Thomas Hochstein 15dd764aad Don't use PGP by default.
Change default: Do not sign by default.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Hochstein <thh@inter.net>
2010-02-21 18:38:27 +01:00

414 lines
13 KiB

#! /usr/bin/perl -W
# yapfaq Version 0.5b by Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt
# This script posts any project described in it's config-file. Most persons
# will use it in combination with cron(8).
# Copyright (C) 2003 Marc Brockschmidt <marc@marcbrockschmidt.de>
# It can be redistributed and/or modified under the same terms under
# which Perl itself is published.
my $Version = "0.5b";
my $NNTPServer = "";
my $NNTPUser = "";
my $NNTPPass = "";
my $Sender = "";
my $ConfigFile = "yapfaq.cfg";
my $UsePGP = 0;
################################## PGP-Config #################################
my $pgp = '/usr/bin/pgp'; # path to pgp
my $PGPVersion = '2'; # Use 2 for 2.X, 5 for PGP > 2.X and GPG for GPG
my $PGPSigner = ''; # sign as who?
my $PGPPass = ''; # pgp2 only
my $PathtoPGPPass = ''; # pgp2, pgp5 and gpg
my $pgpbegin ='-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----';# Begin of PGP-Signature
my $pgpend ='-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----'; # End of PGP-Signature
my $pgptmpf ='pgptmp'; # temporary file for PGP.
my $pgpheader ='X-PGP-Sig';
my @PGPSignHeaders = ('From', 'Newsgroups', 'Subject', 'Control',
'Supersedes', 'Followup-To', 'Date', 'Sender', 'Approved',
'Message-ID', 'Reply-To', 'Cancel-Lock', 'Cancel-Key',
'Also-Control', 'Distribution');
my @PGPorderheaders = ('from', 'newsgroups', 'subject', 'control',
'supersedes', 'followup-To', 'date', 'organization', 'lines',
'sender', 'approved', 'distribution', 'message-id',
'references', 'reply-to', 'mime-version', 'content-type',
'content-transfer-encoding', 'summary', 'keywords', 'cancel-lock',
'cancel-key', 'also-control', 'x-pgp', 'user-agent');
############################# End of Configuration #############################
use strict;
use Net::NNTP;
use Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_YM Add_Delta_Days Delta_Days Today);
use Fcntl ':flock'; # import LOCK_* constants
my ($TDY, $TDM, $TDD) = Today(); #TD: Today's date
my @Config;
readconfig (\$ConfigFile, \@Config);
foreach (@Config) {
my ($LPD,$LPM,$LPY) = (01, 01, 0001); #LP: Last posting-date
my ($NPY,$NPM,$NPD); #NP: Next posting-date
my $SupersedeMID;
my ($ActName,$File,$PFreq) =($$_{'name'},$$_{'file'},$$_{'posting-frequency'});
my ($From,$Subject,$NG,$Fup2)=($$_{'from'},$$_{'subject'},$$_{'ngs'},$$_{'fup2'});
my ($MIDF,$ReplyTo,$ExtHea)=($$_{'mid-format'},$$_{'reply-to'},$$_{'extraheader'});
my ($Supersede) =($$_{'supersede'});
if (open (FH, "<$File.cfg")) {
if (/##;; Lastpost:\s*(\d{1,2})\.(\d{1,2})\.(\d{2}(\d{2})?)/){
($LPD, $LPM, $LPY) = ($1, $2, $3);
} elsif (/^##;;\s*LastMID:\s*(<\S+@\S+>)\s*$/) {
$SupersedeMID = $1;
close FH;
} else {
warn "Couldn't open $File.cfg: $!";
$SupersedeMID = "" unless $Supersede;
if ($PFreq =~ /(\d+)\s*([dw])/) { # Is counted in days or weeks: Use Add_Delta_Days.
