Thomas Hochstein 1765b2e8d6 Change quorum (50 -> 15 votes)
Change in config and templates:
- result-single
- result-multi

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2021-12-19 15:12:52 +01:00

335 lines
12 KiB
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# UVconfig: Reads config files and tests configuration
# Used by all components
package UVconfig;
use strict;
use Net::Domain qw(hostname hostfqdn hostdomain);
use UVmessage;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION $usevote_version %config %messages
@rules @groups $bdsg_regexp $bdsg2_regexp %ids %functions);
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw($usevote_version %config %messages @rules @groups
$bdsg_regexp $bdsg2_regexp %ids %functions);
# Module version
$VERSION = "0.18";
# Usevote version
$usevote_version = "UseVoteGer 4.12";
sub read_config {
my ($cfgfile, $redir_errors) = @_;
# Default configuration options (overwritten in usevote.cfg)
%config = (votefile => "votes",
votename => "unkonfiguriertes Usevote",
sampleballotfile => "ballot.sample",
resultfile => "ergebnis.alle",
rulefile => "usevote.rul",
badaddrfile => "mailpatterns.cfg",
messagefile => "messages.cfg",
idfile => "scheinkennungen",
requestfile => "anforderung",
errorfile => "errors.log",
lockfile => "usevote.lock",
replyto => 0,
personal => 0,
proportional => 0,
bdsg => 0,
onestep => 0,
multigroup => 0,
voteack => 1,
voteaccount => "<> (unkonfiguriertes Usevote)",
mailfrom => "<> (unkonfiguriertes Usevote)",
envelopefrom => "<>",
mailboxtype => "mbox",
mailstart => "^From ",
archivedir => "fertig",
tmpdir => "tmp",
templatedir => "templates",
formats => "",
domailfile => "tmp/domail",
controlfile => "tmp/ack.control",
mailcmd => "sendmail -oi -oem",
mailcc => "",
sleepcmd => "sleep 1",
clearcmd => "clear",
diff => "diff",
pager => "less",
pop3 => 0,
pop3server => "localhost",
pop3port => 110,
pop3user => "default",
pop3pass => "default",
pop3delete => 0,
pop3uidlcache => "uidlcache",
pop3server_req => "localhost",
pop3port_req => 110,
pop3user_req => "default",
pop3pass_req => "default",
pop3delete_req => 0,
pop3uidlcache_req => "uidlcache_req",
pop3server_bounce => "localhost",
pop3port_bounce => 110,
pop3user_bounce => "default",
pop3pass_bounce => "default",
pop3delete_bounce => 0,
pop3uidlcache_bounce => 'uidlcache_bounce',
smtp => 0,
smtpserver => 'localhost',
smtpport => 25,
smtphelo => hostfqdn(),
fqdn => hostfqdn(),
smtpauth => 0,
smtpuser => '',
smtppass => '',
name_re => '[a-zA-Z<><5A><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>-]{2,} +.*[a-zA-Z<><5A><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>]{2,}',
ja_stimme => '(J\s*A|J|(D\s*A\s*)?F\s*U\s*E\s*R)',
nein_stimme => '(N\s*E\s*I\s*N|N|(D\s*A\s*)?G\s*E\s*G\s*E\s*N)',
enth_stimme => '(E|E\s*N\s*T\s*H\s*A\s*L\s*T\s*U\s*N\s*G)',
ann_stimme => 'A\s*N\s*N\s*U\s*L\s*L\s*I\s*E\s*R\s*U\s*N\s*G',
bdsg_confirm => 'JA',
condition1 => '$yes>=2*$no', # twice as many yes as no
condition2 => '$yes>=15', # min 15 yes votes
prop_formula => '$yes/$no',
tpl_ack_mail => 'ack-mail',
tpl_bouncelist => 'bouncelist',
tpl_mailheader => 'mailheader',
tpl_result_multi => 'result-multi',
tpl_result_single => 'result-single',
tpl_result_prop => 'result-proportional',
tpl_votes_multi => 'votes-multi',
tpl_votes_single => 'votes-single',
tpl_voterlist => 'voterlist',
tpl_ballot => 'ballot',
tpl_ballot_request => 'ballot-request',
tpl_ballot_personal => 'ballot-personal',
tpl_addr_reg => 'address-not-registered',
tpl_no_ballotid => 'no-ballotid',
tpl_wrong_ballotid => 'wrong-ballotid',
tpl_bdsg_error => 'bdsg-error',
tpl_cancelled => 'cancelled',
tpl_invalid_account => 'invalid-account',
tpl_invalid_name => 'invalid-name',
tpl_multiple_votes => 'multiple-votes',
tpl_no_ballot => 'no-ballot',
tpl_no_votes => 'no-votes',
tpl_rule_violated => 'rule-violated',
begin_divider => 'Alles vor dieser Zeile bitte loeschen',
end_divider => 'Alles nach dieser Zeile bitte loeschen',
ballotintro => 'WAHLSCHEIN fuer',
nametext => 'Dein Realname, falls nicht im FROM-Header:',
nametext2 => 'Waehlername:',
addresstext => 'Waehleradresse:',
ballotidtext => 'Wahlscheinkennung:',
bdsgtext => 'Datenschutzklausel - Zustimmung',
bdsgfile => 'bdsgtext.cfg',
rightmargin => 72,
usevote_version => $usevote_version); # needed for use in templates
# read config
# read message file
open (RES, "<$config{messagefile}")
or die "Could not read message file $config{messagefile}!\n\n";
my @lines = <RES>;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
$line =~ s/^#.*//; # Delete comments
if ($line =~ m/^\s*([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/){
$messages{$1} = $2;
