Thomas Hochstein 09d51964aa Update POD documentation (URLs).
Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <thh@thh.name>
2024-05-27 01:01:08 +02:00

878 lines
27 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/perl -W
# yapfaq Version 0.10 by Thomas Hochstein
# (Original author: Marc Brockschmidt)
# This script posts any project described in its config-file. Most people
# will use it in combination with cron(8).
# Copyright (C) 2003 Marc Brockschmidt <marc@marcbrockschmidt.de>
# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Thomas Hochstein <thh@thh.name>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
our $VERSION = "0.10";
# Please do not change this setting!
# You may override the default .rc file (.yapfaqrc) by using "-c .rc file"
my $RCFile = '.yapfaqrc';
# Valid configuration variables for use in a .rc file
my @ValidConfVars = ('NNTPServer','NNTPUser','NNTPPass','Sender','ConfigFile','Program');
################################### Defaults ###################################
# Please do not change anything in here!
# Use a runtime configuration file (.yapfaqrc by default) to override defaults.
my %Config = (NNTPServer => "",
NNTPUser => "",
NNTPPass => "",
Sender => "",
ConfigFile => "yapfaq.cfg",
Program => "");
################################# Main program #################################
use strict;
use Net::NNTP;
use Net::Domain qw(hostfqdn);
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YM Add_Delta_Days Delta_Days Today);
use Getopt::Std;
my ($TDY, $TDM, $TDD) = Today(); #TD: Today's date
# read commandline options
my %Options;
getopts('Vhvpdt:f:c:s:', \%Options);
# -V: print version / copyright information
if ($Options{'V'}) {
print "$0 v $VERSION\nCopyright (c) 2003 Marc Brockschmidt <marc\@marcbrockschmidt.de>\nCopyright (c) 2010-2017 Thomas Hochstein <thh\@thh.name>\n";
print "This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.\n";
# -h: feed myself to perldoc
if ($Options{'h'}) {
exec ('perldoc', $0);
# -f: set $Faq
my ($Faq) = $Options{'f'} if ($Options{'f'});
# read runtime configuration (configuration variables)
$RCFile = $Options{'c'} if ($Options{'c'});
if (-f $RCFile) {
readrc (\$RCFile,\%Config);
} else {
warn "$0: W: .rc file $RCFile does not exist!\n";
$Options{'s'} = $Config{'Program'} if (defined($Config{'Program'}) && $Config{'Program'} && !defined($Options{'s'}));
# read configuration (configured FAQs)
my @Config;
readconfig (\$Config{'ConfigFile'}, \@Config, \$Faq);
# for each FAQ:
# - parse configuration
# - read status data
# - if FAQ is due: call postfaq()
foreach (@Config) {
my ($LPD,$LPM,$LPY) = (01, 01, 0001); #LP: Last posting-date
my ($NPY,$NPM,$NPD); #NP: Next posting-date
my $SupersedeMID;
my ($ActName,$File,$PFreq,$Expire) =($$_{'name'},$$_{'file'},$$_{'posting-frequency'},$$_{'expires'});
my ($From,$Subject,$NG,$Fup2)=($$_{'from'},$$_{'subject'},$$_{'ngs'},$$_{'fup2'});
my ($MIDF,$ReplyTo,$Charset,$ExtHea)=($$_{'mid-format'},$$_{'reply-to'},$$_{'charset'},$$_{'extraheader'});
my ($Supersede) =($$_{'supersede'});
# -f: loop if not FAQ to post
next if (defined($Faq) && $ActName ne $Faq);
# read status data
if (open (FH, "<$File.cfg")) {
if (/##;; Lastpost:\s*(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{2}(\d{2})?)/){
($LPD, $LPM, $LPY) = ($1, $2, $3);
} elsif (/^##;;\s*LastMID:\s*(<\S+@\S+>)\s*$/) {
$SupersedeMID = $1;
close FH;
} else {
warn "$0: W: Couldn't open $File.cfg: $!\n";
$SupersedeMID = "" unless $Supersede;
($NPY,$NPM,$NPD) = calcdelta ($LPY,$LPM,$LPD,$PFreq);
# if FAQ is due: get it out
if (Delta_Days($NPY,$NPM,$NPD,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD) >= 0 or ($Options{'p'})) {
if($Options{'d'}) {
print "$ActName: Would be posted now (but running in simulation mode [$0 -d]).\n" if $Options{'v'};
} else {
} elsif($Options{'v'}) {
print "$ActName: Nothing to do.\n";