($NPY,$NPM,$NPD) = Add_Delta_Days($LPY, $LPM, $LPD, (($2 eq "w")?$1 * 7: $1 * 1));
} elsif ($PFreq =~ /(\d+)\s*([my])/) { #Is counted in months or years: Use Add_Delta_YM
($NPY,$NPM,$NPD) = Add_Delta_YM($LPY, $LPM, $LPD, (($2 eq "m")?(0,$1):($1,0)));
if (Delta_Days($NPY,$NPM,$NPD,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD) >= 0 ) {
################################## readconfig ##################################
# Takes a filename and the reference to an array, which will hold hashes with
# the data from $File.
sub readconfig{
my ($File, $Config) = @_;
my ($LastEntry, $Error, $i) = ('','',0);
open FH, "<$$File" or die "$0: Can't open $$File: $!";
while (<FH>) {
if (/^(\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*'?(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$)|^(.*?)'?\s*(#.*$|$))/ && not /^\s*$/) {
$LastEntry = lc($2) if $2;
$$Config[$i]{$LastEntry} .= $3 if $3;
$$Config[$i]{$LastEntry} .= "\n$5" if $5 && $5;
if (/^\s*=====\s*$/) {
close FH;
#Check saved values:
for $i (0..$i){
unless($$Config[$i]{'from'} =~ /\S+\@(\S+\.)?\S{2,}\.\S{2,}/) {
$Error .= "The From-header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" seems to be incorrect.\n"
unless($$Config[$i]{'ngs'} =~ /^\S+$/) {
$Error .= "The Newsgroups-header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" contains whitespaces.\n"
unless(!$$Config[$i]{'fup2'} || $$Config[$i]{'fup2'} =~ /^\S+$/) {
$Error .= "The Followup-To-header for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" contains whitespaces.\n"
unless($$Config[$i]{'posting-frequency'} =~ /^\s*\d+\s*[dwmy]\s*$/) {
$Error .= "The Posting-frequency for your project \"$$Config[$i]{'name'}\" is invalid.\n"
$Error .= "-" x 25 . "\n" if $Error;
die $Error if $Error;
################################## postfaq ##################################
# Takes a filename and many other vars.
# It reads the data-file $File and then posts the article.
sub postfaq {
my ($ActName,$File,$From,$Subject,$NG,$Fup2,$MIDF,$ExtraHeaders,$Sender,$TDY,$TDM,$TDD,$ReplyTo,$Supersedes) = @_;
my (@Header,@Body,$MID,$InRealBody,$LastModified);
#Prepare MID:
$$TDM = ($$TDM < 10 && $$TDM !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDM : $$TDM;
$$TDD = ($$TDD < 10 && $$TDD !~ /^0/) ? "0" . $$TDD : $$TDD;
$MID = $$MIDF;
$MID =~ s/\%n/$$ActName/g;
$MID =~ s/\%d/$$TDD/g;
$MID =~ s/\%m/$$TDM/g;
$MID =~ s/\%y/$$TDY/g;
#Now get the body:
open (FH, "<$$File");
while (<FH>){
push (@Body, $_), next if $InRealBody;
$InRealBody++ if /^$/;
$LastModified = $1 if /^Last-modified: (\S+)$/;
push @Body, $_;
close FH;
push @Body, "\n" if ($Body[-1] ne "\n");
#Create Date- and Expires-Header:
my @time = localtime;
my $ss = ($time[0]<10) ? "0" . $time[0] : $time[0];
my $mm = ($time[1]<10) ? "0" . $time[1] : $time[1];
my $hh = ($time[2]<10) ? "0" . $time[2] : $time[2];
my $day = $time[3];
my $month = ($time[4]+1<10) ? "0" . ($time[4]+1) : $time[4]+1;
my $monthN = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$time[4]];
my $wday = ("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat")[$time[6]];
my $year = (1900 + $time[5]);
my $tz = $time[8] ? " +0200" : " +0100";
my ($expY,$expM,$expD) = Add_Delta_YM($year, $month, $day, 0, 3);
my $expmonthN = ("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")[$expM-1];
