start and end
### IN : $Period: time period
### $Type : may be 'month' or 'day'
### OUT: $StartTime, $EndTime
my ($Period,$Type) = @_;
my ($StartTime, $EndTime) = split /:/, $Period;
($StartTime,$EndTime) = CheckPeriod($Type,$StartTime,$EndTime);
# switch parameters as necessary
if ($EndTime gt $StartTime) {
return ($StartTime, $EndTime);
} else {
return ($EndTime, $StartTime);
sub ListMonth {
### return a list of months (YYYY-MM) between start and end month
### IN : $MonthExpression ('YYYY-MM' or 'YYYY-MM to YYYY-MM')
### OUT: @Months: array containing all months from $MonthExpression enumerated
my ($MonthExpression )= @_;
# return if single month
return ($MonthExpression) if ($MonthExpression =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/);
# parse $MonthExpression
my ($StartMonth, $EndMonth) = split(' to ',$MonthExpression);
# set $Year, $Month from $StartMonth
my ($Year, $Month) = split /-/, $StartMonth;
# define @Months
my (@Months);
until ("$Year-$Month" gt $EndMonth) {
push @Months, "$Year-$Month";
$Month = "$Month"; # force string context
if ($Month > 12) {
$Month = '01';
return @Months;
#####---------------------------- OutputFormats ---------------------------#####
sub OutputData {
### read database query results from DBHandle and print results with formatting
### IN : $Format : format specifier
### $Comments : print or suppress all comments for machine-readable output
### $GroupBy : primary sorting order (month or key)
### $Precision: number of digits right of decimal point (0 or 2)
### $ValidKeys: reference to a hash containing all valid keys
### $FileTempl: file name template (--filetemplate): filetempl-YYYY-MM
### $DBQuery : database query handle with executed query,
### containing $Month, $Key, $Value
### $PadField : padding length for key field (optional) for 'pretty'
### $PadValue : padding length for value field (optional) for 'pretty'
my ($Format, $Comments, $GroupBy, $Precision, $ValidKeys, $FileTempl,
$DBQuery, $PadField, $PadValue) = @_;
my %ValidKeys = %{$ValidKeys} if $ValidKeys;
my ($FileName, $Handle, $OUT);
our $LastIteration;
# define output types
my %LegalOutput;
@LegalOutput{('dump','list','pretty')} = ();
# bail out if format is unknown
&Bleat(2,"Unknown output type '$Format'!") if !exists($LegalOutput{$Format});
while (my ($Month, $Key, $Value) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array) {
# don't display invalid keys
if(%ValidKeys and !defined($ValidKeys{$Key})) {
# &Bleat(1,sprintf("DROPPED: %s",$Key));
# care for correct sorting order and abstract from month and keys:
# $Caption will be $Month or $Key, according to sorting order,
# and $Key will be $Key or $Month, respectively
my $Caption;
if ($GroupBy eq 'key') {
$Caption = $Key;
$Key = $Month;
} else {
$Caption = $Month;
# set output file handle
if (!$FileTempl) {
$Handle = *STDOUT{IO}; # set $Handle to a reference to STDOUT
} elsif (!defined($LastIteration) or $LastIteration ne $Caption) {
close $OUT if ($LastIteration);
# safeguards for filename creation:
# replace potential problem characters with '_'
$FileName = sprintf('%s-%s',$FileTempl,$Caption);
$FileName =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/_/g;
