# UVmenu: menu for interaction with the votetaker # Used by uvvote.pl, uvcfv.pl, uvcount.pl package UVmenu; use strict; use UVconfig; use UVmessage; use UVrules; use vars qw($VERSION); use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns); # Module version $VERSION = "0.4"; ############################################################################## # Menu for interaction with the votetaker # # Parameters: votes list and header (references to arrays) # # Body, Mailadress, Name, Ballot ID, # # Voting (references to strings) # # List of newly set fields (reference to array) # # List of errors to correct (Array-Ref) # # Return Values: 'w': proceed # # 'i': ignore (don't save vote) # ############################################################################## sub menu { my ($votes, $header, $body, $addr, $name, $ballot_id, $voting, $set, $errors) = @_; my $input = ""; my $voter_addr = $$addr || ''; my $voter_name = $$name || ''; my @newvotes = @$votes; my $mailonly = 0; my %errors; $$ballot_id ||= ''; foreach my $error (@$errors) { # unrecognized vote: extract group number und display warning if ($error =~ /^UnrecognizedVote #(\d+)#(.+)$/) { $errors{UnrecognizedVote} ||= UVmessage::get("MENU_UNRECOGNIZEDVOTE"); $errors{UnrecognizedVote} .= "\n " . UVmessage::get("MENU_UNRECOGNIZED_LIST") . " #$1: $2"; # violated rule: extract rule number and display warning } elsif ($error =~ /^ViolatedRule #(\d+)$/) { $errors{ViolatedRule} ||= UVmessage::get("MENU_VIOLATEDRULE", (RULE => "#$1")); } else { # special handling if called from uvballot.pl $mailonly = 1 if ($error =~ s/Ballot$//); # get error message for this error from messages.cfg $errors{$error} = UVmessage::get("MENU_" . uc($error)); } } # This loop is only left by 'return' while (1) { system($config{clearcmd}); print UVmessage::get("MENU_PROBLEMS") . "\n"; foreach my $error (keys %errors) { print "* $errors{$error}\n"; } my $menucaption = UVmessage::get("MENU_CAPTION"); print "\n\n$menucaption\n"; print "=" x length($menucaption), "\n\n"; # don't print this option if called from uvcfv.pl unless ($mailonly) { print "(0) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DIFF_BALLOT"), "\n"; } print "(1) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_SHOW_MAIL"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_CHANGE_PROPERTIES"), "\n", "(2) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS"), " [$voter_addr]\n"; # don't print these options if called from uvcfv.pl unless ($mailonly) { print "(3) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME"), " [$voter_name]\n"; print "(4) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES"), " [", @$votes, "]\n"; print "(5) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BALLOT_ID"), " [$$ballot_id]\n" if ($config{personal}); print "(6) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG"), "\n" if ($config{bdsg}); print "(7) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING"), " [", $$voting, "]\n"; } print "\n", "(i) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE"), "\n", "(w) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROCEED"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); do { $input = ; } until ($input); chomp $input; print "\n"; # only accept 1, 2, i and w if called from uvcfv.pl next if ($mailonly && $input !~ /^[12iw]$/i); if ($input eq '0') { # ignore SIGPIPE (Bug in more and less) $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; open (DIFF, "|$config{diff} - $config{sampleballotfile} | $config{pager}"); print DIFF $$body, "\n"; close (DIFF); } elsif ($input eq '1') { system($config{clearcmd}); # ignore SIGPIPE (Bug in more and less) $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE'; open (MORE, "|$config{pager}"); print MORE join("\n", @$header), "\n\n", $$body, "\n"; close (MORE); print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_GETKEY"); $input = ; } elsif ($input eq '2') { my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_OK"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_CHANGE"), "\n", "[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_INVALID"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[abc]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) { delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount}; delete $errors{InvalidAddress}; next; } elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) { delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount}; $errors{InvalidAddress} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDADDRESS") . " " . UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDADDRESS2"); next; } do { print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_PROMPT"), " "; $voter_addr = ; chomp ($voter_addr); } until ($voter_addr); $$addr = $voter_addr; push (@$set, 'Adresse'); delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount}; delete $errors{InvalidAddress}; check_ballotid(\%errors, \$voter_addr, $ballot_id, \%ids); } elsif ($input eq '3') { my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_OK"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_CHANGE"), "\n", "[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_INVALID"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[abc]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) { delete $errors{InvalidName}; next; } elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) { $errors{InvalidName} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDNAME"); next; } print UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME"), ": "; $voter_name = ; chomp ($voter_name); $$name = $voter_name; push (@$set, 'Name'); delete $errors{NoName}; delete $errors{InvalidName}; $errors{InvalidName} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDNAME") unless ($voter_name =~ /$config{name_re}/); } elsif ($input eq '4') { # set votes my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_OK"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_RESET"), "\n", "[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_INVALID"), "\n", "[d] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_CANCELLED"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[abcd]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^[ad]$/i) { delete $errors{NoVote}; delete $errors{UnrecognizedVote}; delete $errors{ViolatedRule}; delete $errors{DuplicateVote}; if ($sel =~ /^d$/i) { # cancelled vote: replace all votes with an A @$votes = split(//, 'A' x scalar @groups); push @$set, 'Stimmen'; # some errors are irrelevant when cancelling a vote: delete $errors{InvalidName}; delete $errors{NoName}; delete $errors{InvalidBDSG}; delete $errors{InvalidAddress}; delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount}; } next; } elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) { $errors{NoVote} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDVOTE"); next; } # Set columns for Text::Wrap $columns = $config{rightmargin}; print "\n", wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_ASK")), "\n\n"; print UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_LEGEND"), "\n"; for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) { my $voteinput = ""; $votes->[$n] ||= 'E'; # repeat while invalid character entered while (!