# missing "groupX =" lines in config file?
die UVmessage::get("CONF_NOGROUPS", CONFIGFILE=>$cfgfile) . "\n\n" unless (@groups);
# redirect errors to a file if desired by calling script
open (STDERR, ">$config{errorfile}") if ($redir_errors);
# check for data protection law? read text for ballot
parse_bdsgtext() if ($config{bdsg});
# personalized ballots? read ballot IDs
read_ballot_ids() if ($config{personal});
load_formats() if ($config{formats});
# read config file #
sub read_file {
my $cfgfile = shift;
open ($CONFIG, "<$cfgfile") or die "Could not find config file $cfgfile!\n\n";
while (<$CONFIG>) {
next if (/^#/); # line is a comment
chomp; # delete \n
s/\r//; # delete \r if present
s/([^\\])#.*$/$1/; # Remove comments not starting at beginning of line.
# (ignore escaped comment sign \#)
if (/^include (\S+)$/) {
# include other config file
} elsif (my($key, $value) = split (/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2)) {
# delete trailing spaces
$value =~ s/\s*$//;
# evaluate quotation marks
$value =~ s/^\"([^\"]+[^\\\"])\".*$/$1/;
$value =~ s/\\"/"/g;
if ($key =~ /^group(\d+)$/) {
my $num = $1;
$groups[$num-1] = $value; # internal index starts at 0
} else {
$config{$key} = $value;
close ($CONFIG);
# parse data protection law texts #
sub parse_bdsgtext {
open (BDSG, "<$config{bdsgfile}") or die UVmessage::get("CONF_NOBDSGFILE",
('BDSGFILE' => "$config{bdsgfile}")) . "\n\n";
my @bdsg = <BDSG>;
close BDSG;
$config{bdsginfo} = '';
foreach my $line (@bdsg) {
$config{bdsginfo} .= $line unless ($line =~ /^\s*#/);
my $bdsgtmp = $config{bdsginfo};
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\(/\\\(/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\)/\\\)/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\[/\\\[/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\]/\\\]/g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\./\\\./g;
$bdsgtmp =~ s/\!/\\\!/g;
my @bdsgtext = split(' ', $bdsgtmp);
# Build Regular Expression from single words.
# There has to be at least a space between two words, additional characters
# are allowed, e.g. quotation marks (but no letters)
$bdsg_regexp = join('\s\W*?', @bdsgtext);
# Build Regular Expression from $config{bdsgtext}
$bdsg2_regexp = join('\s\W*?', split(' ', $config{bdsgtext}));
# Read suspicious mail addresses (normally mailpatterns.cfg) #
sub read_badaddr {
my @bad_addr = ();
open (BADADDR, "<$config{badaddrfile}") or die
UVmessage::get("CONF_NOBADADDR",(BADADDRFILE => $config{badaddrfile})) . "\n\n";
while (<BADADDR>) {
# Comment line? Not only whitespaces?
if (/^[^#]/ && /[^\s]/) {
push(@bad_addr, $_);
close (BADADDR);
return @bad_addr;
# Read ballot IDs #
sub read_ballot_ids {
# open file with ballot ids
open(FILE, "<$config{idfile}") or return 1;
while (<FILE>) {
# Format: mailaddress (whitespace) ballot ID
if (/^(.+@.+)\s+([a-z0-9]+)/) {
# $1=mailadresse, $2=ballot ID
$ids{$1} = $2;
return 0;
# Funktionen f<>r Templates laden #
sub load_formats {
my $modules = $config{formats};
my @modules = split(/\s*,\s*/, $modules);
foreach my $module (@modules){
if (-r $module){
require $module;
# config test #
sub test_config {
print UVmessage::get("CONF_CONFIG"), "\n\n";
foreach my $option (keys %config) {
print "$option = $config{$option}\n";
print "\n", UVmessage::get("CONF_TEST_RULES");
if (@rules) {
print "\n\n";
for (my $n=0; $n<@rules; $n++) {
my $text = UVrules::rule_print($n);
print $text;
print "\n";
} else {
print UVmessage::get("CONF_NO_RULES"), "\n\n";