#################################### readrc ####################################
# Takes a filename and the reference to an array which contains the valid options
sub readrc{
my ($File, $Config) = @_;
print "Reading $$File.\n" if($Options{'v'});
open FH, "<$$File" or die "$0: Can't open $$File: $!";
while (<FH>) {
if (/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*'?(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$)/) {
if (grep(/$1/,@ValidConfVars)) {
$$Config{$1} = $2 if $2 ne '';
} else {
warn "$0: W: $1 is not a valid configuration variable (reading from $$File)\n";
################################## readconfig ##################################
# Takes a filename, a reference to an array, which will hold hashes with
# the data from $File, and - optionally - the name of the (single) FAQ to post
sub readconfig{
my ($File, $Config, $Faq) = @_;
my ($LastEntry, $Error, $i) = ('','',0);
print "Reading configuration from $$File.\n" if($Options{'v'});
open FH, "<$$File" or die "$0: E: Can't open $$File: $!";
while (<FH>) {
next if (defined($$Faq) && !/^\s*=====\s*$/ && defined($$Config[$i]{'name'}) && $$Config[$i]{'name'} ne $$Faq );
if (/^(\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*'?(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$)|^(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$))/ && not /^\s*$/) {
$LastEntry = lc($2) if $2;
$$Config[$i]{$LastEntry} .= $3 if $3;
$$Config[$i]{$LastEntry} .= "\n$5" if $5 && $5;
if (/^\s*=====\s*$/) {
close FH;
#Check saved values:
for $i (0..$i){
next if (defined($$Faq) && defined($$Config[$i]{'name'}) && $$Config[$i]{'name'} ne $$Faq );
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'name'}) && $$Config[$i]{'name'} =~ /^\S+$/) {
$Error .= "E: The name of your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is not defined or contains whitespaces.\n"
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'file'}) && -f $$Config[$i]{'file'}) {
$Error .= "E: The file to post for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is not defined or does not exist.\n"
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'from'}) && $$Config[$i]{'from'} =~ /\S+\@(\S+\.)?\S{2,}\.\S{2,}/) {
$Error .= "E: The From header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" seems to be incorrect.\n"
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'ngs'}) && $$Config[$i]{'ngs'} =~ /^\S+$/) {
$Error .= "E: The Newsgroups header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is not defined or contains whitespaces.\n"
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'subject'})) {
$Error .= "E: The Subject header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is not defined.\n"
unless(!$$Config[$i]{'fup2'} || $$Config[$i]{'fup2'} =~ /^\S+$/) {
$Error .= "E: The Followup-To header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" contains whitespaces.\n"
unless(defined($$Config[$i]{'posting-frequency'}) && $$Config[$i]{'posting-frequency'} =~ /^\s*\d+\s*[dwmy]\s*$/) {
$Error .= "E: The Posting-frequency for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is invalid.\n"
unless(!$$Config[$i]{'expires'} || $$Config[$i]{'expires'} =~ /^\s*\d+\s*[dwmy]\s*$/) {
warn "$0: W: The Expires for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is invalid - set to 3 month.\n";
$$Config[$i]{'expires'} = '3m'; # set default (3 month) if expires is unset or invalid
unless(!$$Config[$i]{'mid-format'} || $$Config[$i]{'mid-format'} =~ /^<\S+\@(\S+\.)?\S{2,}\.\S{2,}>/) {
warn "$0: W: The Message-ID format for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" seems to be invalid - set to default.\n";
$$Config[$i]{'mid-format'} = '<%n-%y-%m-%d@'.hostfqdn.'>'; # set default if mid-format is invalid
$Error .= "-" x 25 . 'program terminated' . "-" x 25 . "\n" if $Error;
die $Error if $Error;
