#!/usr/bin/perl -w ############################################################################### # UseVoteGer 4.10 Personalisierte Wahlscheine # (c) 2001-2012 Marc Langer # # This script package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation. # # Use this script to read mails and send back a CfV with unique ballot id # # Many thanks to: # - Ron Dippold (Usevote 3.0, 1993/94) # - Frederik Ramm (German translation, 1994) # - Wolfgang Behrens (UseVoteGer 3.1, based on Frederik's translation, 1998/99) # - Cornell Binder for some good advice and code fragments # # This is a complete rewrite of UseVoteGer 3.1 in Perl (former versions were # written in C). Not all functions of Usevote/UseVoteGer 3.x are implemented! ############################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns); use FindBin qw($Bin); use lib $Bin; use UVconfig; use UVmenu; use UVmessage; use UVreadmail; use UVsendmail; use UVtemplate; my %opt_ctl = (); print "\n$usevote_version Personalisierte Wahlscheine - (c) 2001-2005 Marc Langer\n\n"; # unknown parameters remain in @ARGV (for "help") Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(pass_through bundling)); # Put known parameters in %opt_ctl GetOptions(\%opt_ctl, qw(test t config-file=s c=s)); # test mode? (default: no) my $test_only = $opt_ctl{test} || $opt_ctl{t} || 0; # # Additional parameters or invalid options? Show help and exit. help() if (@ARGV); # Get name auf config file (default: usevote.cfg) and read it my $cfgfile = $opt_ctl{'config-file'} || $opt_ctl{c} || "usevote.cfg"; UVconfig::read_config($cfgfile); # Set columns for Text::Wrap $columns = $config{rightmargin}; # read list of suspicious mail addresses from file my @bad_addr = UVconfig::read_badaddr(); # exit if option "personal=1" in config file not set unless ($config{personal}) { die wrap ('', '', UVmessage::get("ERR_NOTPERSONAL", (CFGFILE => $cfgfile))) . "\n\n"; } # option -t used? if ($test_only) { print_ballot(); exit 0; } # check for lock file if (-e $config{lockfile}) { my $lockfile = $config{lockfile}; # don't delete lockfile in END block ;-) $config{lockfile} = ''; # exit die UVmessage::get("ERR_LOCK", (FILE=>$lockfile)) . "\n\n"; } # safe exit (delete lockfile) $SIG{QUIT} = 'sighandler'; $SIG{INT} = 'sighandler'; $SIG{KILL} = 'sighandler'; $SIG{TERM} = 'sighandler'; $SIG{HUP} = 'sighandler'; # create lock file open (LOCKFILE, ">$config{lockfile}"); close (LOCKFILE); # check for tmp directory and domail file unless (-d $config{tmpdir}) { mkdir ($config{tmpdir}, 0700) or die UVmessage::get("ERR_MKDIR", (DIR => $config{tmpdir})) . "\n$!\n\n"; } # generate filename for mail archive # normally unixtime is sufficient, if it is not unique append a number my $file = my $base = "anforderung-" . time(); my $count = 0; while ($count<1000 && (-e "$config{archivedir}/$file" || -e "$config{tmpdir}/$file")) { $file = "$base-" . ++$count; } die UVmessage::get("ERR_FILE_CREATION") . "\n\n" if ($count == 1000); unless ($config{pop3}) { rename ($config{requestfile}, "$config{tmpdir}/$file") or die UVmessage::get("ERR_RENAME_MAILFILE") . "$!\n\n"; } # wait, so that current mail deliveries can finalize sleep 2; # initiliaze random number generator srand; # read votes and process them # for each mail pass a reference to the sub to be called # The third parameter "1" shows that it is called from uvcfv.pl $count = UVreadmail::process("$config{tmpdir}/$file", \&process_request, 1); print "\n", UVmessage::get("CFV_NUMBER", (COUNT => $count)), "\n\n"; UVsendmail::send(); print UVmessage::get("INFO_TIDY_UP") . "\n\n"; rename("$config{tmpdir}/$file", "$config{archivedir}/$file"); chmod (0400, "$config{archivedir}/$file"); exit 0; ############################################################################## # Evaluate a ballot request # # Called from UVreadmail::process() for every mail # # Parameters: Voter address and name, date header of vote mail (strings), # # complete header and body (references to Strings) # ############################################################################## sub