Thomas Hochstein 1135267f44 Update documentation to 4.12.
Picked from upstream.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2014-02-16 13:54:33 +01:00

602 lines
19 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# UseVoteGer 4.12 Wahldurchfuehrung
# (c) 2001-2014 Marc Langer <>
# This script package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation.
# The script reads usenet vote ballots from mailbox files. The format
# can be set by changing the option "mailstart".
# Many thanks to:
# - Ron Dippold (Usevote 3.0, 1993/94)
# - Frederik Ramm (German translation, 1994)
# - Wolfgang Behrens (UseVoteGer 3.1, based on Frederik's translation, 1998/99)
# - Cornell Binder for some good advice and code fragments
# This is a complete rewrite of UseVoteGer 3.1 in Perl (former versions were
# written in C). Not all functions of Usevote/UseVoteGer 3.x are implemented!
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns);
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib $Bin;
use UVconfig;
use UVmenu;
use UVmessage;
use UVreadmail;
use UVsendmail;
use UVrules;
use UVtemplate;
my $clean = 0;
my %opt_ctl = ();
print "\n$usevote_version Wahldurchfuehrung - (c) 2001-2005 Marc Langer\n\n";
# unknown parameters remain in @ARGV (for "help")
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(pass_through bundling));
# Put known parameters in %opt_ctl
GetOptions(\%opt_ctl, qw(test t config-file=s c=s));
# Get name auf config file (default: usevote.cfg) and read it
my $cfgfile = $opt_ctl{'config-file'} || $opt_ctl{c} || "usevote.cfg";
# test mode? (default: no)
my $test_only = $opt_ctl{test} || $opt_ctl{t} || 0;
if (@ARGV){
# additional parameters passed
if ($ARGV[0] eq "clean") {
$clean = 1;
} else {
# print help and exit program
UVconfig::read_config($cfgfile, 1); # read config file, redirect errors to log
UVrules::read_rulefile(); # read rules from file
# read list of suspicious mail addresses from file
my @bad_addr = UVconfig::read_badaddr();
# option -t used?
if ($test_only) {
exit 0;
# check for lock file
if (-e $config{lockfile}) {
my $lockfile = $config{lockfile};
# don't delete lockfile in END block ;-)
$config{lockfile} = '';
# exit
die UVmessage::get("ERR_LOCK", (FILE=>$lockfile)) . "\n\n";
# safe exit (delete lockfile)
$SIG{QUIT} = 'sighandler';
$SIG{INT} = 'sighandler';
$SIG{KILL} = 'sighandler';
$SIG{TERM} = 'sighandler';
$SIG{HUP} = 'sighandler';
# create lock file
open (LOCKFILE, ">$config{lockfile}");
close (LOCKFILE);
# Set columns for Text::Wrap
$columns = $config{rightmargin};
# check for tmp and archive directory
unless (-d $config{archivedir}) {
mkdir ($config{archivedir}, 0700)
or die UVmessage::get("ERR_MKDIR", (DIR=>$config{archivedir})) . "$!\n\n";
unless (-d $config{tmpdir}) {
mkdir ($config{tmpdir}, 0700)
or die UVmessage::get("ERR_MKDIR", (DIR=>$config{tmpdir})) . "$!\n\n";
if ($clean) {
# Program has been startet with "clean" option:
# save votes and send out acknowledge mails
} else {
# normal processing
# generate file names for result file
# normally unixtime is sufficient, if it is not unique append our PID
my $ext = time;
opendir (TMP, $config{tmpdir});
my @tmpfiles = readdir (TMP);
closedir (TMP);
opendir (FERTIG, $config{archivedir});
my @fertigfiles = readdir (FERTIG);
closedir (FERTIG);