################################# calcdelta #################################
# Takes a date (year, month and day) and a time period (1d, 1w, 1m, 1y, ...)
# and adds the latter to the former
sub calcdelta {
my ($Year, $Month, $Day, $Period) = @_;
my ($NYear, $NMonth, $NDay);
if ($Period =~ /(\d+)\s*([dw])/) { # Is counted in days or weeks: Use Add_Delta_Days.
($NYear, $NMonth, $NDay) = Add_Delta_Days($Year, $Month, $Day, (($2 eq "w")?$1 * 7: $1 * 1));
} elsif ($Period =~ /(\d+)\s*([my])/) { #Is counted in months or years: Use Add_Delta_YM
($NYear, $NMonth, $NDay) = Add_Delta_YM($Year, $Month, $Day, (($2 eq "m")?(0,$1):($1,0)));
return ($NYear, $NMonth, $NDay);
################################ updatestatus ###############################
# Takes a MID and a status file name
# and writes status information to disk
sub updatestatus {
my ($ActName, $File, $date, $MID) = @_;
print "$$ActName: Save status information.\n" if($Options{'v'});
open (FH, ">$$File.cfg") or die "$0: E: Can't open $$File.cfg: $!";
print FH "##;; Lastpost: $date\n";
print FH "##;; LastMID: $MID\n";
close FH;
################################## postfaq ##################################
# Takes a filename and many other vars.
# It reads the data-file $File and then posts the article.
sub postfaq {
my ($ActName,$File,$From,$Subject,$NG,$Fup2,$MIDF,$Charset,$ExtraHeaders,$Sender,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD,$ReplyTo,$Supersedes,$Expire) = @_;
my (@Header,@Body,$MID,$InRealBody,$LastModified);
print "$$ActName: Preparing to post.\n" if($Options{'v'});
#Prepare MID:
$$TDM = ($$TDM < 10 && $$TDM !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDM : $$TDM;
$$TDD = ($$TDD < 10 && $$TDD !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDD : $$TDD;
my $Timestamp = time;
$MID = $$MIDF;
$MID = '<%n-%y-%m-%d@'.hostfqdn.'>' if !defined($MID); # set to default if unset
$MID =~ s/\%n/$$ActName/g;
$MID =~ s/\%d/$$TDD/g;
$MID =~ s/\%m/$$TDM/g;
$MID =~ s/\%y/$$TDY/g;
$MID =~ s/\%t/$Timestamp/g;
#Now get the body:
open (FH, "<$$File");
while (<FH>){
push (@Body, $_), next if $InRealBody;
$InRealBody++ if /^$/;
$LastModified = $1 if /^Last-modified:\s*(\S+)\s*$/i;
push @Body, $_;
close FH;
push @Body, "\n" if ($Body[-1] ne "\n");
#Create Date- and Expires-Header:
my @time = localtime;
my $ss = ($time[0]<10) ? "0" . $time[0] : $time[0];
my $mm = ($time[1]<10) ? "0" . $time[1] : $time[1];
my $hh = ($time[2]<10) ? "0" . $time[2] : $time[2];
my $day = $time[3];
my $month = ($time[4]+1<10) ? "0" . ($time[4]+1) : $time[4]+1;
my $monthN = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$time[4]];
my $wday = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")[$time[6]];
my $year = (1900 + $time[5]);
my $tz = $time[8] ? " +0200" : " +0100";
$$Expire = '3m' if !$$Expire; # set default if unset: 3 month
my ($expY,$expM,$expD) = calcdelta ($year,$month,$day,$$Expire);
my $expmonthN = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$expM-1];
my $date = "$day $monthN $year " . $hh . ":" . $mm . ":" . $ss . $tz;
my $expdate = "$expD $expmonthN $expY $hh:$mm:$ss$tz";
#Replace %LM by the content of the news.answer-pseudo-header Last-modified:
if ($LastModified) {
$$Subject =~ s/\%LM/$LastModified/;
} else {
$$Subject =~ s/[<\[{\(]?\%LM[>\]}\)]?//;
# Set Charset
$$Charset = 'UTF-8' if !$$Charset;
my $ContentType = sprintf('text/plain; charset=%s',$$Charset);