open ($OUT,">$FileName")
or &Bleat(2,sprintf("Cannot open output file '%s': $!",
$Handle = $OUT;
print $Handle &FormatOutput($Format, $Comments, $Caption, $Key, $Value,
$Precision, $PadField, $PadValue);
$LastIteration = $Caption;
close $OUT if ($FileTempl);
sub FormatOutput {
### format information for output according to format specifier
### IN : $Format : format specifier
### $Comments : print or suppress all comments for machine-readable output
### $Caption : month (as YYYY-MM) or $Key, according to sorting order
### $Key : newsgroup, client, ... or $Month, as above
### $Value : number of postings with that attribute
### $Precision: number of digits right of decimal point (0 or 2)
### $PadField : padding length for key field (optional) for 'pretty'
### $PadValue : padding length for value field (optional) for 'pretty'
### OUT: $Output: formatted output
my ($Format, $Comments, $Caption, $Key, $Value, $Precision, $PadField,
$PadValue) = @_;
my ($Output);
# keep last caption in mind
our ($LastIteration);
# create one line of output
if ($Format eq 'dump') {
# output as dump (key value)
$Output = sprintf ("# %s:\n",$Caption)
if ($Comments and (!defined($LastIteration) or $Caption ne $LastIteration));
$Output .= sprintf ("%s %u\n",$Key,$Value);
} elsif ($Format eq 'list') {
# output as list (caption key value)
$Output = sprintf ("%s %s %u\n",$Caption,$Key,$Value);
} elsif ($Format eq 'pretty') {
# output as a table
$Output = sprintf ("# ----- %s:\n",$Caption)
if ($Comments and (!defined($LastIteration) or $Caption ne $LastIteration));
# increase $PadValue for numbers with decimal point
$PadValue += $Precision+1 if $Precision;
# add padding if $PadField is set; $PadValue HAS to be set then
$Output .= sprintf ($PadField ?
sprintf("%%-%us%%s %%%u.*f\n",$PadField,$PadValue) :
"%s%s %.*f\n",$Key,$Comments ? ':' : '',
return $Output;
#####------------------------- QueryModifications -------------------------#####
sub SQLHierarchies {
### add exclusion of hierarchy levels (de.alt.ALL) from SQL query by
### amending the WHERE clause if $ShowHierarchies is false (or don't, if it is
### true, accordingly)
### IN : $ShowHierarchies: boolean value
### OUT: SQL code
my ($ShowHierarchies) = @_;
return $ShowHierarchies ? '' : "newsgroup NOT LIKE '%.ALL'";
sub GetMaxLength {
### get length of longest fields in future query result
### IN : $DBHandle : database handle
### $Table : table to query
### $Field : field (key!, i.e. month, newsgroup, ...) to check
### $Value : field (value!, i.e. postings) to check
### $WhereClause : WHERE clause
### $HavingClause: HAVING clause
### @BindVars : bind variables for WHERE clause
### OUT: $FieldLength : length of longest instance of $Field
### $ValueLength : length of longest instance of $Value
my ($DBHandle,$Table,$Field,$Value,$WhereClause,$HavingClause,@BindVars) = @_;
my $DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("SELECT MAX(LENGTH(%s)),".
"MAX(%s) ".
"FROM %s %s %s",$Field,,$Value,
$Table,$WhereClause,$HavingClause ?
'GROUP BY newsgroup' . $HavingClause .
' ORDER BY LENGTH(newsgroup) '.
'DESC LIMIT 1': ''));
$DBQuery->execute(@BindVars) or &Bleat(1,sprintf("Can't get field length ".
"for '%s' from table '%s': ".