my $date = "$day $monthN $year " . $hh . ":" . $mm . ":" . $ss . $tz;
my $expdate = "$expD $expmonthN $expY $hh:$mm:$ss$tz";
#Replace %LM by the content of the news.answer-pseudo-header Last-modified:
if ($LastModified) {
$$Subject =~ s/\%LM/$LastModified/;
#Now create the complete Header:
push @Header, "From: $$From\n";
push @Header, "Newsgroups: $$NG\n";
push @Header, "Followup-To: $$Fup2\n" if $$Fup2;
push @Header, "Subject: $$Subject\n";
push @Header, "Message-ID: $MID\n";
push @Header, "Supersedes: $$Supersedes\n" if $$Supersedes;
push @Header, "Date: $date\n";
push @Header, "Expires: $expdate\n";
push @Header, "Sender: $$Sender\n" if $$Sender;
push @Header, "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
push @Header, "Reply-To: $$ReplyTo\n" if $$ReplyTo;
push @Header, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15\n";
push @Header, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
push @Header, "User-Agent: yapfaq/$Version\n";
if ($$ExtraHeaders) {
push @Header, "$_\n" for (split /\n/, $$ExtraHeaders);
my @Article = ($UsePGP)?@{signpgp(\@Header, \@Body)}:(@Header, "\n", @Body);
open (FH, ">$$File.cfg") or die "$0: Can't open $$File.cfg: $!";
print FH "##;; Lastpost: $day.$month.$year\n";
print FH "##;; LastMID: $MID\n";
close FH;
################################## post ##################################
# Takes a complete article (Header and Body).
# It opens a connection to $NNTPServer and posts the message.
sub post {
my ($ArticleR) = @_;
my $NewsConnection = Net::NNTP->new($NNTPServer, Reader => 1)
or die "Can't connect to news server $NNTPServer!\n";
$NewsConnection->authinfo ($NNTPUser, $NNTPPass);
$NewsConnection->datasend (@$ArticleR);
if (!$NewsConnection->ok()) {
open FH, ">>ERROR.dat";
print FH "\nPosting failed! Response from news server:\n";
print FH $NewsConnection->code();
print FH $NewsConnection->message();
print FH "\n";
print FH @$ArticleR;
print FH "-" x 80, "\n";
close FH;
#-------- sub getpgpcommand
# getpgpcommand generates the command to sign the message and returns it.
# Receives:
# - $PGPVersion: A scalar holding the PGPVersion
sub getpgpcommand {
my ($PGPVersion) = @_;
my $PGPCommand;
if ($PGPVersion eq '2') {
if ($PathtoPGPPass && !$PGPPass) {
open (PGPPW, $PathtoPGPPass) or die "Can't open $PathtoPGPPass: $!";
$PGPPass = <PGPPW>;
close PGPPW;
if ($PGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASS=\"".$PGPPass."\" ".$pgp." -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" +verbose=0 language='en' -saft <".$pgptmpf.".txt >".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc";
} else {
die "$0: PGP-Passphrase is unknown!\n";
} elsif ($PGPVersion eq '5') {
if ($PathtoPGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = "PGPPASSFD=2 ".$pgp."s -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" -t --armor -o ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc -z -f < ".$pgptmpf.".txt 2<".$PathtoPGPPass;
} else {
die "$0: PGP-Passphrase is unknown!\n";
} elsif ($PGPVersion =~ m/GPG/io) {
if ($PathtoPGPPass) {
$PGPCommand = $pgp." --digest-algo MD5 -a -u \"".$PGPSigner."\" -o ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc --no-tty --batch --passphrase-fd 2 2<".$PathtoPGPPass." --clearsign ".$pgptmpf.".txt";
} else {
die "$0: Passphrase is unknown!\n";
} else {
die "$0: Unknown PGP-Version $PGPVersion!";
return $PGPCommand;