# append PID if necessary
$ext .= "-$$" if (grep (/$ext/, @tmpfiles) || grep (/$ext/, @fertigfiles));
my $thisresult = "ergebnis-" . $ext;
my $thisvotes = "stimmen-" . $ext;
# open results file
open (RESULT, ">>$config{tmpdir}/$thisresult")
or die UVmessage::get("VOTE_WRITE_RESULTS", (FILE=>$thisresult)) . "\n\n";
# read votes and process them
# for each mail pass a reference to the sub to be called
my $count = UVreadmail::process("$config{tmpdir}/$thisvotes", \&process_vote, 0);
close (RESULT)
or print STDERR UVmessage::get("VOTE_CLOSE_RESULTS", (FILE=>$thisresult)) . "\n";
# no mails: exit here
unless ($count) {
print UVmessage::get("VOTE_NO_VOTEMAILS") . "\n\n";
exit 0;
if ($config{onestep}) {
# everything should be done in one step
print "\n" . UVmessage::get("VOTE_NUM_VOTES", (COUNT=>$count)) . "\n";
} else {
print "\n", UVmessage::get("VOTE_NOT_SAVED", (COUNT=>$count)), "\n",
wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("VOTE_FIRSTRUN")), "\n\n";
exit 0;
close (STDERR);
# delete lockfile
unlink $config{lockfile} if ($config{lockfile});
if (-s $config{errorfile}) {
# errors ocurred
print '*' x $config{rightmargin}, "\n",
UVmessage::get("VOTE_ERRORS",(FILE => $config{errorfile})), "\n",
'*' x $config{rightmargin}, "\n\n";
open (ERRFILE, "<$config{errorfile}");
print <ERRFILE>;
close (ERRFILE);
print "\n";
} else {
unlink ($config{errorfile});
sub sighandler {
my ($sig) = @_;
die "\n\nSIG$sig: deleting lockfile and exiting\n\n";
# Evaluation of a vote mail #
# Called from UVreadmail::process() for each mail. #
# Parameters: voter address and name, date header of the vote mail (strings) #
# complete header (reference to array), body (ref. to strings) #
sub process_vote {
my ($voter_addr, $voter_name, $h_date, $entity, $body) = @_;
my @header = split(/\n/, $entity->stringify_header);
my $head = $entity->head;
my $msgid = $head->get('Message-ID');
chomp($msgid) if ($msgid);
my @votes = (); # the votes
my @set; # interactively changed fields
my @errors = (); # recognized errors (show menu for manual action)
my $onevote = 0; # 0=no votes, 1=everything OK, 2=vote cancelled
my $voteerror = ""; # error message in case of invalid vote
my $ballot_id = ""; # ballot id (German: Wahlscheinkennung)
my $voting = ""; # voting (should be votename)
# found address?
if ($voter_addr) {
# search for suspicious addresses
foreach my $element (@bad_addr) {
if ($voter_addr =~ /^$element/) {
push (@errors, 'SuspiciousAccount');
} else {
# found no address in mail (perhaps violates RFC?)
push (@errors, 'InvalidAddress');
# correct voting?
if ($$body =~ /\Q$config{ballotintro}\E\s+(.+?)\s*\n([>:|]*?[\t ]+(\S+.+)\s*$)?/m) {
$voting = $1;
$voting .= " $3" if (defined($3) and $3 !~ /\Q$config{nametext}\E/);
push (@errors, 'WrongVoting') if ($config{votename} !~ /^\s*\Q$voting\E\s*$/);
} else {
push (@errors, 'NoVoting');
# personalized ballots?
if ($config{personal}) {
if ($$body =~ /$config{ballotidtext}\s+([a-z0-9]+)/) {
$ballot_id = $1;
# Address registered? ($ids is set in
if ($ids{$voter_addr}) {
push (@errors, 'WrongBallotID') if ($ids{$voter_addr} ne $ballot_id);
} else {
push (@errors, 'AddressNotRegistered');
} else {
push (@errors, 'NoBallotID');
# evaluate vote strings
for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) {
# counter starts at 1 in ballot
my $votenum = $n+1;
my $vote = "";