process_request { my ($voter_addr, $voter_name, $h_date, $entity, $body) = @_; my @header = split(/\n/, $entity->stringify_header); my $head = $entity->head; my $msgid = $head->get('Message-ID'); chomp($msgid) if ($msgid); # found address? if ($voter_addr) { # check for suspicious addresses foreach my $element (@bad_addr) { if ($voter_addr =~ /^$element/) { my (@votes, @set, $ballot_id, $voting); # irrelevant, but necessary for UVmenu::menu() my @errors = ('SuspiciousAccountBallot'); my $res = UVmenu::menu(\@votes, \@header, $body, \$voter_addr, \$voter_name, \$ballot_id, \$voting, \@set, \@errors); # "Ignore": don't deliver a ballot return 0 if ($res eq 'i'); if (@errors) { # send error mail if address hasn't been accepted my $template = UVtemplate->new(); $template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header); $template->setKey('body' => $$body); my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_invalid_account}); UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid); return 0; } last; } } } else { # no address found in mail (non-RFC compliant?) my (@votes, @set, $ballot_id); # irrelevant, but necessary for UVmenu::menu() my @errors = ('InvalidAddressBallot'); my $res = UVmenu::menu(\@votes, \@header, $body, \$voter_addr, \$voter_name, \$ballot_id, \@set, \@errors); # "ignore" or address not ok: no ballot can be sent return 0 if (@errors || $res eq 'i'); } my $subject = UVmessage::get("CFV_SUBJECT"); my $template = UVtemplate->new(); my $ballot_id = ""; #if ($ballot_id ne $ids{$voter_addr}) { if ($ids{$voter_addr}) { $ballot_id = $ids{$voter_addr}; $template->setKey('alreadysent' => 1) if ($ballot_id = $ids{$voter_addr}); } else { # generate new ballot id from the MD5 sum of header, body and a random value $ballot_id = md5_hex($entity->stringify_header . $body . rand 65535); $ids{$voter_addr} = $ballot_id; # write ballot id to file open(IDFILE, ">>$config{idfile}") or die UVmessage::get("CFV_ERRWRITE", (FILE => $config{idfile})) . "\n\n"; print IDFILE "$voter_addr $ballot_id\n"; close(IDFILE) or die UVmessage::get("CFV_ERRCLOSE") . "\n\n"; } $template->setKey('ballotid' => $ballot_id); $template->setKey('address' => $voter_addr); $template->setKey('bdsginfo' => $config{bdsginfo}); for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) { $template->addListItem('groups', pos=>$n+1, group=>$groups[$n]); } my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{'tpl_ballot_personal'}); # $config{voteaccount} is the Reply-To address: UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, $subject, $msg, $msgid, $config{voteaccount}); } ############################################################################## # Print dummy personalized ballot in STDOUT for checking purposes # # Called if command line argument -t is present # ############################################################################## sub print_ballot { my $template = UVtemplate->new(); # generate new ballot id my $ballot_id = md5_hex(rand 65535); $template->setKey('ballotid' => $ballot_id); $template->setKey('address' => 'dummy@foo.invalid'); $template->setKey('bdsginfo' => $config{bdsginfo}); for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) { $template->addListItem('groups', pos=>$n+1, group=>$groups[$n]); } my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{'tpl_ballot_personal'}); print $msg, "\n"; } ############################################################################## # Handle Signals and delete lock files when exiting # ############################################################################## END { # delete lockfile unlink $config{lockfile} if ($config{lockfile}); } sub sighandler { my ($sig) = @_; die "\n\nSIG$sig: deleting lockfile and exiting\n\n"; } ############################################################################## # Print help text (options and syntax) on -h or --help # ############################################################################## sub help { print <