Moved configuration to a hash (%Config).

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Hochstein 2010-04-07 22:09:15 +02:00
parent b855559ee3
commit 2507947f17

View file

@ -14,27 +14,23 @@
my $Version = "0.6.2";
my $NNTPServer = "localhost";
my $NNTPUser = "";
my $NNTPPass = "";
my $Sender = "";
my $ConfigFile = "yapfaq.cfg";
my $UsePGP = 0;
my %Config = (NNTPServer => "localhost",
NNTPUser => "",
NNTPPass => "",
Sender => "",
ConfigFile => "yapfaq.cfg",
UsePGP => 0,
################################## PGP-Config #################################
my $pgp = '/usr/bin/pgp'; # path to pgp
my $PGPVersion = '2'; # Use 2 for 2.X, 5 for PGP > 2.X and GPG for GPG
my $PGPSigner = ''; # sign as who?
my $PGPPass = ''; # pgp2 only
my $PathtoPGPPass = ''; # pgp2, pgp5 and gpg
my $pgpbegin ='-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----';# Begin of PGP-Signature
my $pgpend ='-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----'; # End of PGP-Signature
my $pgptmpf ='pgptmp'; # temporary file for PGP.
my $pgpheader ='X-PGP-Sig';
################################## PGP-Config #################################
pgp => '/usr/bin/pgp', # path to pgp
PGPVersion => '2', # Use 2 for 2.X, 5 for PGP > 2.X and GPG for GPG
PGPSigner => '', # sign as who?
PGPPass => '', # pgp2 only
PathtoPGPPass => '', # pgp2, pgp5 and gpg
pgpbegin => '-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----', # Begin of PGP-Signature
pgpend => '-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----', # End of PGP-Signature
pgptmpf => 'pgptmp', # temporary file for PGP.
pgpheader => 'X-PGP-Sig');
my @PGPSignHeaders = ('From', 'Newsgroups', 'Subject', 'Control',
'Supersedes', 'Followup-To', 'Date', 'Sender', 'Approved',
@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ my ($Faq) = $Options{'f'} if ($Options{'f'});
# read configuration (configured FAQs)
my @Config;
readconfig (\$ConfigFile, \@Config, \$Faq);
readconfig (\$Config{'ConfigFile'}, \@Config, \$Faq);
# for each FAQ:
# - parse configuration
@ -119,7 +115,7 @@ foreach (@Config) {
if($Options{'d'}) {
print "$ActName: Would be posted now (but running in simulation mode [$0 -d]).\n" if $Options{'v'};
} else {
} elsif($Options{'v'}) {
print "$ActName: Nothing to do.\n";
@ -287,7 +283,7 @@ sub postfaq {
# sign article if $UsePGP is true
my @Article = ($UsePGP)?@{signpgp(\@Header, \@Body)}:(@Header, "\n", @Body);
my @Article = ($Config{'UsePGP'})?@{signpgp(\@Header, \@Body)}:(@Header, "\n", @Body);
# post article
print "$$ActName: Posting article ...\n" if($Options{'v'});
@ -329,10 +325,8 @@ sub post {
my $NewsConnection = Net::NNTP->new($NNTPServer, Reader => 1)
or die "$0: E: Can't connect to news server '$NNTPServer'!\n";
$NewsConnection->authinfo ($NNTPUser, $NNTPPass) if (defined($NNTPUser));
my $NewsConnection = Net::NNTP->new($Config{'NNTPServer'}, Reader => 1) or die "$0: E: Can't connect to news server '$Config{'NNTPServer'}'!\n";
$NewsConnection->authinfo ($Config{'NNTPUser'}, $Config{'NNTPPass'}) if (defined($Config{'NNTPUser'}));
$NewsConnection->datasend (@$ArticleR);
@ -362,26 +356,26 @@ sub getpgpcommand {
my $PGPCommand;
if ($PGPVersion eq '2') {
if ($PathtoPGPPass && !$PGPPass) {
open (PGPPW, $PathtoPGPPass) or die "$0: E: Can't open $PathtoPGPPass: $!";
$PGPPass = <PGPPW>;
if ($Config{'PathtoPGPPass'} && !$Config{'PGPPass'}) {
open (PGPPW, $Config{'PathtoPGPPass'}) or die "$0: E: Can't open $Config{'PathtoPGPPass'}: $!";
Config{'$PGPPass'} = <PGPPW>;
close PGPPW;
if ($PGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASS=\"".$PGPPass."\" ".$pgp." -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" +verbose=0 language='en' -saft <".$pgptmpf.".txt >".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc";
if (Config{'$PGPPass'}) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASS=\"".$Config{'PGPPass'}."\" ".$Config{'pgp'}." -u \"".$Config{'PGPSigner'}."\" +verbose=0 language='en' -saft <".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt >".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt.asc";
} else {
die "$0: E: PGP-Passphrase is unknown!\n";
} elsif ($PGPVersion eq '5') {
if ($PathtoPGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASSFD=2 ".$pgp."s -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" -t --armor -o ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc -z -f < ".$pgptmpf.".txt 2<".$PathtoPGPPass;
if ($Config{'PathtoPGPPass'}) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASSFD=2 ".$Config{'pgp'}."s -u \"".$Config{'PGPSigner'}."\" -t --armor -o ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt.asc -z -f < ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt 2<".$Config{'PathtoPGPPass'};
} else {
die "$0: E: PGP-Passphrase is unknown!\n";
} elsif ($PGPVersion =~ m/GPG/io) {