($voteinput =~ /^[JNE]$/)) { my $invalid = $#groups ? 0 : 1; print UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER", (GROUP => $groups[$n])); $voteinput = ; chomp $voteinput; $voteinput ||= $votes->[$n]; $voteinput =~ tr/jne/JNE/; } # valid input, save new votes $newvotes[$n] = $voteinput; } print "\n\n"; my $oldvotes = UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_OLD"); my $newvotes = UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_NEW"); my $oldlen = length($oldvotes); my $newlen = length($newvotes); my $maxlen = 1 + (($newlen>$oldlen) ? $newlen : $oldlen); print $oldvotes, ' ' x ($maxlen - length($oldvotes)), @$votes, "\n", $newvotes, ' ' x ($maxlen - length($newvotes)), @newvotes, "\n\n"; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_ACK"), " ", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_NACK"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i); next if ($sel =~ /^b$/i); @$votes = @newvotes; push @$set, 'Stimmen'; delete $errors{UnrecognizedVote}; delete $errors{DuplicateVote}; delete $errors{NoVote}; delete $errors{ViolatedRule}; if (my $rule = UVrules::rule_check($votes)) { $errors{ViolatedRule} = UVmessage::get("MENU_VIOLATEDRULE", (RULE => "#$rule")); } } elsif ($input eq '5' && $config{personal}) { print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_BALLOT_ID"), ": "; $$ballot_id = ; chomp ($$ballot_id); push (@$set, 'Kennung'); check_ballotid(\%errors, \$voter_addr, $ballot_id, \%ids); } elsif ($input eq '6' && $config{bdsg}) { my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG_ACCEPTED"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG_DECLINED"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) { delete $errors{InvalidBDSG}; } else { $errors{InvalidBDSG} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDBDSG"); } } elsif ($input eq '7') { my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_CORRECT"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_WRONG"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) { delete $errors{NoVoting}; delete $errors{WrongVoting}; } else { $errors{WrongVoting} = UVmessage::get("MENU_WRONGVOTING"); } } elsif ($input eq '7') { my $sel; do { print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_CORRECT"), "\n", "[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_WRONG"), "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"); $sel = ; } until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i); if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) { delete $errors{NoVoting}; delete $errors{WrongVoting}; } else { $errors{WrongVoting} = UVmessage::get("MENU_WRONGVOTING"); } } elsif ($input =~ /^i$/i) { my $ignore = UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE_STRING"); # Set columns for Text::Wrap $columns = $config{rightmargin}; print wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE_WARNING", (MENU_IGNORE_STRING => $ignore) )); if ( eq "$ignore\n") { print "\n"; return "i"; } } elsif ($input =~ /^w$/i) { if (keys %errors) { if ((keys %errors)==1 && $errors{UnrecognizedVote}) { # unrecognized vote lines aren't errors if votetaker # did not change them @$errors = (); } else { # Set columns for Text::Wrap $columns = $config{rightmargin}; @$errors = keys %errors; my $warning = ' ' . UVmessage::get("MENU_ERROR_WARNING") . ' '; my $length = length($warning); print "\n", '*' x (($config{rightmargin}-$length)/2), $warning, '*' x (($config{rightmargin}-$length)/2), "\n\n", wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_ERROR_TEXT")), "\n\n", '*' x $config{rightmargin}, "\n\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_ERROR_GETKEY"); my $input = ; next if ($input !~ /^y$/i); print "\n"; } } else { @$errors = (); } system($config{clearcmd}); print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROCESSING"), "\n"; return "w"; } } sub check_ballotid { my ($errors, $voter_addr, $ballot_id, $ids) = @_; return 0 unless ($config{personal}); delete $errors->{NoBallotID}; delete $errors->{WrongBallotID}; delete $errors->{AddressNotRegistered}; if ($$ballot_id) { if ($ids->{$$voter_addr}) { if ($ids->{$$voter_addr} ne $$ballot_id) { # ballot id incorrect $errors->{WrongBallotID} = UVmessage::get("MENU_WRONGBALLOTID"); } } else { $errors->{AddressNotRegistered} = UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESSNOTREGISTERED"); } } else { $errors->{NoBallotID} = UVmessage::get("MENU_NOBALLOTID"); } } } ############################################################################## # Menu for sorting out duplicate votings manually # # Parameters: References to hashes with the paragraphs from the result file # # and the default value # # Return value: selected menu item (1, 2 or 0) # ############################################################################## sub dup_choice { my ($vote1, $vote2, $default) = @_; print STDERR "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_VOTE"), "\n\n"; print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_FIRST"), "\n"; print STDERR "A: $vote1->{A}\n"; print STDERR "N: $vote1->{N}\n"; print STDERR "D: $vote1->{D}\n"; print STDERR "K: $vote1->{K}\n"; print STDERR "S: $vote1->{S}\n\n"; print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_SECOND"), "\n"; print STDERR "A: $vote2->{A}\n"; print STDERR "N: $vote2->{N}\n"; print STDERR "D: $vote2->{D}\n"; print STDERR "K: $vote2->{K}\n"; print STDERR "S: $vote2->{S}\n\n"; print STDERR "1: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELFIRST"), "\n", "2: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELSECOND"), "\n", "0: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELNONE"), "\n\n"; my $input; do { print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"), "[$default] "; $input = ; chomp $input; } until ($input eq '' || ($input >= 0 && $input<3)); return $input || $default; } 1;