Thomas Hochstein 95135a1102 Display current voting identifier in menu.
Add a header line with the identifier (name)
of the currently processed voting to the menu
display by UVmenu so one can check whether
the ballot really belongs to the current voting
even when checking more than one voting in a

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
2014-02-15 17:07:48 +01:00

400 lines
14 KiB

# UVmenu: menu for interaction with the votetaker
# Used by,,
package UVmenu;
use strict;
use UVconfig;
use UVmessage;
use UVrules;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap $columns);
# Module version
$VERSION = "0.4";
# Menu for interaction with the votetaker #
# Parameters: votes list and header (references to arrays) #
# Body, Mailadress, Name, Ballot ID, #
# Voting (references to strings) #
# List of newly set fields (reference to array) #
# List of errors to correct (Array-Ref) #
# Return Values: 'w': proceed #
# 'i': ignore (don't save vote) #
sub menu {
my ($votes, $header, $body, $addr, $name, $ballot_id, $voting, $set, $errors) = @_;
my $input = "";
my $voter_addr = $$addr || '';
my $voter_name = $$name || '';
my @newvotes = @$votes;
my $mailonly = 0;
my %errors;
$$ballot_id ||= '';
foreach my $error (@$errors) {
# unrecognized vote: extract group number und display warning
if ($error =~ /^UnrecognizedVote #(\d+)#(.+)$/) {
$errors{UnrecognizedVote} ||= UVmessage::get("MENU_UNRECOGNIZEDVOTE");
$errors{UnrecognizedVote} .= "\n " . UVmessage::get("MENU_UNRECOGNIZED_LIST")
. " #$1: $2";
# violated rule: extract rule number and display warning
} elsif ($error =~ /^ViolatedRule #(\d+)$/) {
$errors{ViolatedRule} ||= UVmessage::get("MENU_VIOLATEDRULE", (RULE => "#$1"));
} else {
# special handling if called from
$mailonly = 1 if ($error =~ s/Ballot$//);
# get error message for this error from messages.cfg
$errors{$error} = UVmessage::get("MENU_" . uc($error));
# This loop is only left by 'return'
while (1) {
print "-> $config{votename} <-\n";
print UVmessage::get("MENU_PROBLEMS") . "\n";
foreach my $error (keys %errors) {
print "* $errors{$error}\n";
my $menucaption = UVmessage::get("MENU_CAPTION");
print "\n\n$menucaption\n";
print "=" x length($menucaption), "\n\n";
print "(1) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_SHOW_MAIL"), "\n\n",
UVmessage::get("MENU_CHANGE_PROPERTIES"), "\n",
"(2) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS"), " [$voter_addr]\n";
# don't print these options if called from
unless ($mailonly) {
print "(3) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME"), " [$voter_name]\n";
print "(4) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES"), " [", @$votes, "]\n";
print "(5) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BALLOT_ID"), " [$$ballot_id]\n"
if ($config{personal});
print "(6) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG"), "\n" if ($config{bdsg});
print "(7) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING"), " [", $$voting, "]\n";
print "\n",
"(i) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE"), "\n",
"(w) ", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROCEED"), "\n\n",
do { $input = <STDIN>; } until ($input);
chomp $input;
print "\n";
# only accept 1, 2, i and w if called from
next if ($mailonly && $input !~ /^[12iw]$/i);
if ($input eq '1') {
# ignore SIGPIPE (Bug in more and less)
open (MORE, "|$config{pager}");
print MORE join("\n", @$header), "\n\n", $$body, "\n";
close (MORE);
print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_GETKEY");
$input = <STDIN>;
} elsif ($input eq '2') {
my $sel;
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_OK"), "\n",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_CHANGE"), "\n",
"[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_INVALID"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[abc]$/i);
if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) {
delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount};
delete $errors{InvalidAddress};
} elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) {
delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount};
$errors{InvalidAddress} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDADDRESS") . " " .