if ($PathtoPGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = $pgp." --digest-algo MD5 -a -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" -o ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 2 2<".$PathtoPGPPass." --clearsign ".$pgptmpf.".txt";
if (Config{'$PathtoPGPPass'}) {
$PGPCommand = $Config{'pgp'}." --digest-algo MD5 -a -u \"".$Config{'PGPSigner'}."\" -o ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt.asc --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 2 2<".$Config{'PathtoPGPPass'}." --clearsign ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt";
} else {
die "$0: E: Passphrase is unknown!\n";
@ -424,8 +418,8 @@ sub signpgp {
$pgpbody = join ("", @$BodyR);
# Delete and create the temporary pgp-Files
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt";
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt.asc";
unlink "$Config{'pgptmpf'}.txt";
unlink "$Config{'pgptmpf'}.txt.asc";
$signheaders = join(",", @signheaders);
$pgphead = "X-Signed-Headers: $signheaders\n";
@ -435,37 +429,37 @@ sub signpgp {
open(FH, ">" . $pgptmpf . ".txt") or die "$0: E: can't open $pgptmpf: $!\n";
open(FH, ">" . $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt") or die "$0: E: can't open $Config{'pgptmpf'}: $!\n";
print FH $pgphead, "\n", $pgpbody;
print FH "\n" if ($PGPVersion =~ m/GPG/io); # workaround a pgp/gpg incompatibility - should IMHO be fixed in pgpverify
print FH "\n" if ($Config{'PGPVersion'} =~ m/GPG/io); # workaround a pgp/gpg incompatibility - should IMHO be fixed in pgpverify
close(FH) or warn "$0: W: Couldn't close TMP: $!\n";
# Start PGP, then read the signature;
my $PGPCommand = getpgpcommand($PGPVersion);
my $PGPCommand = getpgpcommand($Config{'PGPVersion'});
open (FH, "<" . $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc") or die "$0: E: can't open ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc: $!\n";
$/ = "$pgpbegin\n";
open (FH, "<" . $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt.asc") or die "$0: E: can't open ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt.asc: $!\n";
$/ = "$Config{'pgpbegin'}\n";
$_ = <FH>;
unless (m/\Q$pgpbegin\E$/o) {
# unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
# unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: E: $pgpbegin not found in ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc\n"
unless (m/\Q$Config{'pgpbegin'}\E$/o) {
# unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt";
# unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: E: $Config{'pgpbegin'} not found in ".$Config{'pgptmpf'}.".txt.asc\n"
unlink($pgptmpf . ".txt") or warn "$0: W: Couldn't unlink $pgptmpf.txt: $!\n";
unlink($Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt") or warn "$0: W: Couldn't unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'}.txt: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
$_ = <FH>;
unless (m/^Version: (\S+)(?:\s(\S+))?/o) {
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt";
unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: E: didn't find PGP Version line where expected.\n";
if (defined($2)) {
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} = $1."-".$2." ".$signheaders;
$$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}} = $1."-".$2." ".$signheaders;
} else {
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} = $1." ".$signheaders;
$$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}} = $1." ".$signheaders;
do { # skip other pgp headers like
@ -474,23 +468,23 @@ sub signpgp {
while (<FH>) {
last if /^\Q$pgpend\E$/;
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} .= "\n\t$_";
last if /^\Q$Config{'pgpend'}\E$/;
$$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}} .= "\n\t$_";
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} .= "\n" unless ($$HeaderR{$pgpheader} =~ /\n$/s);
$$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}} .= "\n" unless ($$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}} =~ /\n$/s);
$_ = <FH>;
unless (eof(FH)) {
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: E: unexpected data following $pgpend\n";
unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt";
unlink $Config{'pgptmpf'} . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: E: unexpected data following $Config{'pgpend'}\n";
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt.asc";
unlink "$Config{'pgptmpf'}.txt.asc";
my $tmppgpheader = $pgpheader . ": " . $$HeaderR{$pgpheader};
delete $$HeaderR{$pgpheader};
my $tmppgpheader = $Config{'pgpheader'} . ": " . $$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}};
delete $$HeaderR{$Config{'pgpheader'}};
@pgphead = ();
foreach $header (@PGPorderheaders) {
@ -507,7 +501,7 @@ sub signpgp {
push @pgphead, ("X-PGP-Key: " . $PGPSigner . "\n"), $tmppgpheader;
push @pgphead, ("X-PGP-Key: " . $Config{'PGPSigner'} . "\n"), $tmppgpheader;
undef $tmppgpheader;
@pgpbody = split /$/m, $pgpbody;