# a line looks like this: #1 [ VOTE ] Group
# matching only on number and vote, because of line breaks likely
# inserted by mail programs
# duplicate vote?
if ($$body =~ /#$votenum\W*?\[\s*?(\w+)\s*?\].+?#$votenum\W*?\[\s*?(\w+)\s*?\]/s) {
push (@errors, "DuplicateVote") if ($1 ne $2);
# this matches on a single appearance:
if ($$body =~ /#$votenum\W*?\[(.+)\]/) {
# one or more vote strings were found
$onevote ||= 1; # set $onevote to 1 if it was 0
my $votestring = $1;
if ($votestring =~ /^\W*$config{ja_stimme}\W*$/i) {
$vote = "J";
} elsif ($votestring =~ /^\W*$config{nein_stimme}\W*$/i) {
$vote = "N";
} elsif ($votestring =~ /^\W*$config{enth_stimme}\W*$/i) {
$vote = "E";
} elsif ($votestring =~ /^\s*$/) {
# nothing has been entered between the [ ]
$vote = "E";
} elsif ($votestring =~ /^\W*$config{ann_stimme}\W*$/i) {
$vote = "A";
$onevote = 2; # Cancelled vote: set $onevote to 2
} elsif (!$votes[$n]) {
# vote not recognized
$vote = "E";
push (@errors, 'UnrecognizedVote #' . $votenum . "#$votestring");
push (@votes, $vote);
} else {
# vote not found
push (@votes, 'E');
push (@errors, 'UnrecognizedVote #' . $votenum . '#(keine Stimmabgabe fuer "'
. $groups[$n] . '" gefunden)');
if ($onevote == 0) {
push (@errors, "NoVote") unless ($onevote);
} elsif ($onevote == 1) {
# check rules
my $rule = UVrules::rule_check(\@votes);
push (@errors, "ViolatedRule #$rule") if ($rule);
} else {
# cancelled vote: replace all votes with an A
@votes = split(//, 'A' x scalar @votes);
# Evaluate Data Protection Law clause (not on cancelled votes)
if ($config{bdsg} && $onevote<2) {
# Text in ballot complete and clause accepted?
# Should read like this: #a [ STIMME ] Text
# (Text is configurable in usevote.cfg)
unless ($$body =~ /$bdsg_regexp/s &&
$$body =~ /#a\W*?\[\W*?$config{bdsg_confirm}\W*?\]\W*?$bdsg2_regexp/is) {
push (@errors, 'InvalidBDSG');
# Name in body?
if ($$body =~ /($config{nametext}|$config{nametext2})( |\t)*(\S.+?)$/m) {
$voter_name = $3;
$voter_name =~ s/^\s+//; # strip leading spaces
$voter_name =~ s/\s+$//; # strip trailing spaces
if ($voter_name) {
# Name invalid?
push (@errors, 'InvalidName') unless ($voter_name =~ /$config{name_re}/);
} else {
# no name found:
push (@errors, 'NoName') unless ($voter_name);
# Errors encountered?
if (@errors) {
my $res = UVmenu::menu(\@votes, \@header, $body, \$voter_addr, \$voter_name,
\$ballot_id, \$voting, \@set, \@errors);
return 0 if ($res eq 'i'); # "Ignore": Ignore vote, don't save
my $tpl;
# Check Ballot ID stuff
if ($config{personal}) {
if ($ballot_id) {
if ($ids{$voter_addr}) {
if ($ids{$voter_addr} ne $ballot_id) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_INVALID_BALLOTID");
$tpl = $config{tpl_wrong_ballotid};
} else {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_UNREGISTERED_ADDRESS");
$tpl = $config{tpl_addr_reg};
} else {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_MISSING_BALLOTID");
$tpl = $config{tpl_no_ballotid};
# generate error mail (if error occurred)
if ($tpl) {
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header);
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($tpl);
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
# Check rules and send error mail unless rule violation was ignored in the use menu
# or another error was detected
if (grep(/ViolatedRule/, @errors) && !$voteerror && (my $rule = UVrules::rule_check(\@votes))) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_VIOLATED_RULE", (RULE=>$rule));
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
$template->setKey('rules' => UVrules::rule_print($rule-1));
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_rule_violated});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
if (!$voteerror && @errors) {
# turn errors array into hash
my %error;
foreach my $error (@errors) {
$error{$error} = 1;
# Check uncorrected errors
if ($error{InvalidBDSG}) {
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_bdsg_error});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
return 0;
} elsif ($error{NoVoting} or $error{WrongVoting}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_WRONG_VOTING");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_wrong_voting});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
} elsif ($error{NoVote}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_NO_VOTES");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_no_votes});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
} elsif ($error{SuspiciousAccount}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_INVALID_ACCOUNT");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header);
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_invalid_account});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
} elsif ($error{InvalidAddress}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_INVALID_ADDRESS");
} elsif ($error{InvalidName}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_INVALID_REALNAME");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header);
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_invalid_name});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
} elsif ($error{DuplicateVote}) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_DUPLICATES");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header);
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_multiple_votes});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
# check voter name
unless ($voter_name || $voteerror) {
$voteerror = UVmessage::get("VOTE_MISSING_NAME");
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey('head' => $entity->stringify_header);
$template->setKey('body' => $$body);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_invalid_name});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Fehler", $msg, $msgid) if ($config{voteack});
# set mark for cancelled vote
$onevote = 2 if ($votes[0] eq 'A');
# create comment line for result file
my $comment;
if ($config{personal}) {
# Personalized Ballots: insert ballot id
$comment = "($ballot_id)";
} else {
$comment = "()";
if (@set) {
$comment .= ' '.UVmessage::get("VOTE_FILE_COMMENT", (FIELDS => join(', ', @set)));
# write result file
print RESULT "A: $voter_addr\n";
print RESULT "N: $voter_name\n";
print RESULT "D: $h_date\n";
print RESULT "K: $comment\n";