do {
print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESS_PROMPT"), " ";
$voter_addr = <STDIN>;
chomp ($voter_addr);
} until ($voter_addr);
$$addr = $voter_addr;
push (@$set, 'Adresse');
delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount};
delete $errors{InvalidAddress};
check_ballotid(\%errors, \$voter_addr, $ballot_id, \%ids);
} elsif ($input eq '3') {
my $sel;
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_OK"), "\n",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_CHANGE"), "\n",
"[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME_INVALID"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[abc]$/i);
if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) {
delete $errors{InvalidName};
} elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) {
$errors{InvalidName} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDNAME");
print UVmessage::get("MENU_NAME"), ": ";
$voter_name = <STDIN>;
chomp ($voter_name);
$$name = $voter_name;
push (@$set, 'Name');
delete $errors{NoName};
delete $errors{InvalidName};
$errors{InvalidName} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDNAME")
unless ($voter_name =~ /$config{name_re}/);
} elsif ($input eq '4') {
# set votes
my $sel;
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_OK"), "\n",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_RESET"), "\n",
"[c] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_INVALID"), "\n",
"[d] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_CANCELLED"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[abcd]$/i);
if ($sel =~ /^[ad]$/i) {
delete $errors{NoVote};
delete $errors{UnrecognizedVote};
delete $errors{ViolatedRule};
delete $errors{DuplicateVote};
if ($sel =~ /^d$/i) {
# cancelled vote: replace all votes with an A
@$votes = split(//, 'A' x scalar @groups);
push @$set, 'Stimmen';
# some errors are irrelevant when cancelling a vote:
delete $errors{InvalidName};
delete $errors{NoName};
delete $errors{InvalidBDSG};
delete $errors{InvalidAddress};
delete $errors{SuspiciousAccount};
} elsif ($sel =~ /^c$/i) {
$errors{NoVote} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDVOTE");
# Set columns for Text::Wrap
$columns = $config{rightmargin};
print "\n", wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_ASK")), "\n\n";
print UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_LEGEND"), "\n";
for (my $n=0; $n<@groups; $n++) {
my $voteinput = "";
$votes->[$n] ||= 'E';
# repeat while invalid character entered
while (!($voteinput =~ /^[JNE]$/)) {
my $invalid = $#groups ? 0 : 1;
print UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER", (GROUP => $groups[$n]));
$voteinput = <STDIN>;
chomp $voteinput;
$voteinput ||= $votes->[$n];
$voteinput =~ tr/jne/JNE/;
# valid input, save new votes
$newvotes[$n] = $voteinput;
print "\n\n";
my $oldvotes = UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_OLD");
my $newvotes = UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_NEW");
my $oldlen = length($oldvotes);
my $newlen = length($newvotes);
my $maxlen = 1 + (($newlen>$oldlen) ? $newlen : $oldlen);
print $oldvotes, ' ' x ($maxlen - length($oldvotes)), @$votes, "\n",
$newvotes, ' ' x ($maxlen - length($newvotes)), @newvotes, "\n\n";
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_ACK"), " ",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTES_REENTER_NACK"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i);
next if ($sel =~ /^b$/i);
@$votes = @newvotes;
push @$set, 'Stimmen';
delete $errors{UnrecognizedVote};
delete $errors{DuplicateVote};
delete $errors{NoVote};
delete $errors{ViolatedRule};
if (my $rule = UVrules::rule_check($votes)) {
$errors{ViolatedRule} = UVmessage::get("MENU_VIOLATEDRULE", (RULE => "#$rule"));
} elsif ($input eq '5' && $config{personal}) {