# Test mode?
if($Options{'t'} and $Options{'t'} !~ /console/i) {
$$NG = $Options{'t'};
$MID =~ s/@/-$Timestamp-test@/g;
$$ExtraHeaders .= "\n" if $$ExtraHeaders;
$$ExtraHeaders .= "X-Supersedes: $$Supersedes\n" if $$Supersedes;
$$ExtraHeaders .= "X-yapfaq-Remark: This is only a test message.";
undef $$Supersedes;
#Now create the complete Header:
push @Header, "From: $$From\n";
push @Header, "Newsgroups: $$NG\n";
push @Header, "Followup-To: $$Fup2\n" if $$Fup2;
push @Header, "Subject: $$Subject\n";
push @Header, "Message-ID: $MID\n";
push @Header, "Supersedes: $$Supersedes\n" if $$Supersedes;
push @Header, "Date: $date\n";
push @Header, "Expires: $expdate\n";
push @Header, "Sender: $$Sender\n" if $$Sender;
push @Header, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
push @Header, "Reply-To: $$ReplyTo\n" if $$ReplyTo;
push @Header, "Content-Type: $ContentType\n";
push @Header, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
push @Header, "User-Agent: yapfaq/$VERSION\n";
if ($$ExtraHeaders) {
push @Header, "$_\n" for (split /\n/, $$ExtraHeaders);
my @Article = (@Header, "\n", @Body);
# post article
print "$$ActName: Posting article ...\n" if($Options{'v'});
my $failure = post(\@Article);
if ($failure) {
print "$$ActName: Posting failed, ERROR.dat may have more information.\n" if($Options{'v'} && (!defined($Options{'t'}) || $Options{'t'} !~ /console/i));
} else {
updatestatus($ActName, $File, "$day.$month.$year", $MID) if !defined($Options{'t'});
################################## post ##################################
# Takes a complete article (Header and Body).
# It opens a connection to $NNTPServer and posts the message.
sub post {
my ($ArticleR) = @_;
my ($failure) = -1;
# test mode - print article to console
if(defined($Options{'t'}) and $Options{'t'} =~ /console/i) {
print "-----BEGIN--------------------------------------------------\n";
print @$ArticleR;
print "------END---------------------------------------------------\n";
# pipe article to script
} elsif(defined($Options{'s'})) {
open (POST, "| $Options{'s'}") or die "$0: E: Cannot fork $Options{'s'}: $!\n";
print POST @$ArticleR;
close POST;
if ($? == 0) {
$failure = 0;
} else {
warn "$0: W: $Options{'s'} exited with status ", ($? >> 8), "\n";
$failure = $?;
# post article
} else {
my $NewsConnection = Net::NNTP->new($Config{'NNTPServer'}, Reader => 1) or die "$0: E: Can't connect to news server '$Config{'NNTPServer'}'!\n";
$NewsConnection->authinfo ($Config{'NNTPUser'}, $Config{'NNTPPass'}) if (defined($Config{'NNTPUser'}));
$NewsConnection->datasend (@$ArticleR);
if ($NewsConnection->ok()) {
$failure = 0;
# Posting failed? Save to ERROR.dat
} else {
warn "$0: W: Posting failed!\n";
open FH, ">>ERROR.dat";
print FH "\nPosting failed! Saving to ERROR.dat. Response from news server:\n";
print FH $NewsConnection->code();
print FH $NewsConnection->message();
print FH "\n";
print FH @$ArticleR;
print FH "-" x 80, "\n";
close FH;
return $failure;
################################ Documentation #################################
=head1 NAME
yapfaq - Post Usenet FAQs I<(yet another postfaq)>
B<yapfaq> [B<-Vhvpd>] [B<-t> I<newsgroups> | CONSOLE] [B<-f> I<project name>] [B<-s> I<program>] [B<-c> I<.rc file>]
=over 2
=item -
Perl 5.8 or later
=item -
=item -
=item -
Furthermore you need access to a news server to actually post FAQs.
