Thomas Hochstein 7450382ef3 Fix
Use filename from function call.

Picked from upstream.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2014-02-16 13:47:06 +01:00

254 lines
7.4 KiB

# UVreadmail: functions for reading and processing mailfiles
# Used by,,
package UVreadmail;
use strict;
use UVconfig;
use UVmessage;
use MIME::QuotedPrint;
use MIME::Base64;
use MIME::Parser;
use Mail::Box::Manager;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use vars qw($VERSION);
# Module version
$VERSION = "0.11";
sub process {
# $filename: file containing bounces or (if POP3 is enabled) where
# mails should be saved
# $callsub: reference to a sub which should be called for each mail
# $caller: 0 =, 1 =, 2 =
# 3 = but POP3 disabled (overrides $config{pop3}
my ($filename, $callsub, $caller) = @_;
my ($voter_addr, $voter_name, $body);
my $count = 0;
my ($pop3server, $pop3user, $pop3pass, $pop3delete, $pop3uidlcache);
my @mails = ();
$caller ||= 0;
if ($config{pop3} && $caller<3) {
if ($caller == 1) {
# Ballot request (personal = 1 set in usevote.cfg) from
$pop3server = $config{pop3server_req} . ':' . $config{pop3port_req};
$pop3user = $config{pop3user_req};
$pop3pass = $config{pop3pass_req};
$pop3delete = $config{pop3delete_req};
$pop3uidlcache = $config{pop3uidlcache_req};
} elsif ($caller == 2) {
# called from
$pop3server = $config{pop3server_bounce} . ':' . $config{pop3port_bounce};
$pop3user = $config{pop3user_bounce};
$pop3pass = $config{pop3pass_bounce};
$pop3delete = $config{pop3delete_bounce};
$pop3uidlcache = $config{pop3uidlcache_bounce};
} else {
$pop3server = $config{pop3server} . ':' . $config{pop3port};
$pop3user = $config{pop3user};
$pop3pass = $config{pop3pass};
$pop3delete = $config{pop3delete};
$pop3uidlcache = $config{pop3uidlcache};
# read list of seen mails (UIDLs)
my %uidls = (); # hash for quick searching
my @uidls = (); # array to preserve order
my $cacheexist = 1;
open (UIDLCACHE, "<$pop3uidlcache") or $cacheexist = 0;
if ($cacheexist) {
while (my $uidl = <UIDLCACHE>) {
chomp ($uidl);
$uidls{$uidl} = 1;
push (@uidls, $uidl);
close (UIDLCACHE);
print UVmessage::get("READMAIL_STATUS"), "\n" unless ($caller == 2);
# open POP3 connection and get new mails
use Net::POP3;
my $pop = Net::POP3->new($pop3server)
or die UVmessage::get("READMAIL_NOCONNECTION") . "\n\n";
my $mailcount = $pop->login($pop3user, $pop3pass);
die UVmessage::get("READMAIL_NOLOGIN") . "\n\n" unless ($mailcount);
for (my $n=1; $n<=$mailcount; $n++) {
my $uidl = $pop->uidl($n);
if ($uidl) {
next if ($uidls{$uidl});
$uidls{$uidl} = 1;
push (@uidls, $uidl);
my $mailref = $pop->get($n)
or print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_GET_PROBLEM", (NR => $n)) . "\n";
my $mail = join ('', @$mailref);
my $fromline = 'From ';
if ($mail =~ /From: .*?<(.+?)>/) {
$fromline .= $1;
} elsif ($mail =~ /From:\s+?(\S+?\@\S+?)\s/) {
$fromline .= $1;
} else {
$fromline .= 'foo@bar.invalid';
$fromline .= ' ' . strftime ('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', localtime) . "\n";
push (@mails, $fromline . $mail);
if ($pop3delete) {
or print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_DEL_PROBLEM", (NR => $n)) . "\n";
# save UIDLs
my $uidlerr = 0;
open (UIDLCACHE, ">$pop3uidlcache") or $uidlerr = 1;