my ($FieldLength,$ValueMax) = $DBQuery->fetchrow_array;
my $ValueLength = length($ValueMax) if ($ValueMax);
return ($FieldLength,$ValueLength);
sub SQLSortOrder {
### build a SQL 'ORDER BY' clause from $OptGroupBy (primary sorting) and
### $OptOrderBy (secondary sorting), both ascending or descending;
### descending sorting order is done by adding '-desc'
### IN : $GroupBy: primary sort by 'month' (default) or 'newsgroups'
### $OrderBy: secondary sort by month/newsgroups (default)
### or number of 'postings'
### OUT: a SQL ORDER BY clause
my ($GroupBy,$OrderBy) = @_;
my ($GroupSort,$OrderSort) = ('','');
# $GroupBy (primary sorting)
if (!$GroupBy) {
$GroupBy = 'month';
} else {
($GroupBy, $GroupSort) = SQLParseOrder($GroupBy);
if ($GroupBy =~ /group/i) {
$GroupBy = 'newsgroup';
} else {
$GroupBy = 'month';
my $Secondary = ($GroupBy eq 'month') ? 'newsgroup' : 'month';
# $OrderBy (secondary sorting)
if (!$OrderBy) {
$OrderBy = $Secondary;
} else {
($OrderBy, $OrderSort) = SQLParseOrder($OrderBy);
if ($OrderBy =~ /posting/i) {
$OrderBy = "postings $OrderSort, $Secondary";
} else {
$OrderBy = "$Secondary $OrderSort";
return ($GroupBy,&SQLBuildClause('order',"$GroupBy $GroupSort",$OrderBy));
sub SQLParseOrder {
### parse $OptGroupBy or $OptOrderBy option of the form param[-desc], e.g.
### 'month', 'month-desc', 'newsgroups-desc', but also just 'desc'
### IN : $OrderOption: order option (see above)
### OUT: parameter to sort by,
### sort order ('DESC' or nothing, meaning 'ASC')
my ($OrderOption) = @_;
my $SortOrder = '';
if ($OrderOption =~ s/-?desc$//i) {
$SortOrder = 'DESC';
} else {
$OrderOption =~ s/-?asc$//i
return ($OrderOption,$SortOrder);
sub SQLGroupList {
### explode list of newsgroups separated by : (with wildcards)
### to a SQL 'WHERE' expression
### IN : $Newsgroups: list of newsgroups (*:group.two:group.three.*)
### OUT: SQL code to become part of a 'WHERE' clause,
### list of newsgroups for SQL bindings
my ($Newsgroups) = @_;
# substitute '*' wildcard with SQL wildcard character '%'
$Newsgroups =~ s/\*/%/g;
return (undef,undef) if !CheckValidNewsgroups($Newsgroups);
# just one newsgroup?
return (SQLGroupWildcard($Newsgroups),$Newsgroups) if $Newsgroups !~ /:/;
my ($SQL,@WildcardGroups,@NoWildcardGroups);
# list of newsgroups separated by ':'
my @GroupList = split /:/, $Newsgroups;
foreach (@GroupList) {
if ($_ !~ /%/) {
# add to list of newsgroup names WITHOUT wildcard
push (@NoWildcardGroups,$_);
} else {
# add to list of newsgroup names WITH wildcard
push (@WildcardGroups,$_);
# add wildcard to SQL clause
# 'OR' if SQL clause is not empty
$SQL .= ' OR ' if $SQL;
$SQL .= 'newsgroup LIKE ?'
if (scalar(@NoWildcardGroups)) {
# add 'OR' if SQL clause is not empty
$SQL .= ' OR ' if $SQL;
if (scalar(@NoWildcardGroups) < 2) {
# special case: just one newsgroup without wildcard
$SQL .= 'newsgroup = ?';
} else {
# create list of newsgroups to include: 'newsgroup IN (...)'
$SQL .= 'newsgroup IN (';
my $SQLin;
foreach (@NoWildcardGroups) {
$SQLin .= ',' if $SQLin;
$SQLin .= '?';
# add list to SQL clause
$SQL .= $SQLin .= ')';
# add brackets '()' to SQL clause as needed (more than one wildcard group)
if (scalar(@WildcardGroups)) {
$SQL = '(' . $SQL .')';
# rebuild @GroupList in (now) correct order
@GroupList = (@WildcardGroups,@NoWildcardGroups);
return ($SQL,@GroupList);
sub SQLGroupWildcard {
### build a valid SQL 'WHERE' expression with or without wildcards
### IN : $Newsgroup: newsgroup expression, probably with wildcard
### ( or
### OUT: SQL code to become part of a 'WHERE' clause
my ($Newsgroup) = @_;
if ($Newsgroup !~ /%/) {
return 'newsgroup = ?';
} else {
return 'newsgroup LIKE ?';
sub SQLSetBounds {
### set upper and/or lower boundary (number of postings)
### IN : $Type: 'level', 'average', 'sum' or 'default'
### $LowBound,$UppBound: lower/upper boundary, respectively
### OUT: SQL code to become part of a WHERE or HAVING clause
my ($Type,$LowBound,$UppBound) = @_;
($LowBound,$UppBound) = SQLCheckNumber($LowBound,$UppBound);
if($LowBound and $UppBound and $LowBound > $UppBound) {
&Bleat(1,"Lower boundary $LowBound is larger than Upper boundary ".