B<yapfaq> posts (one or more) FAQs to Usenet with a certain posting
frequency (every n days, weeks, months or years), adding all necessary
headers as defined in its config file (by default F<yapfaq.cfg>).
=head2 Configuration
F<yapfaq.cfg> consists of one or more blocks, separated by C<=====> on
a single line, each containing the configuration for one FAQ as a set
of definitions in the form of I<param = value>. Everything after a "#"
sign is ignored so you may comment your configuration file.
=over 4
=item B<Name> = I<project name>
A name referring to your FAQ, also used for generation of a Message-ID.
This value must be set.
=item B<File> = I<file name>
A file containing the message body of your FAQ and all pseudo headers
(subheaders in the news.answers style).
This value must be set.
=item B<Posting-frequency> = I<time period>
The posting frequency defines how often your FAQ will be posted.
B<yapfaq> will only post your FAQ if this period of time has passed
since the last posting.
You can declare that time period either in I<B<d>ays> or I<B<w>weeks>
or I<B<m>onths> or I<B<y>ears>.
This value must be set.
=item B<Expires> = I<time period> (optional)
The period of time after which your message will expire. An Expires
header will be calculated adding this time period to today's date.
You can declare this time period either in I<B<d>ays> or I<B<w>weeks>
or I<B<m>onths> or I<B<y>ears>.
This setting is optional; the default is 3 months.
=item B<From> = I<author>
The author of your FAQ as it will appear in the From header of the
This value must be set.
=item B<Subject> = I<subject>
The title of your FAQ as it will appear in the Subject header of the
You may use the special string C<%LM> which will be replaced with
the contents of the Last-Modified subheader in your I<File>.
This value must be set.
=item B<NGs> = I<newsgroups>
A comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) to post your FAQ to as it will
appear in the Newsgroups header of the message.
This value must be set.
=item B<Fup2> = I<newsgroup | poster> (optional)
A comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) or the special string I<poster>
as it will appear in the Followup-To header of the message.
This setting is optional.
=item B<MID-Format> = I<pattern> (optional)
A pattern from which the message ID is generated as it will appear in
the Message-ID header of the message.
You may use the special strings C<%n> for the I<Name> of your project,
C<%d> for the date the message is posted, C<%m> for the month, C<%y>
for the year and C<%t> for a time stamp (number of seconds since the
epoch), respectively.
This setting is optional; the default is '<%n-%y-%m-%d@I<YOURHOST>>'
where I<YOURHOST> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the
host B<yapfaq> is running on. Obviously that will only work if you
have defined a reasonable hostname that the hostfqdn() function of
Net::Domain can return.
=item B<Charset> = I<encoding> (optional)
The character encoding of your FAQ. This setting is optional, but
should match the encoding of your FAQ B<File>. Default is set to
This setting is copied verbatim to the I<Content-Type> header.
=item B<Supersede> = I<yes> (optional)
Add Supersedes header to the message containing the Message-ID header
of the last posting.
This setting is optional; you should set it to yes or leave it out.
=item B<ExtraHeader> = I<additional headers> (optional)
The contents of I<ExtraHeader> is added verbatim to the headers of
your message so you can add custom headers like Approved.
This setting is optional.