if ($uidlerr) {
print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_UIDL_PROBLEM") . "\n";
print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_UIDL_PROBLEM2") . "\n";
} else {
print UIDLCACHE join("\n", @uidls);
close (UIDLCACHE) or print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_UIDL_CLOSE") . "\n";
# Mailbox / Maildir
} else {
my $readfilename;
if ($caller==0) {
# called from use configured mailbox file
$readfilename = $config{votefile};
} else {
# else use filename provided in function call
$readfilename = $filename;
# and create backup archive filename
$filename .= '.processed';
my $mgr = Mail::Box::Manager->new;
my $folder;
$folder = $mgr->open( folder => $readfilename,
create => 0,
access => 'rw',
type => $config{mailboxtype},
expand => 'LAZY',
die UVmessage::get("READMAIL_NOMAILFILE", (FILE => $readfilename)) . "\n\n" if $@;
# Iterate over the messages.
foreach (@$folder) {
my $mail = $_->string;
my $fromline = 'From ';
if ($mail =~ /From: .*?<(.+?)>/) {
$fromline .= $1;
} elsif ($mail =~ /From:\s+?(\S+?\@\S+?)\s/) {
$fromline .= $1;
} else {
$fromline .= 'foo@bar.invalid';
$fromline .= ' ' . localtime() . "\n"; #strftime ('%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y', localtime) . "\n";
push (@mails, $fromline . $mail);
# make archive of all mails
my $fileproblem = 0;
open (VOTES, ">$filename") or $fileproblem = 1;
if ($fileproblem) {
(FILE => $filename)) . "\n";
} else {
print VOTES join ("\n", @mails);
close (VOTES)
or print STDERR UVmessage::get("READMAIL_ARCHIVE_CLOSE",
(FILE => $filename)) . "\n";
foreach my $mail (@mails) {
next unless $mail;
# split mail into array and remove first line (from line)
my @mail = split(/\n/, $mail);
shift (@mail) if ($mail[0] =~ /^From /);
# generate MIME-Parser object for the mail
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
# headers are to be decoded
# don't write into file
# read mail
my $entity = $parser->parse_data(join("\n", @mail));
my $head = $entity->head;
# extract address and name
my $from = $head->get('From') || '';
if ($from =~ /\s*([^<]\S+\@\S+[^>]) \((.+)\)/) {
($voter_addr, $voter_name) = ($1, $2);
} elsif ($from =~ /\s*\"?([^\"]+)\"?\s*<(\S+\@\S+)>/) {
($voter_name, $voter_addr) = ($1, $2);
$voter_name =~ s/\s+$//; # kill spaces at the end
} elsif ($from =~ /\s*<?(\S+\@[^\s>]+)>?[^\(\)]*/) {
($voter_addr, $voter_name) = ($1, '');
} else {
# initialize with empty value
$voter_addr = '';
$voter_name = '';
# look at reply-to?
if ($config{replyto}) {
my $replyto = Mail::Field->new('Reply-To', $head->get('Reply-To'));
# Address in Reply-To?
($voter_addr) = $replyto->addresses() if ($replyto->addresses());
# Name in reply-to?
if ($replyto->names()) {
my ($nametmp) = $replyto->names();
$voter_name = $nametmp unless ($nametmp =~ /^\s*$/);
# decode body
my $encoding = $head->get('Content-Transfer-Encoding') || '';
if ($encoding =~ /quoted-printable/i) {
$body = decode_qp($entity->stringify_body);
} elsif ($encoding =~ /base64/i) {
$body = decode_base64($entity->stringify_body);
} else {
$body = $entity->stringify_body;
my $h_date = $head->get('Date') || '';
chomp $h_date;
# call referred sub and increase counter
&$callsub($voter_addr, $voter_name, $h_date, $entity, \$body);
return $count;