#-------- sub signarticle
# signarticle signs an articel and returns a reference to an array
# containing the whole signed Message.
# Receives:
# - $HeaderAR: A reference to a array containing the articles headers.
# - $BodyR: A reference to an array containing the body.
# Returns:
# - $MessageRef: A reference to an array containing the whole message.
sub signpgp {
my ($HeaderAR, $BodyR) = @_;
my (@pgphead, @pgpbody, $pgphead, $pgpbody, $header, $signheaders, @signheaders, $currentheader, $HeaderR, $line);
foreach my $line (@$HeaderAR) {
if ($line =~ /^(\S+):\s+(.*)$/s) {
$currentheader = $1;
$$HeaderR{lc($currentheader)} = "$1: $2";
} else {
$$HeaderR{lc($currentheader)} .= $line;
foreach (@PGPSignHeaders) {
if (defined($$HeaderR{lc($_)}) && $$HeaderR{lc($_)} =~ m/^[^\s:]+: .+/o) {
push @signheaders, $_;
$pgpbody = join ("", @$BodyR);
# Delete and create the temporary pgp-Files
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt";
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt.asc";
$signheaders = join(",", @signheaders);
$pgphead = "X-Signed-Headers: $signheaders\n";
foreach $header (@signheaders) {
if ($$HeaderR{lc($header)} =~ m/^[^\s:]+: (.+?)\n?$/so) {
$pgphead .= $header.": ".$1."\n";
open(FH, ">" . $pgptmpf . ".txt") or die "$0: can't open $pgptmpf: $!\n";
print FH $pgphead, "\n", $pgpbody;
print FH "\n" if ($PGPVersion =~ m/GPG/io); # workaround a pgp/gpg incompatibility - should IMHO be fixed in pgpverify
close(FH) or warn "$0: Couldn't close TMP: $!\n";
# Start PGP, then read the signature;
my $PGPCommand = getpgpcommand($PGPVersion);
open (FH, "<" . $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc") or die "$0: can't open ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc: $!\n";
$/ = "$pgpbegin\n";
$_ = <FH>;
unless (m/\Q$pgpbegin\E$/o) {
# unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
# unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: $pgpbegin not found in ".$pgptmpf.".txt.asc\n"
unlink($pgptmpf . ".txt") or warn "$0: Couldn't unlink $pgptmpf.txt: $!\n";
$/ = "\n";
$_ = <FH>;
unless (m/^Version: (\S+)(?:\s(\S+))?/o) {
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: didn't find PGP Version line where expected.\n";
if (defined($2)) {
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} = $1."-".$2." ".$signheaders;
} else {
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} = $1." ".$signheaders;
do { # skip other pgp headers like
$_ = <FH>; # "charset:"||"comment:" until empty line
} while ! /^$/;
while (<FH>) {
last if /^\Q$pgpend\E$/;
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} .= "\n\t$_";
$$HeaderR{$pgpheader} .= "\n" unless ($$HeaderR{$pgpheader} =~ /\n$/s);
$_ = <FH>;
unless (eof(FH)) {
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt";
unlink $pgptmpf . ".txt.asc";
die "$0: unexpected data following $pgpend\n";
unlink "$pgptmpf.txt.asc";
my $tmppgpheader = $pgpheader . ": " . $$HeaderR{$pgpheader};
delete $$HeaderR{$pgpheader};
@pgphead = ();
foreach $header (@PGPorderheaders) {
if ($$HeaderR{$header} && $$HeaderR{$header} ne "\n") {
push(@pgphead, "$$HeaderR{$header}");
delete $$HeaderR{$header};
foreach $header (keys %$HeaderR) {
if ($$HeaderR{$header} && $$HeaderR{$header} ne "\n") {
push(@pgphead, "$$HeaderR{$header}");
delete $$HeaderR{$header};
push @pgphead, ("X-PGP-Key: " . $PGPSigner . "\n"), $tmppgpheader;
undef $tmppgpheader;
@pgpbody = split /$/m, $pgpbody;
my @pgpmessage = (@pgphead, "\n", @pgpbody);
return \@pgpmessage;