# invalid vote?
if ($voteerror) {
print RESULT "S: ! $voteerror\n";
# cancelled vote?
} elsif ($onevote == 2) {
print RESULT "S: * Annulliert\n";
if ($config{voteack}) {
# send cancellation acknowledge
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{tpl_cancelled});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Bestaetigung", $msg, $msgid);
} else {
print RESULT "S: ", join ("", @votes), "\n";
# send acknowledge mail?
if ($config{voteack}) {
my $template = UVtemplate->new();
$template->setKey(ballotid => $ballot_id);
$template->setKey(address => $voter_addr);
$template->setKey(name => $voter_name);
for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) {
my $vote = $votes[$n];
$vote =~ s/^J$/JA/;
$vote =~ s/^N$/NEIN/;
$vote =~ s/^E$/ENTHALTUNG/;
$template->addListItem('groups', pos=>$n+1, vote=>$vote, group=>$groups[$n]);
my $msg = $template->processTemplate($config{'tpl_ack_mail'});
UVsendmail::mail($voter_addr, "Bestaetigung", $msg, $msgid);
# Send out acknowledge mails and tidy up (we're called as " clean") #
sub make_clean {
# send mails
print UVmessage::get("INFO_TIDY_UP"), "\n";
# search unprocessed files
opendir (DIR, $config{tmpdir});
my @files = readdir DIR;
closedir (DIR);
my @resultfiles = grep (/^ergebnis-/, @files);
my @votefiles = grep (/^stimmen-/, @files);
unless (@resultfiles) {
print wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("VOTE_NO_NEW_RESULTS")), "\n\n";
return 0;
foreach my $thisresult (@resultfiles) {
chmod (0400, "$config{tmpdir}/$thisresult");
rename "$config{tmpdir}/$thisresult", "$config{archivedir}/$thisresult"
or die UVmessage::get("VOTE_MOVE_RESULTFILE", (FILE=>$thisresult)) . "$!\n\n";
foreach my $thisvotes (@votefiles) {
chmod (0400, "$config{tmpdir}/$thisvotes");
rename "$config{tmpdir}/$thisvotes", "$config{archivedir}/$thisvotes"
or die UVmessage::get("VOTE_MOVE_VOTEFILE", (FILE=>$thisvotes)) . "$!\n\n";
print UVmessage::get("VOTE_CREATING_RESULTS", (FILENAME=>$config{resultfile})), "\n";
# search all result files
opendir (DIR, "$config{archivedir}/");
@files = grep (/^ergebnis-/, readdir (DIR));
closedir (DIR);
# Create complete result from all single result files.
# The resulting file (ergebnis.alle) is overwritten as there could have been
# made changes in the single result files
open(RESULT, ">$config{resultfile}");
foreach my $file (sort @files) {
open(THISRESULT, "<$config{archivedir}/$file");
print RESULT join('', <THISRESULT>);
print "\n";
# Print help text (options and syntax) on -h or --help #
sub help {
print <<EOF;
Usage: [-c config_file] [-t] [-c config_file] clean -h
Liest Mailboxen aus einer Datei oder per POP3 ein wertet die Mails
als Stimmzettel aus. Erst beim Aufruf mit der Option "clean" werden
die Ergebnisse endgueltig gespeichert und die Bestaetigungsmails
-c config_file liest die Konfiguration aus config_file
(usevote.cfg falls nicht angegeben)
-t, --test fuehrt einen Test der Konfiguration durch und
gibt das ermittelte Ergebnis aus.
-h, --help zeigt diesen Hilfetext an
exit 0;