"$UppBound, exchanging boundaries.");
($LowBound,$UppBound) = ($UppBound,$LowBound);
# default to 'default'
my $WhereHavingFunction = 'postings';
# set $LowBound to SQL statement:
# 'WHERE postings >=', 'HAVING MIN(postings) >=' or 'HAVING AVG(postings) >='
if ($Type eq 'level') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'MIN(postings)'
} elsif ($Type eq 'average') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'AVG(postings)'
} elsif ($Type eq 'sum') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'SUM(postings)'
$LowBound = sprintf('%s >= '.$LowBound,$WhereHavingFunction) if ($LowBound);
# set $LowBound to SQL statement:
# 'WHERE postings <=', 'HAVING MAX(postings) <=' or 'HAVING AVG(postings) <='
if ($Type eq 'level') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'MAX(postings)'
} elsif ($Type eq 'average') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'AVG(postings)'
} elsif ($Type eq 'sum') {
$WhereHavingFunction = 'SUM(postings)'
$UppBound = sprintf('%s <= '.$UppBound,$WhereHavingFunction) if ($UppBound);
return ($LowBound,$UppBound);
sub SQLCheckNumber {
### check if input is a valid positive integer; otherwise, make it one
### IN : @Numbers: array of parameters
### OUT: @Numbers: a valid positive integer
my (@Numbers) = @_;
foreach my $Number (@Numbers) {
if ($Number and $Number < 0) {
&Bleat(1,"Boundary $Number is < 0, set to ".-$Number);
$Number = -$Number;
$Number = '' if ($Number and $Number !~ /^\d+$/);
return @Numbers;
sub SQLBuildClause {
### build a valid SQL WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY or HAVING clause
### from multiple expressions which *may* be empty
### IN : $Type: 'where', 'having', 'group' or 'order'
### @Expressions: array of expressions
### OUT: $SQLClause: a SQL clause
my ($Type,@Expressions) = @_;
my ($SQLClause,$Separator,$Statement);
# set separator ('AND' or ',')
if ($Type eq 'where' or $Type eq 'having') {
$Separator = 'AND';
} else {
$Separator = ',';
# set statement
if ($Type eq 'where') {
$Statement = 'WHERE';
} elsif ($Type eq 'order') {
$Statement = 'ORDER BY';
} elsif ($Type eq 'having') {
$Statement = 'HAVING';
} else {
$Statement = 'GROUP BY';
# build query from expressions with separators
foreach my $Expression (@Expressions) {
if ($Expression) {
$SQLClause .= " $Separator " if ($SQLClause);
$SQLClause .= $Expression;
# add statement in front if not already present
$SQLClause = " $Statement " . $SQLClause
if ($SQLClause and $SQLClause !~ /$Statement/);
return $SQLClause;
#####--------------------------- Verifications ----------------------------#####
sub CheckValidNewsgroups {
### syntax check of newgroup list
### IN : $Newsgroups: list of newsgroups (*:group.two:group.three.*)
### OUT: boolean
my ($Newsgroups) = @_;
my $InvalidCharRegExp = ',; ';
return ($Newsgroups =~ /[$InvalidCharRegExp]/) ? 0 : 1;
#####------------------------------- done ---------------------------------#####