=head3 Example configuration file
# name of your project
Name = 'testpost'
# file to post (complete body and pseudo-headers)
# ($File.cfg contains data on last posting and last MID)
File = 'test.txt'
# how often your project should be posted
# use (d)ay OR (w)eek OR (m)onth OR (y)ear
Posting-frequency = '1d'
# time period after which the posting should expire
# use (d)ay OR (w)eek OR (m)onth OR (y)ear
# Expires = '3m'
# header "From:"
From = 'test@domain.invalid'
# header "Subject:"
# (may contain "%LM" which will be replaced by the contents of the
# Last-Modified pseudo header).
Subject = 'test noreply ignore'
# comma-separated list of newsgroup(s) to post to
# (header "Newsgroups:")
NGs = 'de.test'
# header "Followup-To:"
# Fup2 = 'poster'
# Message-ID ("%n" is $Name)
# MID-Format = '<%n-%d.%m.%y@domain.invalid>'
# Character Encoding
# This setting is optional. Default: UTF-8
# Charset = ISO-8859-15
# Supersede last posting?
Supersede = yes
# extra headers (appended verbatim)
# use this for custom headers like "Approved:"
ExtraHeader = 'Approved: moderator@domain.invalid
X-Header: Some text'
# other projects may follow separated with "====="
Name = 'othertest'
File = 'test.txt'
Posting-frequency = '2m'
From = 'My Name <my.name@domain.invalid>'
Subject = 'Test of yapfag <%LM>'
NGs = 'de.test,de.alt.test'
Fup2 = 'de.test'
MID-Format = '<%n-%m.%y@domain.invalid>'
Supersede = yes
=head3 Status Information
Information about the last post and about how to form message IDs for
posts is stored in a file named F<I<project name>.cfg> which will be
generated if it does not exist. Each of those status files will
contain two lines, the first being the date of the last time the FAQ
was posted and the second being the message ID of that incarnation.
=head2 Runtime Configuration
Apart from configuring which FAQ(s) to post you may (re)set some
runtime configuration variables via the .rcfile (by default
F<.yapfaqrc>). F<.yapfaqrc> must contain one definition in the form of
I<param = value> on each line; everything after a "#" sign is ignored.
If you omit some settings they will be set to default values hardcoded
in F<yapfaq.pl>.
B<Please note that all parameter names are case-sensitive!>
=over 4
=item B<NNTPServer> = I<NNTP server> (mandatory)
Host name of the NNTP server to post to. Must be set (or omitted; the
default is "localhost"); if set to en empty string, B<yapfaq> falls
back to Perl's build-in defaults (contents of environment variables
NNTPSERVER and NEWSHOST; if not set, default from Net::Config; if not
set, "news" is used).
=item B<NNTPUser> = I<user name> (optional)
User name used for authentication with the NNTP server (I<AUTHINFO
This setting is optional; if it is not set, I<NNTPPass> is ignored and
no authentication is tried.
=item B<NNTPPass> = I<password> (optional)
Password used for authentication with the NNTP server (I<AUTHINFO
This setting is optional; it must be set if I<NNTPUser> is present.
=item B<Sender> = I<Sender header> (optional)
The Sender header that will be added to every posted message.
This setting is optional.
=item B<ConfigFile> = I<configuration file> (mandatory)
The configuration file defining the FAQ(s) to post. Must be set (or
omitted; the default is "yapfaq.cfg").
=item B<Program> = I<file name> (optional)
A program the article is piped to instead of posting it to Usenet.
See option "-f" below (which takes preference).
This setting is optional.
=head3 Example runtime configuration file
NNTPServer = 'localhost'
NNTPUser = ''
NNTPPass = ''
Sender = ''
ConfigFile = 'yapfaq.cfg'
Program = ''
=head3 Using more than one runtime configuration
You may use more than one runtime configuration file with the B<-c>
option (see below).
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 3
=item B<-V> (version)
Print out version and copyright information on B<yapfaq> and exit.
=item B<-h> (help)
Print this man page and exit.
=item B<-v> (verbose)
Print out status information while running to STDOUT.
=item B<-p> (post unconditionally)
Post (all) FAQs unconditionally ignoring the posting frequency setting.
You may want to use this with the B<-f> option (see below).
