Merge branch 'documentation'

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Hochstein 2010-02-25 19:22:28 +01:00
commit c2cafcca00

View file

@ -476,3 +476,329 @@ sub signpgp {
my @pgpmessage = (@pgphead, "\n", @pgpbody);
return \@pgpmessage;
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
yapfaq - Post Usenet FAQs I<(yet another postfaq)>
B<yapfaq> [B<-hvpd>] [B<-t> I<newsgroups> | CONSOLE] [B<-f> I<project name>]
=over 2
=item -
Perl 5.8 or later
=item -
=item -
=item -
Furthermore you need access to a news server to actually post FAQs.
B<yapfaq> posts (one or more) FAQs to Usenet with a certain posting
frequency (every n days, weeks, months or years), adding all necessary
headers as defined in its config file (by default F<yapfaq.cfg>).
=head2 Configuration
F<yapfaq.cfg> consists of one or more blocks, separated by C<=====> on
a single line, each containing the configuration for one FAQ as a set
of definitions in the form of I<param = value>.
=over 4
=item B<Name> = I<project name>
A name referring to your FAQ, also used for generation of a Message-ID.
This value must be set.
=item B<File> = I<file name>
A file containing the message body of your FAQ and all pseudo headers
(subheaders in the news.answers style).
This value must be set.
=item B<Posting-frequency> = I<time period>
The posting frequency defines how often your FAQ will be posted.
B<yapfaq> will only post your FAQ if this period of time has passed
since the last posting.
You can declare that time period either in I<B<d>ays> or I<B<w>weeks>
or I<B<m>onths> or I<B<y>ears>.
This value must be set.
=item B<Expires> = I<time period>
The period of time after which your message will expire. An Expires
header will be calculated adding this time period to today's date.
You can declare this time period either in I<B<d>ays> or I<B<w>weeks>
or I<B<m>onths> or I<B<y>ears>.
This setting is optional; the default is 3 months.
=item B<From> = I<author>
The author of your FAQ as it will appear in the From header of the
This value must be set.
=item B<Subject> = I<subject>
The title of your FAQ as it will appear in the Subject header of the
You may use the special string C<%LM> which will be replaced with
the contents of the Last-Modified subheader in your I<File>.
This value must be set.
=item B<NGs> = I<newsgroups>
A comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) to post your FAQ to as it will
appear in the Newsgroups header of the message.
This value must be set.
=item B<Fup2> = I<newsgroup | poster>
A comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) or the special string I<poster>
as it will appear in the Followup-To header of the message.
This setting is optional.
=item B<MID-Format> = I<pattern>
A pattern from which the message ID is generated as it will appear in
the Message-ID header of the message.
You may use the special strings C<%n> for the I<Name> of your project,
C<%d> for the date the message is posted, C<%m> for the month and
C<%y> for the year, respectively.
This value must be set.
=item B<Supersede> = I<yes>
Add Supersedes header to the message containing the Message-ID header
of the last posting.
This setting is optional; you should set it to yes or leave it out.
=item B<ExtraHeader> = I<additional headers>
The contents of I<ExtraHeader> is added verbatim to the headers of
your message so you can add custom headers like Approved.
This setting is optional.
=head2 Example configuration file
# name of your project
Name = 'testpost'
# file to post (complete body and pseudo-headers)
# ($File.cfg contains data on last posting and last MID)
File = 'test.txt'
# how often your project should be posted
# use (d)ay OR (w)eek OR (m)onth OR (y)ear
Posting-frequency = '1d'
# time period after which the posting should expire
# use (d)ay OR (w)eek OR (m)onth OR (y)ear
Expires = '3m'
# header "From:"
From = 'test@domain.invalid'
# header "Subject:"
# (may contain "%LM" which will be replaced by the contents of the
# Last-Modified pseudo header).
Subject = 'test noreply ignore'
# comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) to post to
# (header "Newsgroups:")
NGs = 'de.test'
# header "Followup-To:"
Fup2 = 'poster'
# Message-ID ("%n" is $Name)
MID-Format = '<%n-%d.%m.%y@domain.invalid>'
# Supersede last posting?
Supersede = yes
# extra headers (appended verbatim)
# use this for custom headers like "Approved:"
ExtraHeader = 'Approved: moderator@domain.invalid
X-Header: Some text'
# other projects may follow separated with "====="
Name = 'othertest'
File = 'test.txt'
Posting-frequency = '2m'
From = 'My Name <>'
Subject = 'Test of yapfag <%LM>'
NGs = 'de.test,de.alt.test'
Fup2 = 'de.test'
MID-Format = '<%n-%m.%y@domain.invalid>'
Supersede = yes
Information about the last post and about how to form message IDs for
posts is stored in a file named F<I<project name>.cfg> which will be
generated if it does not exist. Each of those status files will
contain two lines, the first being the date of the last time the FAQ
was posted and the second being the message ID of that incarnation.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-h> (help)
Print out version and usage information on B<yapfaq> and exit.
=item B<-v> (verbose)
Print out status information while running to STDOUT.
=item B<-p> (post unconditionally)
Post (all) FAQs unconditionally ignoring the posting frequency setting.
You may want to use this with the B<-f> option (see below).
=item B<-d> (dry run)
Start B<yapfaq> in simulation mode, i.e. don't post anything and don't
update any status information.
=item B<-t> I<newsgroup(s) | CONSOLE> (test)
Don't post to the newsgroups defined in F<yqpfaq.cfg>, but to the
newsgroups given after B<-t> as a comma-separated list or print the
FAQs to STDOUT separated by lines of dashes if the special string
C<CONSOLE> is given. This can be used to preview what B<yapfaq> would
do without embarassing yourself on Usenet. The status files are not
updated when this option is given.
You may want to use this with the B<-f> option (see below).
=item B<-f> I<project name>
Just deal with one FAQ only.
By default B<yapfaq> will work on all FAQs that are defined in
F<yapfaq.cfg>, check whether they are due for posting and - if they
are - post them. Consequently when the B<-p> option is set all FAQs
will be posted unconditionally. That may not be what you want to
achieve, so you can limit the operation of B<yapfaq> to the named FAQ
Post all FAQs that are due for posting:
Do a dry run, showing which FAQs would be posted:
yapfaq -dv
Do a test run and print on STDOUT what the FAQ I<myfaq> would look
like when posted, regardless whether it is due for posting or not:
yapfaq -pt CONSOLE -f myfaq
Do a "real" test run and post the FAQ I<myfaq> to I<de.test>, but only
if it is due:
yapfaq -t de.test -f myfaq
There are no special environment variables used by B<yapfaq>.
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<>
The script itself.
=item F<yapfaq.cfg>
Configuration file for B<yapfaq>.
=item F<*.cfg>
Status data on FAQs.
The status files will be created on successful posting if they don't
already exist. The first line of the file will be the date of the last
time the FAQ was posted and the second line will be the message ID of
the last post of that FAQ.
=head1 BUGS
Many, I'm sure.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<> will have the current
version of this program.
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <>
Original author (until version 0.5b from 2003):
Marc Brockschmidt <>
Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Brockschmidt <>
Copyright (c) 2010 Thomas Hochstein <>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.