print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_BALLOT_ID"), ": ";
$$ballot_id = <STDIN>;
chomp ($$ballot_id);
push (@$set, 'Kennung');
check_ballotid(\%errors, \$voter_addr, $ballot_id, \%ids);
} elsif ($input eq '6' && $config{bdsg}) {
my $sel;
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG_ACCEPTED"), "\n",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_BDSG_DECLINED"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i);
if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) {
delete $errors{InvalidBDSG};
} else {
$errors{InvalidBDSG} = UVmessage::get("MENU_INVALIDBDSG");
} elsif ($input eq '7') {
my $sel;
do {
print "[a] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_CORRECT"), "\n",
"[b] ", UVmessage::get("MENU_VOTING_WRONG"), "\n\n",
$sel = <STDIN>;
} until ($sel =~ /^[ab]$/i);
if ($sel =~ /^a$/i) {
delete $errors{NoVoting};
delete $errors{WrongVoting};
} else {
$errors{WrongVoting} = UVmessage::get("MENU_WRONGVOTING");
} elsif ($input =~ /^i$/i) {
my $ignore = UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE_STRING");
# Set columns for Text::Wrap
$columns = $config{rightmargin};
print wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_IGNORE_WARNING",
if (<STDIN> eq "$ignore\n") {
print "\n";
return "i";
} elsif ($input =~ /^w$/i) {
if (keys %errors) {
if ((keys %errors)==1 && $errors{UnrecognizedVote}) {
# unrecognized vote lines aren't errors if votetaker
# did not change them
@$errors = ();
} else {
# Set columns for Text::Wrap
$columns = $config{rightmargin};
@$errors = keys %errors;
my $warning = ' ' . UVmessage::get("MENU_ERROR_WARNING") . ' ';
my $length = length($warning);
print "\n", '*' x (($config{rightmargin}-$length)/2), $warning,
'*' x (($config{rightmargin}-$length)/2), "\n\n",
wrap('', '', UVmessage::get("MENU_ERROR_TEXT")), "\n\n",
'*' x $config{rightmargin}, "\n\n",
my $input = <STDIN>;
next if ($input !~ /^y$/i);
print "\n";
} else {
@$errors = ();
print "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_PROCESSING"), "\n";
return "w";
sub check_ballotid {
my ($errors, $voter_addr, $ballot_id, $ids) = @_;
return 0 unless ($config{personal});
delete $errors->{NoBallotID};
delete $errors->{WrongBallotID};
delete $errors->{AddressNotRegistered};
if ($$ballot_id) {
if ($ids->{$$voter_addr}) {
if ($ids->{$$voter_addr} ne $$ballot_id) {
# ballot id incorrect
$errors->{WrongBallotID} = UVmessage::get("MENU_WRONGBALLOTID");
} else {
$errors->{AddressNotRegistered} = UVmessage::get("MENU_ADDRESSNOTREGISTERED");
} else {
$errors->{NoBallotID} = UVmessage::get("MENU_NOBALLOTID");
# Menu for sorting out duplicate votings manually #
# Parameters: References to hashes with the paragraphs from the result file #
# and the default value #
# Return value: selected menu item (1, 2 or 0) #
sub dup_choice {
my ($vote1, $vote2, $default) = @_;
print STDERR "\n", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_VOTE"), "\n\n";
print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_FIRST"), "\n";
print STDERR "A: $vote1->{A}\n";
print STDERR "N: $vote1->{N}\n";
print STDERR "D: $vote1->{D}\n";
print STDERR "K: $vote1->{K}\n";
print STDERR "S: $vote1->{S}\n\n";
print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_SECOND"), "\n";
print STDERR "A: $vote2->{A}\n";
print STDERR "N: $vote2->{N}\n";
print STDERR "D: $vote2->{D}\n";
print STDERR "K: $vote2->{K}\n";
print STDERR "S: $vote2->{S}\n\n";
print STDERR "1: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELFIRST"), "\n",
"2: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELSECOND"), "\n",
"0: ", UVmessage::get("MENU_DUP_DELNONE"), "\n\n";
my $input;
do {
print STDERR UVmessage::get("MENU_PROMPT"), "[$default] ";
$input = <STDIN>;
chomp $input;
} until ($input eq '' || ($input >= 0 && $input<3));
return $input || $default;