=item B<-d> (dry run)
Start B<yapfaq> in simulation mode, i.e. don't post anything and don't
update any status information.
=item B<-t> I<newsgroup(s) | CONSOLE> (test)
Don't post to the newsgroups defined in F<yqpfaq.cfg>, but to the
(test) newsgroup(s) given after B<-t> as a comma-separated list or
print the FAQs to STDOUT separated by lines of dashes if the special
string C<CONSOLE> is given. This can be used to preview what
B<yapfaq> would do without embarassing yourself on Usenet.
The status files are not updated when this option is given.
When this option is used to post to some other newsgroup(s), a(nother)
timestamp is added to the Message-ID header and the Supersedes header
is replaced by a special X-Supersedes header.
You may want to use this with the B<-f> option (see below).
=item B<-f> I<project name>
Just deal with one FAQ only.
By default B<yapfaq> will work on all FAQs that are defined in
F<yapfaq.cfg>, check whether they are due for posting and - if they
are - post them. Consequently when the B<-p> option is set all FAQs
will be posted unconditionally. That may not be what you want to
achieve, so you can limit the operation of B<yapfaq> to the named FAQ
=item B<-s> I<program> (pipe to script)
Instead of posting the article(s) to Usenet pipe them to the external
I<program> on STDIN (which may post the article(s) then). A return
value of 0 will be considered success.
For example, you may want to use the I<inews> utility from the INN package
or the much more powerful replacement I<tinews.pl> from
I<ftp://ftp.tin.org/tin/tools/tinews.pl> which is able to sign postings.
If I<Program> is also defined in the runtime configuration file (by default
F<.yapfaqrc>), B<-s> takes preference.
=item B<-c> I<.rc file>
Load another runtime configuration file (.rc file) than F<.yaofaq.rc>.
You may for example define another usenet server to post your FAQ(s)
to or load another configuration file defining (an)other FAQ(s).
Just copy the contents of the tarball in some directory and get started.
You can post your first test with
yapfaq -c .yapfaqrc.sample
or copy F<.yapfaqrc.sample> to F<.yapfaqrc> and F<yapfaq.cfg.sample>
to F<yapfaq.cfg>, edit those files and get really started!
Post all FAQs that are due for posting:
Do a dry run, showing which FAQs would be posted:
yapfaq -dv
Do a test run and print on STDOUT what the FAQ I<myfaq> would look
like when posted, regardless whether it is due for posting or not:
yapfaq -pt CONSOLE -f myfaq
Do a "real" test run and post the FAQ I<myfaq> to I<de.test>, but only
if it is due:
yapfaq -t de.test -f myfaq
Post all FAQs (that are due for posting) using inews from INN:
yapfaq -s inews
Do a dry run using a runtime configuration from .alternaterc, showing
which FAQs would be posted:
yapfaq -dvc .alternaterc
=over 4
The default NNTP server to post to, used by the Net::NNTP module. You
can also specify the server using the runtime configuration file (by
default F<.yapfaqrc>).
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<yapfaq.pl>
The script itself.
=item F<.yapfaqrc>
Runtime configuration file for B<yapfaq>.
=item F<yapfaq.cfg>
Configuration file for B<yapfaq>.
=item F<*.cfg>
Status data on FAQs.
The status files will be created on successful posting if they don't
already exist. The first line of the file will be the date of the last
time the FAQ was posted and the second line will be the message ID of
the last post of that FAQ.
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the author or use the
bug tracker at L<https://code.virtcomm.de/thh/yapfaq/issues>!
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<https://th-h.de/net/software/yapfaq/> will have the current
version of this program.
This program is maintained using the Git version control system at
=head1 AUTHOR
Thomas Hochstein <thh@thh.name>
Original author (up to version 0.5b, dating from 2003):
Marc Brockschmidt <marc@marcbrockschmidt.de>
Copyright (c) 2003 Marc Brockschmidt <marc@marcbrockschmidt.de>
Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Thomas Hochstein <thh@thh.name>
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.