Add commandline options.

Using Getopt::Std.

Implement option '-h': display version and usage information.

Implement option '-v': Print progress information to STDOUT
on reading the configuration, skipping a FAQ, preparing it
for posting, posting it and writing status information to disk.

Implement option '-f': limit operation to the given project
name. Skip parsing all other information from yapfaq.cfg,
skip posting all other FAQs.

Add option '-d': 'dry run', simulation mode: nothing is posted.

Add option '-p': 'post anyway', files are unconditionally
posted irrespective of Posting-Frequency settings.

Add option '-t <newsgroups>': 'test mode', post to
(an)other newsgroup(s) given on the command line or to
STDOUT ('console').

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <>
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Hochstein 2010-02-21 19:01:46 +01:00
parent d196f6ed59
commit 4251e5451c

View file

@ -54,10 +54,19 @@ use strict;
use Net::NNTP;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YM Add_Delta_Days Delta_Days Today);
use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants
use Getopt::Std;
my ($TDY, $TDM, $TDD) = Today(); #TD: Today's date
my %Options;
getopts('hvpdt:f:', \%Options);
if ($Options{'h'}) {
print "$0 v $Version\nUsage: $0 [-hvpd] [-t <newsgroups>] [-f <faq>]\n";
my ($Faq) = $Options{'f'} if ($Options{'f'});
my @Config;
readconfig (\$ConfigFile, \@Config);
readconfig (\$ConfigFile, \@Config, \$Faq);
foreach (@Config) {
my ($LPD,$LPM,$LPY) = (01, 01, 0001); #LP: Last posting-date
@ -69,6 +78,8 @@ foreach (@Config) {
my ($MIDF,$ReplyTo,$ExtHea)=($$_{'mid-format'},$$_{'reply-to'},$$_{'extraheader'});
my ($Supersede) =($$_{'supersede'});
next if (defined($Faq) && $ActName ne $Faq);
if (open (FH, "<$File.cfg")) {
if (/##;; Lastpost:\s*(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{2}(\d{2})?)/){
@ -90,23 +101,34 @@ foreach (@Config) {
($NPY,$NPM,$NPD) = Add_Delta_YM($LPY, $LPM, $LPD, (($2 eq "m")?(0,$1):($1,0)));
if (Delta_Days($NPY,$NPM,$NPD,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD) >= 0 ) {
if (Delta_Days($NPY,$NPM,$NPD,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD) >= 0 or ($Options{'p'})) {
if($Options{'d'}) {
print "$ActName: Would be posted now (but running in simulation mode [$0 -d]).\n" if $Options{'v'};
} else {
} elsif($Options{'v'}) {
print "$ActName: Nothing to do.\n";
################################## readconfig ##################################
# Takes a filename and the reference to an array, which will hold hashes with
# the data from $File.
# Takes a filename, a reference to an array, which will hold hashes with
# the data from $File, and - optionally - the name of the (single) FAQ to post
sub readconfig{
my ($File, $Config) = @_;
my ($File, $Config, $Faq) = @_;
my ($LastEntry, $Error, $i) = ('','',0);
if($Options{'v'}) {
print "Reading configuration.\n";
open FH, "<$$File" or die "$0: E: Can't open $$File: $!";
while (<FH>) {
next if (defined($$Faq) && !/^\s*=====\s*$/ && defined($$Config[$i]{'name'}) && $$Config[$i]{'name'} ne $$Faq );
if (/^(\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*'?(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$)|^(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$))/ && not /^\s*$/) {
$LastEntry = lc($2) if $2;
$$Config[$i]{$LastEntry} .= $3 if $3;
@ -120,6 +142,7 @@ sub readconfig{
#Check saved values:
for $i (0..$i){
next if (defined($$Faq) && defined($$Config[$i]{'name'}) && $$Config[$i]{'name'} ne $$Faq );
unless($$Config[$i]{'from'} =~ /\S+\@(\S+\.)?\S{2,}\.\S{2,}/) {
$Error .= "E: The From-header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" seems to be incorrect.\n"
@ -146,6 +169,10 @@ sub postfaq {
my ($ActName,$File,$From,$Subject,$NG,$Fup2,$MIDF,$ExtraHeaders,$Sender,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD,$ReplyTo,$Supersedes) = @_;
my (@Header,@Body,$MID,$InRealBody,$LastModified);
if($Options{'v'}) {
print "$$ActName: Preparing to post.\n";
#Prepare MID:
$$TDM = ($$TDM < 10 && $$TDM !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDM : $$TDM;
$$TDD = ($$TDD < 10 && $$TDD !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDD : $$TDD;
@ -192,6 +219,11 @@ sub postfaq {
$$Subject =~ s/\%LM/$LastModified/;
# Test mode?
if($Options{'t'} and $Options{'t'} !~ /console/i) {
$$NG = $Options{'t'};
#Now create the complete Header:
push @Header, "From: $$From\n";
push @Header, "Newsgroups: $$NG\n";
@ -213,8 +245,15 @@ sub postfaq {
my @Article = ($UsePGP)?@{signpgp(\@Header, \@Body)}:(@Header, "\n", @Body);
if($Options{'v'}) {
print "$$ActName: Posting article ...\n";
if($Options{'v'}) {
print "$$ActName: Save status information.\n";
open (FH, ">$$File.cfg") or die "$0: E: Can't open $$File.cfg: $!";
print FH "##;; Lastpost: $day.$month.$year\n";
print FH "##;; LastMID: $MID\n";
@ -229,6 +268,14 @@ sub postfaq {
sub post {
my ($ArticleR) = @_;
# Test mode?
if(defined($Options{'t'}) and $Options{'t'} =~ /console/i) {
print "\n-----BEGIN--------------------------------------------------\n";
print @$ArticleR;
print "\n------END---------------------------------------------------\n";
my $NewsConnection = Net::NNTP->new($NNTPServer, Reader => 1)
or die "$0: E: Can't connect to news server '$NNTPServer'!\n";