Thomas Hochstein 44c197097b Fix documentation relating to conffile location.
CONFIGURATION section talks about newsstats.conf being
in the same directory which is not true any more since

It also didn't mention the --conffile option which was
added in 23ab67a099.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2013-09-04 11:43:13 +02:00

275 lines
6.8 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl
# This script will log headers and other data to a database
# for further analysis by parsing a feed from INN.
# It is part of the NewsStats package.
# Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.02";
use File::Basename;
# we're in .../bin, so our module is in ../lib
push(@INC, dirname($0).'/../lib');
use strict;
use warnings;
use NewsStats;
use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros);
use Date::Format;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
Getopt::Long::config ('bundling');
################################# Subroutines ##################################
sub PrepareDB {
### initialise database connection, prepare statement
### and catch errors
### IN : \%Conf : reference to configuration hash
### OUT: $DBHandle: database handle
### $DBQuery : prepared statement
our ($DBHandle, $DBQuery, $OptQuiet);
my ($ConfigR) = @_;
my %Conf = %$ConfigR;
# drop current database connection - hard, if necessary
if ($DBHandle) {
undef $DBHandle;
# connect to database; try again every 5 seconds
while (!$DBHandle) {
$DBHandle = InitDB($ConfigR,0);
if (!$DBHandle) {
syslog(LOG_CRIT, 'Database connection failed: %s', $DBI::errstr);
} else {;
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Database connection (re-)established successfully.") if !$OptQuiet;
$DBQuery = $DBHandle->prepare(sprintf("INSERT INTO %s.%s (day,date,mid,
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",
return ($DBHandle,$DBQuery);
################################# Main program #################################
### read commandline options
my ($OptDebug,$OptQuiet,$OptConfFile);
GetOptions ('d|debug!' => \$OptDebug,
'q|test!' => \$OptQuiet,
'conffile=s' => \$OptConfFile,
'h|help' => \&ShowPOD,
'V|version' => \&ShowVersion) or exit 1;
### read configuration
my %Conf = %{ReadConfig($OptConfFile)};
### init syslog
openlog($0, 'nofatal,pid', LOG_NEWS);
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "$MyVersion starting up.") if !$OptQuiet;
### init database
my ($DBHandle,$DBQuery) = PrepareDB(\%Conf);
### main loop
while (<>) {
# catch empty lines trailing or leading
if ($_ eq '') {
# first line contains: mid, timestamp, token, size, peer, Path, Newsgroups
my ($Mid, $Timestamp, $Token, $Size, $Peer, $Path, $Newsgroups) = split;
# remaining lines contain headers
my $Headers = "";
while (<>) {
# empty line terminates this article
if ($_ eq '') {
# collect headers
$Headers .= $_."\n" ;
# parse timestamp to day (YYYY-MM-DD) and to MySQL timestamp
my $Day = time2str("%Y-%m-%d", $Timestamp);
my $Date = time2str("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $Timestamp);
# write to database
if (!$DBQuery->execute($Day, $Date, $Mid, $Timestamp, $Token, $Size, $Peer,
$Path, $Newsgroups, $Headers)) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, 'Database error %s while processing %s: %s',
$DBI::err, $Mid, $DBI::errstr);
# if "MySQL server has gone away", try to recover
if ($DBI::err == 2006) {
# try to reconnect to database
($DBHandle,$DBQuery) = PrepareDB(\%Conf);
# try to repeat the write attempt as before
if (!$DBQuery->execute($Day, $Date, $Mid, $Timestamp, $Token, $Size, $Peer,
$Path, $Newsgroups, $Headers)) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, '%s was dropped and lost.',$Mid);
# otherwise log missing posting
} else {
syslog(LOG_ERR, '%s was dropped and lost.',$Mid);
warn sprintf("-----\nDay: %s\nDate: %s\nMID: %s\nTS: %s\nToken: %s\n".
"Size: %s\nPeer: %s\nPath: %s\nNewsgroups: %s\nHeaders: %s\n",
$Day, $Date, $Mid, $Timestamp, $Token, $Size, $Peer, $Path,
$Newsgroups, $Headers) if $OptDebug;
### close handles
syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "$0 closing down.") if !$OptQuiet;
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
feedlog - log data from an INN feed to a database
B<feedlog> [B<-Vhdq>] [B<--conffile> I<filename>]
See L<doc/README>.
This script will log overview data and complete headers to a database
table for further examination by parsing a feed from INN. It will
parse that information and write it to a mysql database table in real
All reporting is done to I<syslog> via I<news> facility. If B<feedlog>
fails to initiate a database connection at startup, it will log to
I<syslog> with I<CRIT> priority and go in an endless loop, as
terminating would only result in a rapid respawn.
=head2 Configuration
B<feedlog> will read its configuration from F<newsstats.conf> which
should be present in etc/ via Config::Auto or from a configuration file
submitted by the B<--conffile> option.
See L<doc/INSTALL> for an overview of possible configuration options.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-V>, B<--version>
Print out version and copyright information and exit.
=item B<-h>, B<--help>
Print this man page and exit.
=item B<-d>, B<--debug>
Output debugging information to STDERR while parsing STDIN. You'll
find that information most probably in your B<INN> F<errlog> file.
=item B<-q>, B<--quiet>
Suppress logging to syslog.
=item B<--conffile> I<filename>
Load configuration from I<filename> instead of F<newsstats.conf>.
See L<doc/INSTALL>.
Set up a feed like that in your B<INN> F<newsfeeds> file:
## gather statistics for NewsStats
See L<doc/INSTALL> for further information.
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<bin/>
The script itself.
=item F<lib/>
Library functions for the NewsStats package.
=item F<etc/newsstats.conf>
Runtime configuration file.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author or use the
bug tracker at L<>!
=head1 SEE ALSO
=over 2
=item -
=item -
This script is part of the B<NewsStats> package.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <>
Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.