It's possible that ballots get mixed up when a voter is participating in more than one voting and sending the ballots manually (by copying and pasting them into his mail client). UseVote could - and should! - check that the ballot belongs to the current voting by comparing the ballot introduction ("WAHLSCHEIN fuer ...") with the votename and throw an error if they don't match. * Add ballotintro (default: WAHLSCHEIN fuer) and tpl_wrong_voting (default: wrong-voting) to usevote.cfg * Add messages to messages.cfg * Modify ballot and ballot-personal templates accordingly * Add check to * Add error handling to * Change UVmenu::menu call in due to new parameter ($voting) Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
35 lines
1.2 KiB
35 lines
1.2 KiB
votename-first := value votename | first-words 55
votename-more := value votename | drop-words 55 | create-lines 55
pos := value pos | fill-right 2
group-first := value group | first-words 50
group-more := value group | drop-words 50 | create-lines 50
bdsginfo := value bdsginfo | create-lines 72
bdsgtext-first := value bdsgtext | first-words 50
bdsgtext-more := value bdsgtext | drop-words 50 | create-lines 50
== TEMPLATE =================================================================
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alles vor dieser Zeile bitte loeschen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[$ballotintro] [$votename-first]
[@votename-more| [$line]\n]
Wenn du keinen Real-Namen angibst, wird deine Stimme fuer
ungueltig erklaert werden.
Nr \[Deine Stimme\] Gruppe/Abstimmungsgegenstand
[@groups|#[$pos] \[ \] [$group-first]
[@group-more| [$line]\n]|\n]
[?bdsg|[@bdsginfo|[$line]|\n]\n\n#a \[ \] [$bdsgtext-first]
[@bdsgtext-more| [$line]|\n]]
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Alles nach dieser Zeile bitte loeschen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-